Anyone here using hearing aids to listen to music?,not streaming

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Is it OK to send you a P.M?...I have a few questions,plus I see you are in my area also.Thanks,Huck

Hi Huck, you can call me, if you like.Mariusz at 226-972-0633.

Hi: I won't bother you with a phone call,but I will message you once I figure out what questions I need to ask you..OK?.
I can barely hear the dial tone on my cordless phone.Thanks,Huck

Mariusz Uszynski

Hi: I won't bother you with a phone call,but I will message you once I figure out what questions I need to ask you..OK?.
I can barely hear the dial tone on my cordless phone.Thanks,Huck

Get your questions ready, if you decide to talk, you got my phone #.


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Hi: I won't bother you with a phone call,but I will message you once I figure out what questions I need to ask you..OK?.
I can barely hear the dial tone on my cordless phone.Thanks,Huck

Get your questions ready, if you decide to talk, you got my phone #.


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I just know mine aren't very good.

Do you need just a touch up (in-ear, probably) or heavy-duty aid (behind the ear).

I found this article helpful:
Good article...Thanks,Huck


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Yes, have one for general and supposedly one for music, but can't hear any difference between them even after audiologist tweaked the programming. 

Hearing aids ($4000/pair) have made no discernible improvements (higher midrange frequencies are accentuated but artificial sounding) and haven't addressed my complaints (hearing wifey and hearing conversations in a crowd).  So after 6 weeks they're going back for a refund.

Hi JLM, just out of curiocity, which brand did you get?



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Hearing aids require a time of adjustment on the part of the user.  Yes, you hear things you have not been hearing well and music can sound bright...even harsh. This is because you have been hearing while having a loss. I still find myself very sensitive to upper midrange/lower treble, but find it is a trade-off for the extra detail I hear.  YMMV.

Mariusz Uszynski

Hearing aids require a time of adjustment on the part of the user.  Yes, you hear things you have not been hearing well and music can sound bright...even harsh. This is because you have been hearing while having a loss. I still find myself very sensitive to upper midrange/lower treble, but find it is a trade-off for the extra detail I hear.  YMMV.

Hi Hibuck, nicely put.With Hearing Aid on, it feels like you re-discovering your music again, you hear things you forgot about, because you haven't heard them for long time.

I highly recommend Phonak:

With their phone app, the adjustment possibilities are simply endless.

So now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna put mine on and crank some Metal :evil: :icon_twisted:

Mariusz Uszynski


Hi JLM, I have made a short home made video, show you guys all the modes and adjustments, that can be made on Phonak app, but I couldn't load it on website.If you would like to see it perhaps I can e-mail to you?Just let me know.


Short story detailing why I think hearing aids can be very helpful... especially for audiophiles.

First time I picked up hearing aids from the VA in Akron Ohio I had an early morning appt. (about 8am) but I got there too early around 7am and decided to stop for a coffee and a small bag of chips from the gas station/convenience store. I opened the bag and ate a few chips and set the bag on the passenger seat beside me in my car right before I went in to get fitted and adjusted for my new resound hearing aids. Just after the session was over and the audiologist and I were happy with the settings I walked out of the bldg and got into my car. Before starting the car, I reached my hand into the chip bag and to my surprise I heard the crinkling sound of the plastic bag as my hand was in it. It was a sound (a low volume sound) I had not heard in many, many years. It got me to thinking about that narrow band of frequencies I had been missing with damaged hearing in everything I do.... including listening to my audio rig. Now I have that back and I am much better at conversational hearing even when there are other sounds around me.

Food for thought...

Mariusz Uszynski

Guys, there are two kinds Behind The Ear (BTE), one is "Regular", the same as In The Ear (ITE) and yes,  the other one is "Heavy Duty", for those, who lost most of their hearing.My audiologist explained to me, that "Behind The Ear" is better than "In THe Ear", because they can put better amplifier, there's more room for hardware.


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Thanks for the offer Mariusz, but only went through with it to satisfy wifey.  Now I'm even less interested.

Geowak, those chips sort of sounds is exactly what I picked up on too, but also exactly what I found "fun" but not "useful" and not worth (to me) for the expense, fuss, and downsides.  They didn't address the reasons for getting them and did nothing for listening enjoyment. 


I get it for sure. It's all about what we want and find useful or necessary. I can understand the aspect of fidgeting to get the HA to sound right. it's just another tool one can choose to use, or not. BTW when I don't have the Resounds on my ears and me wife ask me to do something I just tell her "I can't understand you honey, I don't have my hearing aids in" haha  "I think you said it's a fine day to go fishing..."

Happy listening


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I am going a little off topic somewhat,but still  pretty well related to HA's....Tinnitus...seems most people with hearing trouble from what I have read have some sort of tinnitus or ringing in the ear(s).
Mine is weird,the right ear has a high pitched sound,more like a high pressure steam leak,plus at the same time,but maybe a pitch or tone lower,I have buzz.
The left ear has a low rumble sound,like a train idlying far away,or someone's loud truck running a few houses down the street.
I really noticed this tinnitus maybe around 2003 when we moved from the country in a house that had the fan on the furnace was always on and the only setting it had was LOW,so I couldn't even shut it off,other than killing the main there was always some sort of 'noise',I guess masking the sounds in my head.
The new house is on a quiet subdivision,mostly older folks, not many kids,but no fan running and I noticed the 'quiet' the first night in bed,so I could have had this tinnitus for who knows how long before.
I am not sure if the tinnitus is ear,(obviously the ear),brain or heart related or all,but I notice when my heart rate goes up,the 'sound' becomes more intense.
How does 'yours' sound?Thanks,Huck
« Last Edit: 17 Jul 2022, 10:50 pm by Huck »

Mariusz Uszynski

You're not off topic.I've got a serious tinnitus, because my hearing was damaged at work.Imagine 28 years at the factory with industrial 3 mills, 4 mixers, 4 presses and 10 autoclaves running.Ear plugs did help, it was "Louder than Hell".I didn't even pay for my HA, when I went shopping for it, it was WSIB.Noise in my ears is combination high pitch and white noise.I go to bed with it, I wake up with it.My Phonak HA came with 3 "masking noises", it's almost like "sound of sea", it helps you forget about tinnitus, but not in my case.Tinnitus is a real bastard sometimes, it gives me pulsating headaches.To top it off, I have 4 damaged disks in my lower back.That was my first and last job in Canada, for 28 years, before they put off work,LTD.


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You're not off topic.I've got a serious tinnitus, because my hearing was damaged at work.Imagine 28 years at the factory with industrial 3 mills, 4 mixers, 4 presses and 10 autoclaves running.Ear plugs did help, it was "Louder than Hell".I didn't even pay for my HA, when I went shopping for it, it was WSIB.Noise in my ears is combination high pitch and white noise.I go to bed with it, I wake up with it.My Phonak HA came with 3 "masking noises", it's almost like "sound of sea", it helps you forget about tinnitus, but not in my case.Tinnitus is a real bastard sometimes, it gives me pulsating headaches.To top it off, I have 4 damaged disks in my lower back.That was my first and last job in Canada, for 28 years, before they put off work,LTD.
These "masking noises" you speak of,are they there available all the time and cut out automatically when someone talks to you,or do you manually have to turn them off and then back on when you are somewhere quiet?....too bad about your headaches!Huck

Mariusz Uszynski

These "masking noises" you speak of,are they there available all the time and cut out automatically when someone talks to you,or do you manually have to turn them off and then back on when you are somewhere quiet?....too bad about your headaches!Huck

No, your audiologist has to turn them on.They don't cut off, they won't interrupt your conversation.I tried couple of times, did not feel the difference in my case.I don't know, if every brand offers them???


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These "masking noises" you speak of,are they there available all the time and cut out automatically when someone talks to you,or do you manually have to turn them off and then back on when you are somewhere quiet?....too bad about your headaches!Huck

No, your audiologist has to turn them on.They don't cut off, they won't interrupt your conversation.I tried couple of times, did not feel the difference in my case.I don't know, if every brand offers them???


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I am trying to do most of my 'homework' before I actually go in for my hearing test and the possible fitment or choice of HA's this week.
I got thinking last night,which is what I usually do,(wife always says I think too much) and that was about separate tone controls available for each ear for people who have different 'problems' in each ear.
Let's say I want to boost or cut the treble in my right ear,which in my case is the 'bad' ear. If I boost or cut using my controller,that would effect both ears,similar to a tone control on a pre-amp/amp,etc,which in turn would effect my 'good' ear also,which would be 'bad'.
So I got ta thinkin' that maybe if the controller/app had 'separate' bass/treble controls for each ear,that would be a bonus,much similar to a balance control on a audio rig,but different control options available for each ear.
Not sure if there is even such a thing available in any of the HA' or apps,but I will for sure bring that up with my AO.
Does anyone know if there is such a 'thing' 'out there'(app)now that has 'separate' tone controls for L and R HA's?:scratch: Huck
« Last Edit: 18 Jul 2022, 12:17 pm by Huck »


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I just noticed today that my hearing and tinnitus is worse and it's raining outside...coincidence? .Even though I never went outside at all yet.
I think now that weather,not just atmospheric/barometric pressure has a lot to do with hearing in you?.Huck
« Last Edit: 18 Jul 2022, 12:36 pm by Huck »


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Both of the hearing tests I had included both ears separately.  Thankfully I have no tinnitus or major differences between although I grew up on a farm with lots of heavy machinery and no hearing protection.  Rain means change in atmospheric pressure (and against your ear drums), so yes it's reasonable to assume it could affect your tinnitus.  I'd avoid living in the mountains or going skydiving. 

I'm doubtful that any hearing aid companies have much in the line of sophisticated tone controls.  They seem to focus on hearing conversations and frequencies between 1,000 and 8,000 Hz.  My last test only gave readings at 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 4,000, and 8,000 Hz - very disappointing.  Again not helpful for conversation or crowds - my complaints.  And not useful for other everyday needs.  But have some annoying side effects (fluttering in the slightest wind, have to remove to shower/haircuts, somewhat interfere with my glasses, and of course the $2,000 USD out of pocket).