Center Speaker Option

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 13
Center Speaker Option
« on: 10 May 2023, 08:38 am »
Hi. I'm new here.

I currently have the following setup. BP173 - 4B3 - Middle T

Now I am thinking adding a center channel for movies. As I know, the Bryston matching center speaker is TC-1 mini, but these need to go via special orders and extremely hard to find on used market. Are there any possible substitutions?

If I am lucky enough to find a TC1 mini, what amp should I use to drive it? I don't want t o grab another 4b3. How about a used 7b or later versions.


Re: Center Speaker Option
« Reply #1 on: 10 May 2023, 06:36 pm »
Hi. I'm new here.

I currently have the following setup. BP173 - 4B3 - Middle T

Now I am thinking adding a center channel for movies. As I know, the Bryston matching center speaker is TC-1 mini, but these need to go via special orders and extremely hard to find on used market. Are there any possible substitutions?

If I am lucky enough to find a TC1 mini, what amp should I use to drive it? I don't want t o grab another 4b3. How about a used 7b or later versions.

  First off I have the Model T passives which may perform differently from the Middle T. I don't use a center channel in my set up and room. I get good center dialogue in stereo mode in my room. When I did use a center channel Paradigm CC-590 v5 with my SP2 processor there was some kind of power drain on the Model T passives so that they did not perform optimally. So to my ears it sounds better without the center channel and center channel turned off.
   With the center channel a 2B-LP should be sufficient power. However in my room the more recent Bryston amps SST/SS2 made for a seemless soundstage between L-C-R speakers with the center channel being difficult to localize, if that is important to you.

IMO try listening without a center channel first and see if that works for you. :smoke:


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 13
Re: Center Speaker Option
« Reply #2 on: 11 May 2023, 02:05 am »
To be honest, my setup does sounds okay for movies, but I somehow feel the dialogue is a bit weak. This could be the common issue for two channel.

On the other hand, I had my Sony TV (current model with Dobby Atmos, hdmi2.1, eArc and a lot of other technical names) feeding Schiit Yggdrasil via optica. I have never tried an AVR nor pre/pro yet. I was thinking if I can grab a newer AVR (good pre/pro are quite expensive especially I'm still experimenting) and use its preouts, so that I could take some advantage of those more modern home theater technologies. Maybe I can also try a phantom center. In general, will an above average AVR beat stereo DACs like mine in processing movie tracks?


Re: Center Speaker Option
« Reply #3 on: 7 Dec 2024, 03:01 pm »
adding to this topic as I am in a similar situation as OP.

To be honest, my setup does sounds okay for movies, but I somehow feel the dialogue is a bit weak. This could be the common issue for two channel.

coming up on 59 and my hearing is not what it was, and my 2 channel system doesn't cut if for movies and TV
dialog but is great for music.  Not interested in a surround setup.  The TV speakers do not help so I keep them on mute.
What configuration with what I have or what change in setup with something new/different would allow
for a center channel speaker  ?  Current TV setup is LG G4 => BDA3 => BP173 => 4B3 => Model T signature passive.
I have an old 4B that could serve for additional amplification.