Very nice site now and the build quality looks fantastic and better looking than before. They need to explain the difference between the X4 and Ultra models. Whom each would work best for depending on one's idea of good sound and style of music.
I too would be curious what the sonic difference is between them since they cost the same and in terms of measured specs only the impedance differs. I would also be interested why they would not just choose the best sounding one at that same price rather carry two models.
If you drill down a bit there is a comparison between the specs of the "Ultra" and the "Ultra 2024". At 88db I would say that they both will sound a lot better with a lot more than the 20 watts minimum. The nice thing about the previous X3/X5 was that with the powered woofer they were much more efficient making them much more friendly to lower powered tube amps. Also, the Ultra has a nominal 4ohm impedance vs 8ohm for the 2024, making it more current hungry. I would imagine you are moving into the need for a quality solid state amp now. If you had a good 20watt tube amp I would think it would not fare well in a medium/large room as the previous models did.
They are also $10K+ if you figure shipping and tax. I am glad that I bought my X5's before the company changed hands. Hopefully their new release will be more affordable and easier to drive.
Thanks for the posts. It has been exceedingly quiet here.