ePot.V4 LDR Attenuator/Controller, Buffer & Power Supply

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Re: ePot.V4 LDR Attenuator/Controller, Buffer & Power Supply
« Reply #40 on: 12 Oct 2024, 10:19 pm »
The V4 board with installed LDR module with most of the components annotated


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Re: ePot.V4 LDR Attenuator/Controller, Buffer & Power Supply
« Reply #41 on: 17 Oct 2024, 10:31 pm »
Still have a ways to go yet but the V4 hardware manual has just been substantially updated to reflect the final prototype.
The V4's manual is now fairly verbose and goes into more detail on the basis of design and fundamentals than earlier versions.

Here's the link to the ePot.V4 hardware manual:  https://tortugaaudio.com/docs/epotv4-max-hardware-manual/


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Re: ePot.V4 LDR Attenuator/Controller, Buffer & Power Supply
« Reply #42 on: 23 Oct 2024, 09:38 pm »
Here are several photos of the V4 board with the Solid State Preamp Buffer module. The first photo is the buffer module by itself without the LDR module installed. All the rest show the buffer module installed on the V4 board with the LDR module included.

The buffer module is entirely optional but will convert the passive V4 into an active preamp volume/controller with adjustable gain from unity to +12 dB using plug-in gain modules. I'm still tweaking the buffer module design so it's likely the V4 will be released first with the buffer module to be released some time later.


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Re: ePot.V4 LDR Attenuator/Controller, Buffer & Power Supply
« Reply #43 on: 24 Oct 2024, 10:52 pm »
The Tortuga Audio website has a new home page and is all about the new and soon to be released ePot.V4 LDR stepped attenuator & preamp controller. Check it out!



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Re: ePot.V4 LDR Attenuator/Controller, Buffer & Power Supply
« Reply #44 on: 4 Nov 2024, 05:58 pm »
Hi All,

Early Nov development update.

Overall things are finally coming together on the V4 development front and we are on track for releasing the V4 before year's end. But there's always something. I noticed that when I upped the gain to 12 dB on the buffer module, that there was a noticeable low level hum coming from the speakers. That started a search for the cause. After challenging every aspect of the buffer board design, and the V4 board itself, the ultimate cause of the noise was the OLED display. Essentially the same OLED display I've been using for several years now. Turns out the hum was always there but it wasn't until the buffer board amplified it that it became an audible issue. I'm actually a bit perplexed that I hadn't noticed this sooner.

So I took a deep dive into the OLED display itself and discovered that the OEM controller for the display, which runs off of 3.3 volts from the V4 board, has its own dc-dc switching boost converter that generates 12 volts used internally to refresh the OLED display screen. This converter is the cause of the 100-200 hertz noise. Turn off the OLED display and the noise goes away completely because this converter turns off as well. After evaluating corrective options, I'm going to add an isolated power converter to our OLED interface board. The isolated power converter converts 3.3 volts into 3.3 volts with its own independent ground separate from the V4 itself. This will prevent any OLED noise from traveling upstream into the V4 controller and the buffer board (if one is present).

This will require one more iteration on the OLED adapter board design which will likely take until mid-November before I have updated hardware on hand and am able to  test out the fix.

Aside from this issue, the V4 board design is done and I have production blanks on hand already. I may tweak the buffer board and linear power supply board designs slightly and order updated blanks on those too while we wait on the OLED adapter updates.

Almost there,


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Re: ePot.V4 LDR Attenuator/Controller, Buffer & Power Supply
« Reply #45 on: 20 Nov 2024, 10:44 pm »
Hi All,

Mid'ish November development update.

I had been chasing a source of low frequency hum in the 100-200 Hz range which I'd traced to the OLED display as a source. However, I also determined that this noise only manifested when I had the optional active buffer board plugged into the V4 board. No such hum is present when using the V4 board alone as a passive attenuator. After numerous attempts to isolate and eliminate the active buffer hum, I finally arrived at a fix by isolating the split +/- 12 volt power and ground used by the buffer. Isolating the buffer ground from the power that runs the V4 board and the OLED board did the trick. No more sneaky ground loops. This fix is easily accomplished through the use of isolating switching DC-DC regulators.

That got me thinking about the linear power supply and after some last minute testing and research I made the decision to change the optional stand alone power supply board from a classically linear design to a hybrid switching-linear design. The hybrid PS can be powered either from 90-250 VAC 50/60Hz mains or your own external source of 5 volt DC power. AC mains power produces raw 5 VDC via a switching AC-DC converter. Regardless of the source, the raw 5 VDC drives 2 different isolated DC-DC boost converters with one producing split rail +15/-15 volt DC power and the other producing a single rail of +9 volt DC. All of these DC voltages are on an isolated ground. All three switching voltages are then run through separate second stage linear regulators resulting in clean low noise +12/-12 and 5 volt regulated DC power. The result is the best of both worlds with effectively zero low frequency ripple with no hum, and with most of the higher (above audible) frequency switching noise significantly suppressed by the linear regulators and bypass caps. An added benefit of the hybrid approach is significantly reduced weight and size. 

Meanwhile I've started production of the main V4 boards and expect to begin shipping V4 product by early December. Finally!  :thumb:
To clarify, only the V4 Max board, the OLED display, and the optional V4 buffer board will start shipping initially. A Mini version of the V4 will come later in 1Q25. The new hybrid PS board will lag the V4 by a few weeks since I'm still finalizing changes to its design per the above.



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Re: ePot.V4 LDR Attenuator/Controller, Buffer & Power Supply
« Reply #46 on: 22 Nov 2024, 07:10 pm »
Are you ready to begin taking orders for an upgrade to my LDR3000x.V3 at this time?  I've been having issues with it intermittently shutting down and as of right now its just collecting dust so can ship to you at your convenience. 


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Re: ePot.V4 LDR Attenuator/Controller, Buffer & Power Supply
« Reply #47 on: 24 Nov 2024, 07:56 pm »
Are you ready to begin taking orders for an upgrade to my LDR3000x.V3 at this time?  I've been having issues with it intermittently shutting down and as of right now its just collecting dust so can ship to you at your convenience.
The short answer is yes eventually but not yet. Most 3000 series preamps are balanced. However, the left channel V4 board is a special expansion board rather another full V4 board. I have yet to finalize and finish testing of the V4 expansion board but that will get done in 1Q25. For those with single-ended Tortuga preamps, I will start taking orders for upgrading any of those to V4 soon after release of the V4 and getting the backlog of pre-orders out the door.