The all new CA1 and NP1

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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #100 on: 7 Jun 2024, 07:15 pm »
Me too. Just got my shipment notification for a CA-1.

Tom Alverson

Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #101 on: 11 Jun 2024, 08:22 pm »
According to his latest video released today, Steve Guttenberg will be reviewing the CA1 very soon!  Can't wait.

He reviews a speaker on this video
and at about the 6 minute mark explains he is listening to the speaker connected to the new AVA integrated amp which he will review shortly.


Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #102 on: 14 Jun 2024, 09:49 pm »
I received my NP1 Thursday but I just set it up today. I’m using it with my PC with an ADI-2 Pro dac and a pair of the original Songtowers. The NP1 is an upgrade from an Insight Double 240.

I got to listen about 90 minutes fresh out of the box. My first impressions are that this amp is very good. I think Frank really has something special here. I was a little worried about going from 120wpc to about half that but this thing can bring the thunder when the recording calls for it. Clarity abounds across the frequency spectrum. I think initially it’s the defining characteristic of this amp, you can just hear everything.

I’ve played drums more or less my whole life and listening to rock today I tended to focus in on drums and bass. Voices are rendered very smoothly and I love the presence of the high end hi hat and cymbal details. At least only 90 minutes in I think the bass guitar has gotten the biggest upgrade from what I’m used to hearing. It’s not necessarily a more thing, so much as a clarity and restoration of the texture of the instrument.

I had my setup cranked a good bit and the unit didn’t seem to break a sweat. It’ll keep the bass lines rolling with everything layered over the top and still maintain a foot tapping energy and clarity.

While I still have a ways to go with this amp I’d certainly call it end game quality. I’d be very happy to have this piece in my home for the next 20 years. I might even buy a couple more to upgrade my SET 120s. But I also enjoy the slightly different presentation of those systems.


Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #103 on: 15 Jun 2024, 11:53 pm »
I had my setup cranked a good bit and the unit didn’t seem to break a sweat. It’ll keep the bass lines rolling with everything layered over the top and still maintain a foot tapping energy and clarity.

While I still have a ways to go with this amp I’d certainly call it end game quality. I’d be very happy to have this piece in my home for the next 20 years. I might even buy a couple more to upgrade my SET 120s. But I also enjoy the slightly different presentation of those systems.

Curious to hear how the presentations differ in your estimation, having never heard the SET120 but having found the SET400 a little hard. The NP1 is a massive step up in refinement when it comes to perceived fidelity to source with my speakers. I really enjoy the NP1; things do seem shifted upwards, expressing midbass texture at the rather slight expense of perceived authority. They can do sub-bass with finesse (hell, everything they do screams natural linearity) but but don’t make a show of it in my system (lacking the kick to the sternum of even something like Frank’s lovely but discontinued Ultravalve, yet blessed with a similar and much less shaded transparency), but this might be a distinction of the relative speed of accurate bass decay (Top to bottom, the NP1 feels supremely agile).

The general sense is one of otherwise rare and complete resolution. Imaging is also noticeably pinpoint, and while kickdrums are a touch reticent (a hint lean and yet welcomingly lean-in inducing due to the scalpel-like precision overall), their impact is otherwise MOST articulate in a setup driving WvL Sons, a speaker about 15x the price of this amp for whatever that’s worth, rather cleanly in a midsized room. I love this amp.
« Last Edit: 16 Jun 2024, 10:31 pm by unitygain »


Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #104 on: 16 Jun 2024, 01:45 am »
My SET120 is hooked up to a set of Salk SS6M so it’s not quite an apples to apples comparison but I also have another set control amp hooked up to the song towers in my workout room.

I generally viewed the 120 as a bit warm in the midrange and having a pretty strong bass response. I’ve never had or heard an Ultravalve so I can’t comment how close it might have been, but those characteristics seem to be true relative to the Np1. The NP1 is clearly the clarity king, and I feel like the high end is more prominently rendered in my opinion. I’m a huge fan of Carter Beauford in Dave Matthew’s Band and his linear playing style and intricate cymbal work is much easier to follow on the NP1.

I also share your opinion that sometimes the kick seems a bit lean. I only had ninety minutes with it but on recordings I know have more of a pillowy bottom end it renders that well but other songs if I just find an 8 bar phrase where we’re just keeping time and not trying to feature the kick it’s bit light compared to the 120.

For now I’m chalking it up to the recording/mastering. The NP1 is certainly capable of reproducing bass that shakes my windows, but it’s not artificially boosting the bass where the mastering didn’t call for it. I’m probably going to do some swapsies with my amp and the speakers to see if I find the pairings more or less to my liking.

Edit: the Adi 2 is a no compromise clean details dac/pre. There’s not a touch of warmth in the thing. I also think it would be interesting to hook an NP1 up to my older Fet Valve DAC or maybe a T10 and seeing how that colors the presentation just a bit. I have a feeling that the ultimate sound for me might be the tube pre and the NP1. What I have hitting my ears now is so clean it’s basically raw bits  :P

Opus Flatus

Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #105 on: 17 Jun 2024, 12:30 am »
floresjc, I agree with your observations. I have been listening to my NP1 for a few days now and am amazed at the articulation and clarity this amp presents. I hear every bit of the recording with nuances difficult to discern with other amps I have owned. I also have a SET 120 Control Amp and it is very revealing but doesn't have the pinpoint articulation the NP1 has. Background vocals and every instrument can be heard in the mix, it's quite amazing. I have been immensely enjoying a simple setup of Chord Mojo2 with Poly Streamer (Roon endpoint), Schiit Saga + Preamp,  Philharmonic BMR, and GR Research NX Studio Monitors.


Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #106 on: 17 Jun 2024, 03:05 am »
Is anyone using the NP1 with the AVA digital preamplifier ?


Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #107 on: 18 Jun 2024, 02:35 pm »
I am using NP1 and our Digital Preamp. Combo works great.



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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #108 on: 21 Jun 2024, 03:02 pm »
 This little amp (CA1) is incredible! I am listening quietly to some music right now as I work- music I am very familiar with, and I am hearing things I hadn't heard before. A light cymbal brush here and there, one of those wooden block percussion things being tapped lightly, and soft birds chirping. I had never heard any of this when I played this selection in the past. Fantastic imaging too. Well done AVA! You WILL NOT be getting this thing back under your 30 day return policy, or any policy for that matter.    :thumb: :D


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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #109 on: 22 Jun 2024, 01:25 am »
and I am hearing things I hadn't heard before. A light cymbal brush here and there, one of those wooden block percussion things being tapped lightly, and soft birds chirping.
You should try closing the window.  :lol: I'm just jealous because the Van Alstine SET 120 control amp was runner-up to my Big Amp Purchase and now I have other priorities now (read: speakers)--and anyway I'm happy with my Unico Primo. Glad to hear you're really enjoying your new purchase!


Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #110 on: 22 Jun 2024, 07:18 pm »
In 2022 I purchased an RB10 pre and and a SET 120 amp from Frank. 
I think I'm going to sell them (and my Dac) and get the NP1 and the AVA Digital Preamp. At this point I'm essentially only streaming (from an Innuos Pulse_Mini into a Border Patrol Dac).
Looks like the AVA site took down the notification about a hold on new orders for the units.


Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #111 on: 12 Jul 2024, 04:38 pm »


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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #112 on: 12 Jul 2024, 04:57 pm »
Steve was more enthusiastic about the SET 120...including the headphone amp. Maybe it's safe to say the SET 120 is warmer and the CA1 is more transparent. 


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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #113 on: 12 Jul 2024, 05:31 pm »
Odd to my ears that he didn't care for ZU DW6 matching. My friend has the CA-1 with Zu DW6 Supremes, and to my ears it's a great match. It's her third and least expensive amp she's had with her Zus and easily the best match in her room, but maybe Steve doesn't have the Supreme model which migh effect matching.


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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #114 on: 12 Jul 2024, 06:40 pm »
I find it bizarre that Steve would use a Zu Audio speaker as a reference. Zu speakers are loved by many for their unique sound...which is partly due to the beaming of the large wideband driver that creates a horn well as the lack of baffle step correction, which creates a very forward upper midrange/lower treble that some people love and a few people find "shouty."

Sean Casey at Zu seems to mitigate these issues at shows by using vinyl as a source and warm electronics such as First Watt or tube amplification. A well damped room will also help.

Anyway, the fact that the CA1 might not find synergy with a Zu speaker in a lively Brooklyn apartment is IMO not a cause for concern.


Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #115 on: 13 Jul 2024, 09:52 pm »
Odd to my ears that he didn't care for ZU DW6 matching. My friend has the CA-1 with Zu DW6 Supremes, and to my ears it's a great match. It's her third and least expensive amp she's had with her Zus and easily the best match in her room, but maybe Steve doesn't have the Supreme model which migh effect matching.

Matt, great post on the new CA-1. Do you by chance have Maggie 1.7 speakers?


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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #116 on: 15 Jul 2024, 02:09 am »
I really do trust Steve to provide honest and balanced reviews of audiophile gear and that's exactly what I think he did for the CA1. As someone who just pulled the trigger on a CA1 purchase, I had a moment of concern, but ultimately, am thoroughly excited about receiving the amp and integrating it into my system. I'm going to be driving Definitive Technology DR7 towers, nominal 6 ohms, with a Pro-Ject X-1 table, Sumiko Oyster series cart, so I think it'll satisfy my desire to occasionally push gain to peaks of 90-92 dB-SPL for big stuff, but comfortably drive the towers at 80-85 dB-SPL for most of my listening sessions. I'm frankly only interested in extracting vinyl experiences from this device, knowing I can always add a high-end DAC, so the lack of digital inputs matters not. If fact, I'm happy to pay more $$ to be put into the analog chain to render a superlative result. Frank has used the phrase, "unsurpassed transparency," to describe the CA1. Steve, and others, have now remarked about "clarity." To be honest, when I receive the unit in just a few weeks from now all I care about is goosebumps when the Bruford/Wetton section kicks in on "We'll Let You Know" from KC's Starless and Bible Black. That's my reference. From there, I know that Patricia Barbara sounds great. Holly Cole sounds great. Brubeck and Blakey and Davis and Coltrane sound great. Hopefully, Yes and Genesis and Hugh Masekela sound great too. If all true, what else could a happy camper ask for?


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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #117 on: 15 Jul 2024, 10:44 am »
The CA1 will definitely let you hear deeper into the music. It makes my Musical Fidelity M5si seem almost muffled. It’s a very even presentation from top to bottom. Some of the Rega/LFD amps I’ve owned in the past provided a bottom up type of presentation with the bass being more prominent. I liked the SET 120 and it was a different experience for me, more of a top down type way of conveying the music, but the evenness of the CA1 beats all of these amps for me.

This isn’t going to be everybody’s amp, but if you’re looking for transparency without it being clinical, it’s a great choice.


Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #118 on: 15 Jul 2024, 10:57 pm »
I’ve lived with mine for several weeks now and I don’t think anyone should have cause for concern. I have mine hooked up to a PC in a 12x13 room with Salk Songtowers and a ADI-2 dac.

You can see in my initial comments that I loved the sound of the amp and clearly clarity is the defining trait for me. In the very first few songs out of the box I felt like a couple of them seemed a little more bass shy than I was used to. However having had more time to listen and experience a wide variety of my collection I find that it brings a very balanced sound including authoritative bass when called upon. I’ve been bumping along to my 90s rock and rap today and it’s glorious . There are easily many many songs where this amp has improved bass quality  and in particular has brought new life to my 311 collection. I’m really happy with this amp.

I love my SET 120s and I can see a difference in the sound . While Frank has always strived for a transparent sound the SET has a warmer midrange and those things bring the thump. The trade off is that I can hear more details in the high end on the NP1 and ups the bass texture.

Personally I have the NP1 attached to my computer in the man cave for critical listening and music production and I have the set 120 in my workout room and bedroom for general listening and workout jams.


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Re: The all new CA1 and NP1
« Reply #119 on: 16 Jul 2024, 08:59 pm »
This is my first post here, so hello to all!  I have owned Van Alstine equipment since the late 90s, specifically an FET Valve EC preamp and an Omega III 440hc amp driving Magneplanar 2.5’s. I recently bought a pair of Zu Audio DW6 speakers for a change of pace and a totally different sound profile (stunning appearance in Red Hickory, and providing a high WAF* as well!).

I recently ordered a CA1 control amp, being intrigued by reports of fantastic rendition of detail. Its 55 watt rating is more than enough for the highly efficient DW6’s, so it seemed like a great choice. My aging AVA amp has developed some as yet undiagnosed noise in one channel, so the CA1 was intended to replace my old amp while it is being evaluated. All that said, after I heard the Steve Guttenberg review of the CA1, I changed my order to an NP1. Steve experienced unpleasant brightness with bright recordings when playing the CA1 through the DW6’s, and other posters here have also noted the CA1’s tendency towards brightness.

Of course the NP1 is likely to have the same sound signature as the amp section of the CA1, but I decided it would be wise to maintain some flexibility in my ability to sculpt the sound signature by keeping a preamp in the system. Plus, I have always liked having a tube preamp and doing some tube rolling as needed. So my old FET Valve EC preamp will feed the new NP1, and we’ll see how it goes. I am very optimistic that the new amp will perform admirably!  In any event, it’ll be great fun to incorporate a new amp and speakers after more than 25 years.  No word yet on shipment date. More later.

*Wife Acceptance Factor
« Last Edit: 17 Jul 2024, 11:48 pm by Swissian »