Need advice re starting new system with Omega Super Alnico Monitors

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At age 79, I recently moved from a large house to a smaller one.  For about 40 years I used and loved some Snell Type A reference speakers with Odyssey dual mono-blocks, BAT pre-amp, etc.  I wouldn't want to even lift the amp anymore.  Now my "music room" (about 12x15) is also the spare bedroom, which also contains a Yamaha electronic piano.  I sit on the bed to listen to music.  There is no room for a chair.    I want to put speakers on a dresser which is at the foot of the bed, about 5' apart and 6' from my head.  Near field listening for sure.  The super alnico monitors on short ISO stands to bring them up to about 25" seem like a great fit.  What do you think?  And, what about the rest of the system, which has yet to be bought?  I feel a little like Rip Van Winkle, having paid no attention to streaming music these last few decades, but now want to use Tidal and Roon to explore.  I also want to be able to use my vintage turntable and MM cartridge.  I guess I am an audiophile (hearing still very good), but I do not think I want to go back to tubes, though I like the sound.  I'm happy to buy slightly used, but don't want the hazzle of repairing or replacing vintage stuff.  So, given a flexible budget (would like to spend less than $4000 on electronics) what would you do?


The Omegas are really wonderful and great near field and at low level listening. They benefit greatly with tube amplification. If you insist on solid state, I would look at First Watt which, works well with single driver speakers that prefer very little dampening.




  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 29
I think you may be overspending for this set-up.  You may be sitting up, most likely laying out, on your bed and listening.  Not a great listening position.  Most of the audiophile niceties that you will be paying for, may never be realized with this layout.  I know ... this is my bedroom system set-up. 

I prefer the Super 7 Mk II to the SAMs, but no matter.  Might I suggest a Rogue Sphinx 3 for the integrated amp.  Rega Brio would work out, as well. 


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+1 on the Integrated Rega Brio always a nice sound with those Fet transistors and not expensive as Pass or First Watts.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 29
To follow-up on my earlier comments, you are squeezing a lot of equipment in a multi-use room.  It is similar to what a teenagers room might look like, in that all your stuff is in one room. 

If you are planning to use your turntable in this set-up, get an integrated amplifier that has a phono input.  Your dresser top is only going to be so long to accommodate what you are envisaging. 

I agree that the SAMs are best with tubes; what makes them special is lost with solid state.  The Super 7s do well with both SS and tubes and I have used both (Prima Luna & Rega) with them.  I had the CAMs for awhile and truth be told, never got them sounding just right to my ears. 

Your focus should be getting this set-up to sound very rich & pleasing, I would not get too hung up on soundstage and other niceties.  You are going to be sitting on your bed when you listen, there is only so much you can do with this. 

Your speakers will be ok on your dresser top, if you can fit them.  SPEAKER - AMPLIFIER - TURNTABLE - STREAMER - SPEAKER.  Without the speakers, you are going to need 4 feet without the speakers.  Assuming a double dresser.  If you have a closet in the room and if you are not using it, you could always have your equipment on a wheeled cart in the closet. 

Interested in your comments.



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 10
Thank you for the comments.  I will be sitting up, not lying down in the bed.  Only the speakers will be on the dresser at the foot of the bed, with drivers at ear level.  The speakers will be about four feet from the front wall and three feet from side walls.  Active subs will be on the floor near the front wall.  All supporting components will be in a stand by the head of the bed, with speaker cables running under the bed. 

I am interested in the comment that these speakers should only be paired with tube amplification.  I like the sound, but have thought I would like to avoid a longish warm-up period and the business of replacing tubes.  Any further thoughts on this would be most appreciated. 

As to the prospects of getting good sound with this setup, I am encouraged by what I have cobbled together so far.  I have two fairly large bookshelf speakers borrowed from another bedroom (Aperion Audio) driven by a Marantz SR6009 receiver.  I think the acoustics of the room are pretty well accounted for, though some panels might be added if needed. 

I realize that this is not a normal hifi listening environment, but am serious about getting the best sound I can, within reason, in this room.  And I do want to take advantage of the efficiency of these speakers low power, high quality amplification.


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I am interested in the comment that these speakers should only be paired with tube amplification.  I like the sound, but have thought I would like to avoid a longish warm-up period and the business of replacing tubes.  Any further thoughts on this would be most appreciated. 

Tube amplification can offer stellar results with Omegas.  But so can low watt, Class A, solid state.  I've tube rolled Dennis Had Inspires to death but found my First Watt F3 to equal the best results I had obtained with the Inspire.  Currently, my Pioneer M-22 (all class A, 30wpc, made in Japan in the 1970's) to be the best I have heard with my SAM-HOs. 


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Here is a very inexpensive 25wpc integrated with a tube pre. I own two of them. I use one for my desktop system driving little 3" wide banders from Dayton Audio. For $125, it is a steal. No heat from the tubes due to not driving an amplifier, and there are only four in the pre section, so you do not have to worry about tube life, they will last for years. It will give you a taste of having tubes in the system, but not the amplifier. It has a bigger brother with 50wpc at $199.98, I own one of those as well. I think they sound good, as does my wife, and she is the one with the ears.

Have fun,


My sequence of amps was Inspire Fire Bottle, First Watt J2, and now a refurbed Pass Aleph 5. None of the amps have had issues, but I liked the flavor of the Aleph 5 so much that I bought it a factory refresh. It's driving Super 8 high output monitors, and there's a REL T/5x offering low end support. I would be happy with any of the amps all over again. It would be fun to hear the Inspire with KT77s and add in the subwoofer, for example. Then the First Watt J2 made me want to hear all of the First Watts. The surprise was wandering into a store in Bangor, where an Aleph 5 had been taken in on trade. It was on my short list of "always wanted to hear" items.

Short version: I don't think that you will be disappointed by a pairing of Omega speakers and First Watt, or Pass Aleph series amps.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 10
Thank you for the comment.  I would like to hear more about the aleph.  I think it is 60 watts.  That, and the heat, concerns me.  Do you think 60 watts may be too much for the speakers?  I will probably be buying used, and the manual says they can need significant repair with age, that they need a hour to warm up and that they draw a lot of current.  I’m not sure that I need all that for speakers that Louis tells me need no more than 6 watts. What do you think?  I kind of have my eye on Decware, if I can find one used - not sure I will outlive the waiting period for an order. 


Hi twilightround:

How about this offered in our trading post, amp. section:

Not associated with the seller, and I would imagine it gives off a fair amount of heat, but may be worth an inquiry to the seller.

I would love to hear this amp, but I need another amp like a need another hole in get the picture   :lol:

Maybe pair with a Schiit pre?

Best of luck on putting together your system!


nature boy

Thank you for the comment.  I would like to hear more about the aleph.  I think it is 60 watts.  That, and the heat, concerns me.  Do you think 60 watts may be too much for the speakers?  I will probably be buying used, and the manual says they can need significant repair with age, that they need a hour to warm up and that they draw a lot of current.  I’m not sure that I need all that for speakers that Louis tells me need no more than 6 watts. What do you think?  I kind of have my eye on Decware, if I can find one used - not sure I will outlive the waiting period for an order.

I have the SAHO XRS floor stand speakers. Louis speakers really mate well with tube amplification. They will sound great with any of the Decware amps, SET's or PP options. I suggest to put a want to buy (WTB) in the Decware Forums classified section if you want to go that route. There are a number of seasoned members who occasionally part with their amps. With Steve Deckerts release of his new Sarah 300B amplifier this year, a few other Decware amps may be offered up for sale.

Good luck.



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 10
Thanks for both suggestions.  I will follow up on both.