I just got in more Majik Buss's for the demo tour.

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Danny Richie

  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 14359
    • http://www.gr-research.com
Get ahold of me now and you can get one right away.

If you haven't heard already, then here is the deal.

You get me all the where to send it info and CC info needed for securing it and for the shipping cost. Shipping is typically about $14 to $19.

It comes with a 4' long Electra Cable B-7 PC. So you don't even have to scrounge for a power cable to be up and going. All you have to do is plug and play.

The Majik Buss is only $595 and the Electra Cable PC is $329. If you keep both of them then I knock off $100.

You have no obligation to buy either of them. But be forewarned though. You won't want to send them back.