used KR 5U4G and EML Anniversary 45 Mesh prices?

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used KR 5U4G and EML Anniversary 45 Mesh prices?
« on: 23 Feb 2022, 10:04 pm »
What would you all think fair minimal hours used prices would be for the Lampi special edition KR 5U4G and the EML Anniversary 45 mesh plates?   


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  • Posts: 58
Re: used KR 5U4G and EML Anniversary 45 Mesh prices?
« Reply #1 on: 17 Mar 2022, 02:29 am »
I recently sold a pair of EML 45 Globe Mesh for $700.
A new RK 5u4g is about $500 new, about $400 lightly used
A KR 5u4g is about $375 new, about $300 lightly used
Suppose an Anniversary 5u4g is between these

I still have a KR 5u4g lightly used in my Pacific for $300 if interested. The RK is better, but not by much.