tube noise?

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tube noise?
« on: 8 Jul 2014, 10:22 pm »
My L4 with volume is really really quite.  My big 7 used with (different preamps) has a little hum or buzz or something. I've tried all the various hum relieving remedies thinking maybe its ground related.  But when placing the L4 back I see how quiet my system can be.

Is there maybe the nature of the DHT tubes? or the other tubes involved in the big 7.  The noise is barely noticeable from my listening position but I know its there.   So it bugs me.

Anyone else have experience or thoughts on tube noise ?


Re: tube noise?
« Reply #1 on: 9 Jul 2014, 04:43 pm »
Hi Guf,

It is true that the Big 7's noise floor isn't QUITE as ink black as the Level 4, but if you certainly shouldn't be hearing a buzz.  There is noise inherent in all designs and my somewhat layman understanding is that there is a moderately higher level inherent in the design due to the DHT tubes, but unless you have some very sensitive speakers it really shouldn't be noticeable at all unless you're practically putting your head to the speaker with the gain up. 



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Re: tube noise?
« Reply #2 on: 9 Jul 2014, 11:56 pm »
Damit, mine are 104 db eff.   :duh:  it is a curse!


Re: tube noise?
« Reply #3 on: 10 Jul 2014, 01:18 am »
Re-reading my reply it may not have been as clear as it was in my head--read that:  "but unless you crank the gain of your preamp all the way up with some very sensitive speakers it really shouldn't be noticeable at all unless you're practically putting your head to the speaker"

Seriously, the Big 7/Level 7s noise floor is very low.  They've been used with the 103db LampizatOr Destination speakers as well as very revealing headphone rigs with great success.


Re: tube noise?
« Reply #4 on: 10 Jul 2014, 02:41 pm »
AL says he hears zero noise/hum on his Big 7.


Re: tube noise?
« Reply #5 on: 11 Jul 2014, 03:18 am »
Yeah, I'm sorry. Looks like the majority of noise is coming from one of my preamps. When using my Shindo preamp it the big 7 is quite but using the Lampizator preamp I'm experiencing more noise. I guess it's unfair to compare a dac with volume control to another one without and having to use a preamp. The added components obviously add variables. Now if i could get my preamp quiet!


Re: tube noise?
« Reply #6 on: 11 Jul 2014, 03:40 am »
Thanks for the update, Guf.  Yes, the 7 should be very quiet and I'm glad you were able to confirm it.

Unfortunately I don't have any experience with the LampizatOr preamp and as far as I know the one you have is the first and only one in the US...  I'll run the noise floor by Lukasz.