"POP" noise with MCH3-SE-C7

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  • Jr. Member
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"POP" noise with MCH3-SE-C7
« on: 23 Sep 2014, 07:58 pm »
Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum. I read the main topics, I hope I did not post the wrong place.

I just bought a MCH3-SE-C7 used amplifier and I have a problem when it is turned on and off.
When I electrically branch the amp, my speakers will emit a "pop" very unpleasant.
When I shut it off, after passing OFF, I disconnect the electrical arrived a few minutes later, he made ​​a "pop" very strong in the speakers.
I want to be able to electrically disconnect when I'm not using. I did not have this problem at all with my previous amplifier.
I tried using the RCA cables modulations connected and unconnected, it does the same.
Does anyone have an idea?

Thank you very much in advance, I am interested in any track.

John Casler

Re: "POP" noise with MCH3-SE-C7
« Reply #1 on: 24 Sep 2014, 05:45 am »
While I am not sure what "electrically branch the amp" means, the behavior I think you are describing is not normal.

You should always turn your gear on slowly working from the source, to the amp (the amp being the LAST component to be powered up).

The opposite order is utilized in powering down, shutting down the amp FIRST, and the source LAST.

If that does not help, you need to contact tech support.

Also make sure any "unused" channels are shut off via the individual channel shut off unless they are connected to speakers.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 4
Re: "POP" noise with MCH3-SE-C7
« Reply #2 on: 24 Sep 2014, 09:08 am »
Hi, thanks for your reply.

To try to be more clear, my ignition procedure is:
pre-amp ON -> wait 15s -> physical power connection of NuForce -> "POP" in speakers -> NuForce is started in the last channel configuration

My shutdown procedure is:
NuForce OFF (via remote) -> wait 15s -> physical power disconnection of NuForce -> "POP" in speakers -> pre-amp OFF

When I say connecting and disconnecting power, it's physics: physically disconnecting the plug.

Unused channels are switched off and never turned on.

Does my explanation is clearer?

John Casler

Re: "POP" noise with MCH3-SE-C7
« Reply #3 on: 24 Sep 2014, 02:35 pm »
Yes that sounds like a good procedure.

It would appear that the unit may need service.



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 4
Re: "POP" noise with MCH3-SE-C7
« Reply #4 on: 24 Sep 2014, 02:43 pm »
I made a support request yesterday, I wait their answer.


  • Industry Participant
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Re: "POP" noise with MCH3-SE-C7
« Reply #5 on: 25 Sep 2014, 08:11 am »
Please adhere to using either the Trigger or Remote or pushing the Red On/Off button for powering up/down the MCH.

If you pull the power plug on MCH then you will hear a loud pop.  Please turn on and off the MCH using the red power on/off switch, which is a soft turn on/off process, that controls the MCU internally to first power down the output devices.   Unplugging the power cord should only be done when you are removing the MCH from the system.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 4
Re: "POP" noise with MCH3-SE-C7
« Reply #6 on: 25 Sep 2014, 09:17 am »
If I use the trigger or the remote to OFF, there is rarely POP when stopping. After this step, I can pull the power plug without problems.
If, against I use the red button on the back, I have exactly the same behavior as if I pull the power plug without first made ​​an OFF on the NuForce: a loud POP.
It's annoying because loud POP can happen during a power outage (this happens occasionally at home) but I can live with.

What mainly my problem is the POP when turning the amp. (which happens far more regularly than a power outage ;) )
As soon as I plug the power socket of the NuForce, channels go all red a split second and that's when I hear the POP from the speakers. After that, they turn blue to green very quickly before dying. Then the NuForce active channels that were on before stopping.