10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers

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10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers:

1. You spoke to and/or emailed Jim more than seven times to discuss your speaker options, and you spent more time deciding which model to buy than you did deciding the name of your first child;

2. After you finally placed your order, you became nervous, developed insomnia, and your wife began to suspect that you were having an affair.  However, you were oblivious to your wife's concerns because you were preoccupied checking your PM folder, looking for Dennis' reply to your last PM;

3. When you finally convinced your wife that you were not having an affair but were merely anxious about your speaker purchase/delivery, she secretly contacted your primary care physician about your need for psychotherapy and medication.  You never contacted the psychiatrist that your physician recommended because you were too stressed out about whether or not you should change your speaker order;

4. With the support of other Salk Signature Sound owners, and after only one or two order changes, you eventually became content with your speaker decision.  After you joyously paid your final invoice, you began, however, checking FedEx's tracking site constantly, and your employer, in desperation, instituted additional rules about personal use of computers in the workplace;

5. Your co-workers refer to the new computer rules as [your name]'s Rules;

6. On the day that your speakers were scheduled to be delivered, you told your employer that you were sick, but your employer, who was determined not to be an enabler, insisted that you come to work. Since you weren't able to stay home, you contacted your wife and asked her to leave her work and drive around the neighborhood looking for FedEx trucks.  When she asked you if you were serious, you thought, "What planet does she come from?";

7. After your speakers were delivered, you spent the first night sleeping on the floor of your listening room, but since you recently installed an extra-thick rug to reduce reflections, you were comfortable;

8. The next morning, your children, seeing you asleep on the floor, asked your wife if she and you were getting divorced; 

9. You asked your wife for help photographing the speakers to post on the forum, and after you posted the photos on the forum, you sent one of the .jpg files to an online photo service for a 5X7 for your desk at work and a wallet-sized photo to carry with you; and

10. When you were introduced to someone named Richard Thomas, you shook his hand and stated, "RT, ribbon tweeter."

Now, your wife and you listen to beautiful music together.  Your children are happy to see their parents' love.  Life is good.

edited for grammar and content and to steal incorporate subsequent poster's ideas

« Last Edit: 10 Jun 2009, 09:48 pm by oneinthepipe »

Big Red Machine

Re: You know that you are addicted to Salk Speakers when:
« Reply #1 on: 10 Jun 2009, 04:16 pm »
Your son gets a nail and a hammer to remove the hinges from your door to your room as he is worried you are still alive.  (True Story)


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Re: You know that you are addicted to Salk Speakers when:
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jun 2009, 05:13 pm »
You get to work at 4 am to get in half a days work before the Fed Truck arrives and he still beats you home.


Re: You know that you are addicted to Salk Speakers when:
« Reply #3 on: 10 Jun 2009, 05:57 pm »
You know that you are addicted to Salk Speakers when:

1. You spend more time deciding which model to buy than you did deciding the name of your first child;

2. After you finally place your order, you become nervous, develop insomnia, and your wife begins to suspect that you are having an affair;

3. When you convince your wife that you are anxious about your speaker purchase/delivery, she secretly contacts your primary care physician about your need for psychotherapy and medication;

4. After you joyously pay your final invoice, you check FedEx's tracking site constantly, and your employer institutes additional rules about personal computer use in the workplace;

5. Your co-workers refer to the new personal computer use rule as [your name]'s Rule;

6. On the day that your speakers are scheduled to be delivered, you tell your employer that you are sick, but your employer insists that you come to work;

7. Since you weren't able to stay home, you contact your wife and ask her to leave her work and drive around the neighborhood looking for FedEx trucks;

8. After your speakers are delivered, you spend the first night sleeping on the floor of your listening room, but since you recently installed an extra-thick rug to reduce reflections, you are comfortable;

9. The next morning, your children ask your wife if she and you are getting divorced; 

10. You ask your wife for help photographing the speakers to post on the forum;

11. After you post the photos on the forum, you send one of the .jpg files to an online photo service for a 5X7 for your desk at work and a wallet-sized photo to carry with you; and

12. When you are introduced to someone named Richard Thomas, you shake his hand and state, "RT, ribbon tweeter."

hilarious! Bravo!


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Re: You know that you are addicted to Salk Speakers when:
« Reply #4 on: 10 Jun 2009, 06:22 pm »
"Salk. It's not a speaker - it's an obsession." :)


:lol:  I love it!


Re: You know that you are addicted to Salk Speakers when:
« Reply #6 on: 10 Jun 2009, 09:19 pm »
"Salk. It's not a speaker - it's an obsession." :)

You have to use the "obsession" name for the HT4!


Re: 10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers
« Reply #7 on: 10 Jun 2009, 11:29 pm »
Sick Bastard!

Wayner :)


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Re: 10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers
« Reply #8 on: 11 Jun 2009, 01:41 am »
Sick Bastard!

Wayner :)

Haha! Assuming that you are referring to me rather to a few other equally-suspect members, I am guilty as charged.  Both counts, too.  :lol:  However, I plead jitter-induced temporary insanity.

Hey, and how are you Wayner?  You need to start a new thread on the AVA forum; it is getting too quiet over there.   :green:


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Re: You know that you are addicted to Salk Speakers when:
« Reply #9 on: 11 Jun 2009, 12:55 pm »
"Salk. It's not a speaker - it's an obsession." :)

You have to use the "obsession" name for the HT4!

Yes, that could work.

The Salk HT4 Obsession.



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Re: 10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers
« Reply #10 on: 16 Jun 2009, 02:43 am »
a few more

1) you obsess over burbinga or dark walnut
2) you upgrade everything else to let the light shine on thru
3) you take a ribbing from friends who've never heard until they come over
4) when you say Oakland, you are thinking of a wherehouse near pontiac
5) you consider going to denver just to see the whole line up in one room
6) you don't listen to equipment, you listen to the passion in the music
7) you host anyone interested in stopping by for a listen
8) you buy without hearing them with no remorse whatsoever
9) your wife doesn't mind if these stick out into the room too far
10) you don't have to second mortage the house to upgrade in the line
(well at least till the HT4)
11) you rest well knowing two sensible guys have made a great product at a nice price that you will enjoy for years to come


Re: 10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers
« Reply #11 on: 16 Jun 2009, 03:22 am »
I have an addition.

When you go to audition other brands of speakers with your friends or just for fun, the experience is no longer enjoyable because everything falls short when compared to your Salk's (true story).  In turn, the drive homes seems like an eternity, as you cannot wait to get home and once again hear how good your system really is.   


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Re: 10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers
« Reply #12 on: 16 Jun 2009, 05:25 am »
11. You go to other peoples' homes to audition their speakers, and you bring your Salk speakers with you in the special travel cases that you built for them.   (Now there is an idea; special travel cases. :idea:); 

12. You have spent so much time studying veneers to select for your speakers that you have become a "wood expert," and when you are furniture shopping with your wife, you are only concerned about the wood's figure/pattern, grain, color, and depth. 


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Re: 10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers
« Reply #13 on: 16 Jun 2009, 05:40 am »

1) you obsess over burbinga or dark walnut

You can't decide between the two veneers, and you have one speaker finished in bubinga and the other speaker in walnut

11) you rest well knowing two sensible guys have made a great product at a nice price that you will enjoy for years to come

Well said


Re: 10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers
« Reply #14 on: 16 Jun 2009, 12:21 pm »
I have an addition.

When you go to audition other brands of speakers with your friends or just for fun, the experience is no longer enjoyable because everything falls short when compared to your Salk's (true story).  In turn, the drive homes seems like an eternity, as you cannot wait to get home and once again hear how good your system really is.

This one has hit me HARD!  I sit in silence in my car a lot because I can't stand the mediocrity.  At home I only listen to headphones as my current set up doesn't make the cut.   


Re: 10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers
« Reply #15 on: 16 Jun 2009, 12:24 pm »
How about this one.

When someone makes the mistake and asks you about speaker recommendations and you sit them down for an hour lecture.


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Re: 10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers
« Reply #16 on: 16 Jun 2009, 03:01 pm »
How about this one.

When someone makes the mistake and asks you about speaker recommendations and you sit them down for an hour lecture.

I do that, and I don't even own Salk speakers. :)


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Re: 10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers
« Reply #17 on: 16 Jun 2009, 03:38 pm »
How about this one.

When someone makes the mistake and asks you about speaker recommendations and you sit them down for an hour lecture.

I do that, and I don't even own Salk speakers. :)

I do that as well, they ask for suggestions you tell them about 1000 things, then they don't listen arrrg.


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Re: 10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers
« Reply #18 on: 16 Jun 2009, 04:36 pm »
You contemplate buying a pair just for the ability to take a picture of them for the possibility of winning a hat.

You start a thread titled, "10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers".


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Re: 10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers
« Reply #19 on: 16 Jun 2009, 05:16 pm »
You start a thread titled, "10 ways to know that you are obsessed with Salk Speakers".

Hmm, wonder what that is supposed to mean.