Super 8 Monitor vs Super 7 mk1

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Super 8 Monitor vs Super 7 mk1
« on: 28 Feb 2023, 08:18 pm »
I have an older pair of Super 7 mk1 monitors which were in much bigger cabinets than the current model.
18” high x 10” wide x 14” deep.
They sound lovely.
I think they were listed as 95db, 8 Ohm.
Curious how the new Super 8 monitor would compare.
Does anyone know the dimensions ?
I THINK they are the same size as mine but 2” taller (20”x10”x14”), though I’m not sure.
The extra 3db sensitivity could be very nice given that I power them from a 3-1/4 Watt 2A3 SET amp.
That would essentially be a doubling of output power.
Does anyone have a sense of how those two drivers (RS8 vs RS7) differ beyond just the efficiency?


Re: Super 8 Monitor vs Super 7 mk1
« Reply #1 on: 28 Feb 2023, 10:33 pm »
One and possibly the most authoritative source of information in comparing these drivers is Louis who designed the speakers. I'd certainly give him a call. Good luck!


Re: Super 8 Monitor vs Super 7 mk1
« Reply #2 on: 2 Mar 2023, 04:04 pm »
Thanks, I'm aware I can call Louis.
As I'm in the gathering information stage and not yet ready to purchase new speakers, I'm directing my question instead to this group before calling him up.


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Re: Super 8 Monitor vs Super 7 mk1
« Reply #3 on: 2 Mar 2023, 06:19 pm »
Honestly, my guess is that when you compare all of Omega speakers, the 7’s and 8’s would probably be the closest in sound to each other.  I don’t ever recall seeing a comparison of the two models.  I’ve got the Alnico’s, RS5’s and 8’s and they are each different enough to where I really enjoy the merits of each driver.  If sensitivity is a big issue with you, I will say that the difference in loudness between my models is barely noticeable…it’s there, but if I was looking for one model to have a meaningful impact over another in terms of overall volume, I’d be disappointed.

If you do talk to Louis, I’d be interested in hearing about what he says comparing the two models.  Good luck!


Re: Super 8 Monitor vs Super 7 mk1
« Reply #4 on: 3 Mar 2023, 01:17 pm »
Thanks Seikosha
That’s my guess too, that the 7’s and 8’s aren’t that different, but that the 3dB efficiency diff may be significant.
Also the Super 8 monitors have been selling for about $500 more than the Super 7 monitors.  That said they are a lot bigger….but not really that much bigger than my original MK1 Super 7’s.
I guess there’s only 1 way to find out!


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Re: Super 8 Monitor vs Super 7 mk1
« Reply #5 on: 3 Mar 2023, 02:22 pm »
The 8’s are 3.5db more efficient than the RS5’s or Alnico monitors.  If I put the 8’s in the system it really isn’t a big difference in loudness.  Sort of like if you turned up the volume just a tiny tiny bit.  I’d equate it to going from 10:00 to 10:20/10:30 on the dial if you marked it off like the face of a clock.  I wouldn’t get too excited about that 3 decibels being system changing.


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Re: Super 8 Monitor vs Super 7 mk1
« Reply #6 on: 5 Mar 2023, 12:03 am »
Glad to hear the Super 7 drivers compare favorably to the 8s.  I am now enjoying my Super 7 MK2, but only after breaking them in after a few weeks.