Torsion Jumpers

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Torsion Jumpers
« on: 4 Aug 2024, 10:57 pm »
I tried (and bought) the Torsion cables for my system a while back because they made a nice difference from the cables
I had at that time. With all the changes to my system and enjoying the new SCs I put the stock jumpers back on to see if
the aftermarket jumpers made any difference in which they didn't come close to the aftermarket. This got me wondering
if Jason would be willing to make a Torsion jumper. After some discussion I talked Jason into making me a pair. We discussed
termination type and size, length and metallurgy. He talked me into 8" length and I'm glad he did. While being longer they
were a breeze to connect. I went with Cu to keep the same metal as the SC even though I have Ag for all interconnects.
I had quite an awakening with the Torsion SC and when adding more of the same was hoping there would be some improvement.
Well I was WRONG. They made a major improvement. The jumpers added more of everything to the equation. Better bass,
more liveliness and crisper highs with absolutely no smearing or edginess. It felt like I added a sub to the system. I could feel
the bass compress the room which is amazing for a 6" cone.
I highly recommend those who have Torsion SC to go the next step and try them out. Even if you don't have Hapa SCs, I can't
recommend them enough. I am officially blown away.
It's easy to forget (since Iv'e got his equipment) to state the built and aesthetes are impeccable.


Re: Torsion Jumpers
« Reply #1 on: 5 Aug 2024, 06:15 pm »

Thanks for the glowing review! I build these jumpers exactly the same as the Torsion speaker cables. Same process etc. Here's the photos of this particular build:

I am going to do a small tour for Torsion Copper soon and was thinking I might include a set of jumpers.  :thumb:


Re: Torsion Jumpers
« Reply #2 on: 26 Aug 2024, 09:43 pm »
Well, I did it again.
I was so impressed with these jumpers I talked Jason into building a set in Ag.
I have tried almost all of his interconnects in both forms and found the Ag to my liking but if I hadn't heard both could have
lived nicely with the Cu versions.
Just received a message they are on the way. Stay tuned.
Jason can explain the parts and construction a whole lot better than I can so if he would could tell everyone about them.
Yes they're boutique and unique. Ain't cheap but compared to all the dinero put out for upgrades what's a few more bucks
in this hobby. Hapa Audio has a great track record in my system. Will post my findings here since they are still Torsion.
Thanks goes out to Jason for putting up with my absurdities.
« Last Edit: 27 Aug 2024, 12:41 pm by dflee »


Re: Torsion Jumpers
« Reply #3 on: 28 Aug 2024, 07:22 pm »
Don and I have been chatting about the jumpers quite a bit. I have been pleasantly surprised as to the level of improvement he hears from them in his setup. While the first copper set we did the standard build using Furutech alpha material spades (first pics I posted previously in this thread) They're pretty bare bones in that they don't have housing or anything other than crimp on spades.

Don wanted to up the ante and try out the pure silver Torsion jumpers. They use the exact same pure silver 15 gauge UPOCC solid core wire in Aerogel dielectric as Torsion speaker cable.  So we put together what I would consider the 'no holds barred' option that includes great pure silver Viborg spades. A bit beefier than I usually prefer on any connectors, but with good reason. Silver is very soft and anything less is compromised. Even the WBT pure silver stuff is a bit more delicate than I prefer. This is the first time I've used these connectors on jumpers so I'm looking forward to the feedback Don has.  :thumb:


Re: Torsion Jumpers
« Reply #4 on: 2 Sep 2024, 08:49 pm »
Received the Torsion Ag Jumpers Friday afternoon and pissed off a friend (kind of).
I was supposed to meet a couple of friends for dinner Friday night but wound up eating a peanut butter and jelly at home cause I didn't want to leave.
Right out of the box the Ag took the Cu with as stated previously and doubled down on everything. Jason wasn't (nor was I) sure since the SCs are Cu what
an Ag version of a jumper would do. This wasn't just a step up. I am in complete awe of how much more it brought to the table. It retains the Cu sound but gives a whole
new meaning to black background. It really is a no brainer for the clarity, depth and highs of the combination. Of all the listening of Cu vs Ag in the interconnects
I've tried this one was by far the biggest step experienced in my system. The one caveat was The spade sleeve is too big so I did have to tweak the end by
bending it just a hair to accommodate the second connection. I have always had trouble posting pictures on this site but sent one to Jason. If he would be so kind
and post it and my system I would appreciate it. Other than that I find nothing but positive features for this incredible cable.
The kind of pissed off friend was curious and came by to see the reason for skipping out on dinner. Since it only takes a matter of minutes to change out I put
the Cu in and let him listen. He was impressed and stated they sounded really good. I put the Ag back in and all he could do was look at me with an open mouth.



Re: Torsion Jumpers
« Reply #5 on: 8 Sep 2024, 02:17 pm »
After reading about these Jumpers I asked to try them out. Don forwarded the Copper ones to me. Thank You Don!
I received them Thursday night. Got home too late to implement them so I held off. I also had a QSA Silver outlet to install that was designated for my amp. I decided to put that in first as it was gonna be a permanent fixture. I waited until Saturday afternoon to add the jumpers. Right off the bat I noticed the top end had gotten really smooth. I held off on any other comments as I was heading out for the evening. Upon further listening this morning the sound quality of these has really kicked in for the better. Larger and deeper soundstage, ultra transparent and very musical.
My Speakers are Totem Acoustic Mani-2 Signatures, Amp is a Bricasti M-25 and the Speaker Cables are QSA/Lanedri Ultimatumm’s.
Like what occurred with Don I too am curious as to what the amped up Silver Version would be like.
Either way, if you are looking to upgrade your binding Post Jumpers I highly suggest you give these a whirl.


Re: Torsion Jumpers
« Reply #6 on: 9 Sep 2024, 06:44 pm »
Thank you for your mini review! And thank you to Don for sending Mike the copper jumpers. I’m really happy to see them getting some attention.
« Last Edit: 9 Sep 2024, 11:57 pm by Pez »