Rear vs Front port

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Rear vs Front port
« on: 18 Jun 2004, 07:28 pm »
Hello Mike
Hope your working on a floor standing Keelin :D

As a designer, why do you chose one over the other?

Shamrock Audio

Rear vs Front port
« Reply #1 on: 20 Jun 2004, 12:15 am »
Hi Emil,

While my preference is for front ported systems, I chose rear porting for the Eilish in order to keep the cabinet as small as possible and to enhance the bass response due to boundary proximity.

Many put the port on the back of the enclosure to minimize port noise. The penalty is that placement in the room often becomes more problematic. By placing the port on the front you minimize the placement problem, but must be sure to deal with noise coming from the port. Nothing is free and everything has its trade-off's.

Brian Cheney

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« Reply #2 on: 20 Jun 2004, 12:41 am »
Having faced that exact same problem I did the same thing you did: moved the port to the rear on the 626R vs. a front port on the all-dynamic version.  Worked out fine, though you do have to be more careful with placement as you pointed out.

Shamrock Audio

Rear vs Front port
« Reply #3 on: 20 Jun 2004, 01:21 am »
Hi Brian,

Yep, just not enough real estate on the front. I could have made it front ported, but I really wanted to keep the smaller over-all size.