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  • Burning Amp (2016): 13 Nov 2016

Burning Amp (2016)

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Burning Amp (2016)
« on: 11 Oct 2016, 06:36 am »
Burning Amp
November 13, 2016, Sunday
Fort Mason San Francisco
Web Site:


Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #1 on: 11 Oct 2016, 03:37 pm »
Is this something similar to Burning Man? Can I come dressed up weird and covered in dirt?  8)

leica m3

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Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #2 on: 12 Oct 2016, 02:31 pm »
Burning Amp is the largest DIY show in CA. Nelson Pass will be giving a presentation. People bring speakers, amps, turntables scratch built, kits or rebuilds. It is a very fun event. I will be demonstrating two systems, a rebuilt Motorola EL84 amp, Bottlehead Quickie battery powered preamp, Onkyo C-7030 CD player and a pair of ADS 420/2 speakers. My other system will be a " Cheap and Cheerful Hifi" system consisting of a TDA7297 amp, Sony Playstation, and a pair of Braun Output c speakers. At last years show this system received more attention than my main system which was centered around a Bottlehead SEX amp. I will also be donating a couple TPA7297 amps for the raffle.

Anyone can be in the show, hope to see you there. You do not even need to bring a complete system, the coordinator will match whatever you bring with other people's equipment.


Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #3 on: 12 Oct 2016, 02:49 pm »
I will be there, coming from Texas so will only be a passive attendee.


Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #4 on: 12 Oct 2016, 04:57 pm »

Wonderful set of speakers you have there! (Looked at them in your Systems.)  :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:


Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #5 on: 14 Oct 2016, 03:53 am »
Burning Amp is the largest DIY show in CA. Nelson Pass will be giving a presentation. People bring speakers, amps, turntables scratch built, kits or rebuilds. It is a very fun event. I will be demonstrating two systems, a rebuilt Motorola EL84 amp, Bottlehead Quickie battery powered preamp, Onkyo C-7030 CD player and a pair of ADS 420/2 speakers. My other system will be a " Cheap and Cheerful Hifi" system consisting of a TDA7297 amp, Sony Playstation, and a pair of Braun Output c speakers. At last years show this system received more attention than my main system which was centered around a Bottlehead SEX amp. I will also be donating a couple TPA7297 amps for the raffle.

Anyone can be in the show, hope to see you there. You do not even need to bring a complete system, the coordinator will match whatever you bring with other people's equipment.
I'm planning on going, and looking forward to it.  One question I had was whether people play music on their systems or are the displays static?

leica m3

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Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #6 on: 14 Oct 2016, 02:22 pm »
People play music on their systems, bring your favorite CD's to play. There are a few static displays like half finished projects . If you are coming please come by and say hi.


Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #7 on: 15 Oct 2016, 10:25 pm »
People play music on their systems, bring your favorite CD's to play. There are a few static displays like half finished projects . If you are coming please come by and say hi.
Will do, but How will I know it's you? :wink:

leica m3

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Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #8 on: 15 Oct 2016, 10:34 pm »
I'll be the one with the Bottlehead Quickie pre and Motorola EL84 amp.


Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #9 on: 16 Oct 2016, 05:46 am »
I'll be the one with the Bottlehead Quickie pre and Motorola EL84 amp.
Given the pics I've seen of last year's Burning Amp, you may not be the only one  :wink:

I'll find you if I make it.  There are a couple of us from S. Bay and lower E. Bay that are up for the trip.



Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #10 on: 16 Oct 2016, 05:10 pm »
2015 Burning Amp Speaker: Nelson Pass


Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #11 on: 16 Oct 2016, 06:39 pm »
Leica, if you really want some attention with a TDA7297 you should ask to borrow one from someone that got boards from me.

leica m3

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Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #12 on: 29 Oct 2016, 05:49 pm »
Only two more weeks! Anybody else coming?

leica m3

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Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #13 on: 6 Nov 2016, 05:35 pm »
Only one more week, anybody else planning on coming?


Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #14 on: 6 Nov 2016, 05:48 pm »
I would love to meet Nelson Pass, but to far away for me.


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Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #15 on: 10 Nov 2016, 07:08 pm »
I'm going and was wondering if I should bring a pair or two of my DIM (Did It Myself) speakers.  Leica m3, do you have some speakers to play on your system?


Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #16 on: 12 Nov 2016, 01:44 am »
This will be my first time going...I am driving from Concord, Ca. Anyone close to me looking for a ride?

leica m3

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Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #17 on: 12 Nov 2016, 04:58 pm »
I'm going and was wondering if I should bring a pair or two of my DIM (Did It Myself) speakers.  Leica m3, do you have some speakers to play on your system?

I have speakers for my system, please bring yours, there will be someone with an amp to hook up with your speakers.


Re: Burning Amp (2016)
« Reply #18 on: 14 Nov 2016, 05:00 pm »
Hey Leica m3, we chatted a little at the show, some how I didn't make the connection because you were shooting with the 3f :D, anyway nice talking to you!