ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!

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Phil A

Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #20 on: 21 Mar 2011, 11:26 pm »
Dan, here's an interesting mod idea...  if the DAC and analog outputs are that good, could you add digital (S/PDIF or Toslink) INPUTS so we could use it as a DAC for our Squeezeboxes or other (non USB) music servers?


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Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #21 on: 22 Mar 2011, 12:21 am »

Doh!  Don't know how I missed that!  Tres' cool! 
Guess I'll have to wait until it's available for the BDP-95!


Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #22 on: 27 Mar 2011, 09:58 pm »
March 267, 2011 update!

Proto tube mod has been implemented and is being evaluated. Nearly identical tube circuit as used in Sony XA-5400ES, eliminating all op-amps from circuit, our own I-V stage (passive), offering both fully balanced and single-ended tube output.

Listening tests currently underway - more to come!




Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #23 on: 30 Mar 2011, 06:45 pm »
Final listening to be completed today.  PCB design complete and coordinated with unit as to size, dimensions and mounting location.

Expect to have details finalized by Friday (April 1st)!




Stock Vs. Mod - Listening Results!
« Reply #24 on: 1 Apr 2011, 01:00 am »
OK, so I have had a chance to listen to the tube-proto mod Oppo 95 and a stock Oppo.

Both on redbook CD and DVD-A, via RCA outs only so far.
Same cabling used and same system.

We happened to have a pair of KWA 150 Signature Edition's running in mono to my Daedalus Ulysses.
Preamp was LS 100.

Using same cables, compared a stock Oppo-95 to the tube-modified proto Oppo 95.

What jumps right out at me is the increased soundstage depth and width.
Secondly, the low-level information and aural cues are simply much more apparent with the modified unit.
Detail and resolution excel with the modified unit, over stock, and stock is GOOD!
The key differences are resolution, micro-detail/dynamics, decay and a natural 'ease' to the music.

What I am hearing is typical of what we hear with the Sony XA-5400ES and other mods, vs. stock players:

The lack of feedback (inherent in op-amp based analog stages) and the clean and simplified signal path of our 6SN7 tube-based circuit with tube rectified external power supply, simply lets the music through.

Tomorrow I will compare the Opp-95 w/tube mods to the tube-modified XA-5400 heat-to-head.

Both mods use virtually identical tube circuit and identical tube-rectified and SS regulated external PS 9.0.

This a more sophisticated tube circuit than was used in the BDP-83SE.  The Sony 5400ES tube circuit is a PERFECT fit in the excemplary Oppo BDP-95!

Tomorrow we will also begin contacting people who have been waiting and asking about this mod.  Kristin has at least 30 contacts to follow up with initially.  We already have a handful of units in the shop.  The calendar will begin filling up tomorrow!

We will be offering a 10% discount to the first to schedule BDP-95 tube mods.

Tube Mod price for Oppo BDP-95 has been set: $1750 + shipping ($1995 w/MWI 'Truth' umbilical)


Dan W.


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Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #25 on: 1 Apr 2011, 03:14 pm »
Are you still considering an SS mod?


Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #26 on: 1 Apr 2011, 07:48 pm »
Hi guys, first of all, yes I am still considering a SS mod.  It will be more reasonably priced and will be available for 2CH and MCH (including 2CH).  Pricing and details to follow!


I would have to say it is VERY close.  Because of different DACs used and other differences in the players, there are subtle differences between them, but I would say that with the same tube circuit, it is really too close to call.  They are BOTH excellent!

Obviously the advantage of the 95 is that it plays all formats and has great video too.

It IS superior to our previous tube mod for the BDP-83SE.




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Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #27 on: 1 Apr 2011, 11:39 pm »
Hi Dan:

Did you do anything in the digital section of BDP-95 to reduce its jitters?



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Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #28 on: 3 Apr 2011, 12:50 pm »
Dan, will it be possible to offer your Digital Input Mod. along with the upcoming SS Mod. for the BDP-95 ?



Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #29 on: 3 Apr 2011, 01:00 pm »

Could you please provide physical dimensions for both the modded Oppo 95 and the tube power supply unit individually?  I'll make sure my equiment rack/platforms would be enough for them.   :thumb:



Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #30 on: 3 Apr 2011, 09:54 pm »
I will measure the height of the Oppo.  The outboard supply is: 8"W x 4"H x 10"D.

We are not upgrading the clock in the 95, as the SABRE DAC chip each have their own dedicated oscillator.  We do upgrade the digital power supply and power decoupling at the DACs to lower jitter levels, as well as add further mass and vibration damping to the enclosure and transport.

Digital input mods are expected to be available for the BDP-95 as well as for the BDP-83 and BDP-83SE.  This design is complete and PCBs are in-house.  We have only to do final assembly, testing and prototyping of the digital input mods.

Thank you,

Dan W.


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Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #31 on: 3 Apr 2011, 10:42 pm »
Can you comment on the transport in the Oppo 95 compared to the Sony 5400es.

I have an Oppo 83 SE and a Sony 5400es and the Sony is much smoother and makes less noise.

Since you look inside these all the time are the newer transports in the Oppo 95 up to Sony build quality?
Thanks Gary



Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #32 on: 4 Apr 2011, 08:22 pm »
I am not sure if the transport in the 95 is different than that which is used in the 83/83SE or not.  What they did do, however, is to fully shiled and separate the drive and switched-mode power supply (separate from linear regulated audio power supply) with metal panels.  The drive itself is totally enclosed and shielded, which cuts down on noise.  There is RFI/EMI shielding as a result and also a stiffness which reduces vibration.

I have found the Oppo transports to be VERY reliable and it is for this reason, that I have pursued them.  The Sony transports are also reliable.

Both have a plastic tray and body.  SACD and Blu-Ray require the drive to spin at high speeds.  I believe some people found the 83/83SE drives to be a bit noisy at times.  The way the 95 is built with increased stiffening and shielding is such that I don't notice the drive noise at all.


Dan W.


Just wanted to let everyone know that we are offering a pre-order promotional discount on the Oppo 95 tube mods = 10% off the $1750($1995 w/upgraded 'Truth' umbilical) MOD price.

We require a 50% non-refundable deposit to reserve a start date and finalize the order.  Remainder is due upon completion, prior to shipping.

Return shipping is not included in the mod price.

We do not supply the Oppo-95 players.  You may order from Oppo and have units shipped directly to us.


Dan W.


Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #34 on: 5 Apr 2011, 06:07 am »

I already e-mailed back to Kristin about pre-ordering and other details.  Eagerly awaiting for your kind response.  Thanks.



Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #35 on: 5 Apr 2011, 06:25 pm »
Thanks Kristin is working hard to answer all emails and schedule orders accordingly.  If she has not replied yet, she WILL.  She is inundated with emails right now.

It is is a GREAT MOD!


Dan W.


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Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #36 on: 6 Apr 2011, 04:52 pm »
Dan, I found these statements in the AVS forumn:

'But I need to fight with those 2 ESS9018 DACs first, here is the thing that I am fighting:
HF noise in analog ground plane... Do not read this wrong! BDP-95 is a very very good player; however, with $1000, it cannot be perfect in every way. This HF noise basically compromised the LM4562 analog OP amps... '

Are these statements correct? Will you tube mods avoid this problem?


Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #37 on: 7 Apr 2011, 04:44 pm »
Hi Dan,

It seems at this point most energy has gone toward the tube mod.  What kind of expectations should I have for the SS mod in terms of approach, price, timing, etc.?  I'm excited about that one.  Think it will be my "all disc" player, and the TP will remain my computer/internet answer.



Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #38 on: 7 Apr 2011, 06:07 pm »
The tube mod will remove the signal from the analog ground plane, so this should not be an issue.

I am not HEARING the issue described, even with SS mods only.

I am fianalizing SS mods details this week and will post pricing and options tomorrow.  It will not include clock upgrade (neither does tube mod) and there is no need for our own PS as the supply in the Oppo is good.  As a result, cost for SS mod will be much less than for tube mod.




Re: ModWright Oppo BDP-95 Mods?.....YES!
« Reply #39 on: 8 Apr 2011, 04:36 am »
Hi Dan,

Whenever you have time, please provide us the power consumption requirements of both tube and ss mods on the BDP-95 when they fully operate.  Thanks.
