Need input for amplification for my Elise speakers..

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Hebrew Hammer

  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 546
So yesterday I have an awesome opportunity to get a DEQX from a good friend.. This is something I can't pass up... needless to say that it's a price that even my broke ass can This was something that I had in mind while building these.. as to allow for a specific look, i would have to make and external passive box to go passive..

so this leaves me with an amplification dilemma.. I need 6 channels... so two 3 channels.. three 2 channels...or 6 mono's..

Suggestions? supporters   :P

pics to refresh memory...


Re: Need input for amplification for my Elise speakers..
« Reply #1 on: 25 Sep 2009, 06:32 pm »
Well, those Revelators aren't real efficient, so probably don't want to go too low in powering them.
Some AudioCircle folks have had excellent results doing the exact same thing that you want to do (3-ways with DEQX) using the USA-built ATI 6-channel amps:
ATI 1506: 6 X 150W/channel @ 8ohm
ATI 1806: 6 X 180W/channel @ 8ohm
ATI 2006: 6 X 200W/channel @ 8ohm
They're not inexpensive, but a good value.  There is a used 2006 on AudiogoN for $1500, and a 1506 for $900 (that you can read about if you have the stamina to get through a 2000 word single paragraph).
The ATIs have their own transformer and capacitors for each channel.  I don't think you are going to save $ by going with 2 X 3-channel or 3 X 2-channel amps.