Owners Gallery. Post your sytem pictures and descriptions.

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Hyperion owners,  

Please show us your system here.  Thanks.


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Owners Gallery. Post your sytem pictures and descriptions.
« Reply #1 on: 21 Aug 2005, 05:25 am »
Sorry all for taking this long to get my system set up fully.  Here's my current system.  Hope you like it. :mrgreen:



Owners Gallery. Post your sytem pictures and descriptions.
« Reply #2 on: 6 Sep 2005, 04:27 pm »
Here's my system description (finally...),

and some pics
(more pics will follow as soon as possible, tell me what you'd like to see :) )

Greetings Roeland


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Owners Gallery. Post your sytem pictures and descriptions.
« Reply #3 on: 10 Sep 2005, 08:13 pm »
HI guys,

sorry for not writing in the recent past.
I am moving and due to this ,I haven`t been able to enjoy the 938 for several months already and I don`t know when I will have the space to set them up in the near future.
I sold my DK Design ,it sounded very good ,but I found a Tact Millennium MK2.
My set is now: Sony XA 50ES--Tact Millennium MK2--Hyperion HPS 938.
Honestly I don`t know yet how this set will sound :-)
As soon as I have the space to set them up ,I will post some pictures.



  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 718
Owners Gallery. Post your sytem pictures and descriptions.
« Reply #4 on: 11 Sep 2005, 08:20 am »

Good luck with your new system.  Hope the Tact will work well with the 938s.


Re: Owners Gallery. Post your sytem pictures and descriptions.
« Reply #5 on: 30 Sep 2006, 03:38 pm »
[img]Hi Dracule, hyperion owners,

I consider all of us lucky fews for owning speakers like Hyperions...I just got mine in this week and oh...how sweet they are already...I am falling in love with these..I had ATCs (scm35) before Hyperion and wow...made ATCs look and sound like mid-fi toys...not even in a same league..and the price point is almost same...

Anyway, here are several pictures of my Hyperion starting to warm up in my house..can't wait til they break in...

Dracule, pls take a look at the spikes I installed on top unit...I ordered the isonodes but the dealer ran out and I can no longer get them where I live and decided to go with high-grade steel spike and disk using 3 per each channel... Do you think these will get similar effect of isonodes ? if not, I would have to order them from US and get them shipped here... let me know your thoughts..I trust your insights.. ;-)

You guys may be familiar with DK design VS1 MK3 as they are pretty hot in US..They run my Hyperions extremely well. The CD player you see there is made by Aprilmusic which is making some waves in Europe from what I know..they are mfg'd in Korea and the sound is very open and transparent..uses phillips pro2 mechanism and for it's worth ($2500), it can compete with anything under $5000 price range..my opinion though... ;-)

« Last Edit: 30 Sep 2006, 11:58 pm by pkoh70 »


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Re: Owners Gallery. Post your sytem pictures and descriptions.
« Reply #6 on: 30 Sep 2006, 09:40 pm »
Very nice and simple set!
Had the DK Design MK2 , still one off my favourite.


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Re: Owners Gallery. Post your sytem pictures and descriptions.
« Reply #7 on: 1 Oct 2006, 07:00 am »
Hi Paul, please refer to my reply under "worthwhile tweaks..." regarding the spike/disk.

Very nice setup!  I really like the Eximus CDP for its engineering and build quality, but too expensive here in the US.  Seems like the DK is a good match for the 938s as well as you are the second Hyperion owner I know who have this amp.

What platform are you using underneath the woofer module?  I noticed your 938s are very close to the side and front walls.  Have you tried setting them farther from the walls?  I have noticed significant improvement in imaging/staging by having the speakers at least 4 feet from the front walls to front of the speakers and at least 2 feet from the side walls.


Re: Owners Gallery. Post your sytem pictures and descriptions.
« Reply #8 on: 1 Oct 2006, 09:45 am »
Hi Dracule,

thanks for the comments..I have SonicsLab underneath the base unit, kind of like Isorock but gives more for about the same price...Like u said, I want to keep my speakers away from the walls but unfortunately my room size limits what I can do right now. time for me to move soon... :-)

I am surprised to hear you mention about eximus CDP as I wasn't aware they were selling in US...it is really a good piece of machine...now all 3 parts of my whole system are what I considered to be among the tops in price vs. performance...;-)

Albert Allen

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Re: Owners Gallery. Post your sytem pictures and descriptions.
« Reply #9 on: 23 Jan 2009, 08:32 pm »
Not too much to see behind the curtain (ignore the man behind the curtain) :D

Just lots of Adcom amps for the home theater, I use a pair of Adcom 565 300 watt mono blocks for my critical listening (for monster amps they are actually quite refined)

-OPPO SACD for the source.
-two M&K MX-5000 Subs
-one Velodyne servo 15 sub
-JBL L-65's for center channel (yes it is overkill but I had them)

here are a couple of pics

