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« on: 15 Apr 2008, 03:23 pm »
OK I am going through games like water, and this one is killer. Your plane crashes into the sea and you enter an underwater city filled with splicers, genetically modified humans and you are told to save a mans wife, when near the end their is a great twist... Your character is able to modify his own genetics to spew fire, ice, bees, electricity, pick up objects with your mind and throw them. A plether of weapons satisfy my itchy trigger finger; machine guns, pistols, shotgun, flame thrower, grenade launcher, crossbow, and a wrench if your into bashing. You even have a camera to capture those weird twisted underworld characters and study them for power-ups.
Great great game Cant wait for number 2.
Mike  :D


Re: Bioshock!
« Reply #1 on: 15 Apr 2008, 04:51 pm »
Hi Mike,
Do you play on the PC?

My son Dan got Bioshock and it would barely run on our video card. So, new video card time. Now it runs great, but we had to reformat the PC and I don't think he's loaded Bioshock back in there which is too bad because the game is a visual treat.

Have you see Portal? I'm no gamer but Dan has shown me this game that has a really cool concept - You have some kind of Portal-blasting gun. You shoot one portal, let's say on the wall opposite you. You then shoot a second portal, say on the wall to your left. Walk through the portal in the left and you pop out of the first one you made opposite you. So you can imagine the neat problem-solving things you can do. "Hmmm, how do I get this gun to shoot this thingy - Ahhh let me make portals so that ...."

It really warps your views of space to be able to create these portals and zip around between them.

Anyway, if you ever do any online PC gaming, lemme know. Dan is itching to blow some of your guy's heads off.



Re: Bioshock!
« Reply #2 on: 15 Apr 2008, 05:41 pm »
No.. XBox 360, But the Portal game sounds cool! Im amazed at the creativity of some of the games that take so much technical knowledge to build.

I knew Id be hooked from playing pong in the 70s, and Space Invaders 1979?? Im almost 40 but still feel like that 10 year old having fun. Even though graphic capability has changed, originality still rules. Look at how many PC First person shooters they have and that are flops. Youve got to come with a great storyline and variations to a theme!
Im an original geek™

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Bioshock!
« Reply #3 on: 20 Apr 2008, 11:06 am »
I knew Id be hooked from playing pong in the 70s, and Space Invaders 1979?? Im almost 40 but still feel like that 10 year old having fun. Even though graphic capability has changed, originality still rules. .........
Im an original geek™

Ditto! I'm right there with ya' (38)
But you got to admit, a good FPS is still cool.  :icon_twisted:


Rob Babcock

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Re: Bioshock!
« Reply #4 on: 21 Apr 2008, 11:23 pm »
Yeah, my 39th B-day is about a month away and I still love games.  I don't have a console right now except my PSOne and Xbox, just won't have much time to game til at least May when class is done for the semester.  But I do some gaming at my brother's place (he has 3 Xbox 360s!).


Re: Bioshock!
« Reply #5 on: 21 Apr 2008, 11:36 pm »
Yeah, my 39th B-day is about a month away and I still love games.  I don't have a console right now except my PSOne and Xbox, just won't have much time to game til at least May when class is done for the semester.  But I do some gaming at my brother's place (he has 3 Xbox 360s!).
Wow! 3 !!!! Does he color coordinate them with the clothes hes wearing? Has he linked them all together to get triple the graphics power?

I am at the end of Bioshock. I never want to finish the games, so I start playing something else. COD 4 with expansion pack!


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Re: Bioshock!
« Reply #6 on: 3 Sep 2008, 04:48 am »
My son Dan got Bioshock and it would barely run on our video card. So, new video card time.
I have played the Bioshock demo and it is quite a treat.  Unfortunately, it barely runs on my machine and I really would need a new one to get the most out of the game.

The concept of Bioshock is based on System Shock (and System Shock 2).  I imagine you could get SS2 for $5 bucks somewhere and it would be worth every penny.  I played through it at least three times. 

Have you see Portal?
Valve Software fan here.  Portal is brilliant.  As the game gets mroe complex, the narrator (I think she is...I don't know...!) occasionally throws some funny things at you.  And she taunts you in that computerized voice.  I heard rumors that there might be a Portal 2 some day, but who knows.  This one is so good... 


Re: Bioshock!
« Reply #7 on: 3 Sep 2008, 05:45 am »
I just watched this Portal trailer, now I'm going to have to buy it!