Spirit II Interconnect by Triode Wire Labs

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Spirit II Interconnect by Triode Wire Labs
« on: 14 Apr 2018, 05:49 pm »
Sprit II
Thoughts, Reflections and Conclusions
I gotta admit I like Pete’s philosophy concerning his Triode Wire Labs cables. You don’t get a this is good but this other is better (and more costly) alternative. Granted there are different versions of the power cables and while yes you can use them in any instance, they are produced for a specific function. Simple, and easy. I appreciate that concept.
I’m not a critic in the sense of listening with expert ears or know how to listen to music for all the jargon that some seem to have. I have two criteria, tonality and articulation. While not a musician by any stretch of the imagination, I do have fun playing and like it when I get that same feeling listening to the stereo. One of my instruments is a 1918 Gibson mandolin and when people hear it the one thing that keeps coming up is how you can hear the wood of this instrument and the articulation of the sound (not my playing but the mandolin’s). When I can hear that in the instruments through the stereo then I know at least for me, I got it.
I purchased the Spirit II based on liking the original and wanting to make my loop more complete.
I installed the Spirit II between my pre and amp to try and help with sound from all attached sources since I have the Spirit between my dac and pre already and the games began.
Right out of the box (bag) I felt there is something special here but man they had as many moods as my ex-wife. They went from a little lean to meaty to boomy to a little lean and boomy to just incredibly not there (just like the ex) except they were still in the system. By showing me all the iterations during break in it really smacked me when they disappeared and came into their own. The mids and highes are exceptional and the bass, the bass is clean, articulate and a joy to hear. I bought a pair of Sennheiser 598 SR headphones for office work and use them at home when my wife doesn’t want to hear anything. Found them to be quite good so I put the Spirit II from the dac to pre and listened through the phones to compare between the original and II. Wow, putting the sound mainline to the ears showed more of a difference than through the system with the Spirit between pre and amp. I think the room played a part in system listening but there was a difference, just not quite as dramatic. The experience through the headphones was an almost vertigo feeling between my ears. The music was more floating in air than before with the Spirit but with that same great sound of the Spirit. Don’t get me wrong the Spirit ain’t goin no where cause I do enjoy them and if I can get another pair of IIs, the Spirit will definitely be used on other equipment that can use a great cable improvement. My next step will be to have Spirit IIs from dac to pre And from pre to amp. The articulation and tonality that this interconnect lets come through the equipment is quite nice and puts a smile on my face.
I have my equipment listed for anyone interested in the system thread.



Re: Spirit II Interconnect by Triode Wire Labs
« Reply #1 on: 14 Apr 2018, 08:42 pm »
Thanks for the review, Don!


You list quite a few ICs in your system description, but some might it helpful to know what IC is where.



Re: Spirit II Interconnect by Triode Wire Labs
« Reply #2 on: 14 Apr 2018, 09:31 pm »
ICs are all RCA and in order:
CDP to DAC is the Kimber D60. Never had a desire to change that one.
DAC to Pre is the Spirit
Pre to Amp is the Spirit II
Cable box to Pre is the Morrow 4 w/ Eichman Silver
Note: I have the VCR and Tuner also connected to the Pre using assorted ICs.
All digital tied into a Digibuss tied into a Majicbuss w/ amp direct to Majicbuss



Re: Spirit II Interconnect by Triode Wire Labs
« Reply #3 on: 11 May 2018, 08:17 pm »
Well, Messed around with the Spirit II a little more. Actually since broken in more tried it again in different locations.
The only thing I can say is I ordered another set. With the headphones it's spooky quiet.
Thanks Pete for making a pretty darn good cable that I can afford.



Re: Spirit II Interconnect by Triode Wire Labs
« Reply #4 on: 29 Jul 2018, 07:27 pm »
Spirit II dou.
Additional thoughts
Triode Wire Labs Spirit II Report
If you do not believe in cable break in, please have this cable sent directly to a friend to put at least thirty to forty hours on them prior to your listening with them. You will be glad you did.
This is my second Spirit II creating a full run from dac (new cable) to pre to amp and I feel that having the first set already in the system has shown me the dramatic change this cable goes through. This is the first cable I have ever put into my system and thought “what have I done”. Actually had thoughts of sending it back cause the sound was so off I didn’t think it could improve enough to my liking.
WELL, stuck with them and let the cd player repeat for five to six hours at a time (not running through the amp), off for a while then back on for a while. Did this for a week then sat back down for the proverbial critical listen and was blown away. Two reasons why, one- couldn’t believe the cable would change as much as it did and two- how incredible the sound is. There are a couple of artists I have the pleasure of listening to unmiked and when listening to their cd thought the voice difference was due to the recording. There was a slight tinge in the upper registry of the voice that disappeared with this cable for both male and female. There’s more weight and breadth and detail of the voice. There is a fuller sound in instruments but still maintain excellent detail. The overall sound has opened up with more articulation than ever before in my system. Not very often you get both at the same time. The system has a more natural sound and I’m just enjoying the music so much more. Isn’t that what it’s supposed to be about?
Thank you Pete and crew for the excellent equipment.
Don Fleenor

Triode Pete

  • Industry Contributor
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  • www.TriodeWireLabs.com
    • Triode Wire Labs - Affordable Audiophile Cables
Re: Spirit II Interconnect by Triode Wire Labs
« Reply #5 on: 30 Jul 2018, 08:07 pm »
Spirit II dou.
Additional thoughts
Triode Wire Labs Spirit II Report
If you do not believe in cable break in, please have this cable sent directly to a friend to put at least thirty to forty hours on them prior to your listening with them. You will be glad you did.
This is my second Spirit II creating a full run from dac (new cable) to pre to amp and I feel that having the first set already in the system has shown me the dramatic change this cable goes through. This is the first cable I have ever put into my system and thought “what have I done”. Actually had thoughts of sending it back cause the sound was so off I didn’t think it could improve enough to my liking.
WELL, stuck with them and let the cd player repeat for five to six hours at a time (not running through the amp), off for a while then back on for a while. Did this for a week then sat back down for the proverbial critical listen and was blown away. Two reasons why, one- couldn’t believe the cable would change as much as it did and two- how incredible the sound is. There are a couple of artists I have the pleasure of listening to unmiked and when listening to their cd thought the voice difference was due to the recording. There was a slight tinge in the upper registry of the voice that disappeared with this cable for both male and female. There’s more weight and breadth and detail of the voice. There is a fuller sound in instruments but still maintain excellent detail. The overall sound has opened up with more articulation than ever before in my system. Not very often you get both at the same time. The system has a more natural sound and I’m just enjoying the music so much more. Isn’t that what it’s supposed to be about?
Thank you Pete and crew for the excellent equipment.
Don Fleenor

Hey Don,
Thank you for your thorough follow-up review on my new "Spirit II" IC's... Appreciate your kind comments...



Re: Spirit II Interconnect by Triode Wire Labs
« Reply #6 on: 11 Jan 2019, 09:09 pm »
Time marches on:
Now that I feel the changes are complete I have the following thoughts.
Thanks for tolerating the write-ups and I hope it portrays how I feel about this IC.

                                                                          As Good As Gold
A phrase I never imagined coming to mind as to my interconnect cables yet through Pete’s design and incredible pricing am able to.
I have to admit I like Triode Wire Labs cables. I have numerous power cables, a set of speaker cables and junction connectors and several interconnects which are the basis of this write-up.
The Spirit has been a very good cable but when Pete came out with the IIs it really peaked my interest. The first set showed some real promise and were better than the original. Getting the second set changed everything. Now at this point I have to admit I didn’t read the literature that came with the cable (I know how to install a set of ICs) and like I said, I enjoyed them, but after getting the second set and reading the lit found these are no ordinary cables, sound wise and construction wise. I assumed there would never be a gold cable in my system based upon the price of others such as the Audience AU24 and while I can’t say to what degree of gold is in the 24 versus the Spirit II will say I have never had as good an iC in my system. It’s been said the connectors may be just or even more important than the wire itself. While I can’t say one way or the other will say that the rca on the cable make a good and tight connection and TWL thinks they are good and I agree. The workmanship and aesthetics are solid and look great.
When I get a set of cables in I listen to what is accentuated or made more noticeable then try different music that I’ve had trouble in the past in that area. After full break in I noticed vocals seemed at first to be recessed as to not quite so up front. It put the vocals more into the music instead of in front of or separated from. This led me to the Yes album. I love Yes with the distinctive voice of Jon Anderson and musicianship of the band. His singing while great has always left a slight ringing or sharpness in the upper region. This is something I thought was done to bring his vocals out. Through the Spirit II the octave was still there but with more naturalness in the tone. I can honestly say I have never heard Mr. Anderson till now. Rather excited I next went to Neil and then to Bob and danged if they both took on a more natural and detailed minus the sharpness sound. Instruments also have a more earthy or organic sound and yet quite detailed. Wood sounds more woody and brass sounds less hyper and more natural.
I’m really liking the sound of the stereo and at this point the only thing I want to try would be an R2R dac sometime in the future.
Thanks Pete and family (I assume the ladies are still doin the braiding) for an exceptional interconnect.
It is always a pleasure to open a box and see that little black bag cause I know there's something special inside.

Don Fleenor

Triode Pete

  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 1434
  • www.TriodeWireLabs.com
    • Triode Wire Labs - Affordable Audiophile Cables
Re: Spirit II Interconnect by Triode Wire Labs
« Reply #7 on: 9 Aug 2019, 12:41 pm »
Some nice feedback from a new customer on the "Spirit II" RCA interconnects...

"Hi Peter –
Happy Friday to you!
I received my IC’s yesterday; plugged them in and listened for 3.5 hours, shut it down at midnight.  It felt not like I had a nice new set of IC’s but more like I had a new sweet sounding system.  Amazed, and a little discouraged about what I’ve been missing in my current system for over a year and a half, since adding my Primaluna Pre.  Before adding the TWL IC’s my system was really nice, sometimes very satisfying.  That said there were times when I’ve not been totally satisfied during my listening sessions (something was not right).   
Last night within the first hour the standout for me was how any and all harshness I had experienced in the past was gone (how did this happen)?  The interesting part is I had not realize just how bad it was until it was conquered!  In the second hour I noticed greater dynamic range, punch and slam; this got my heart rate up; I had to calm down (Bourbon).   In the third hour I enjoyed my new system and noticed a greatly improved sound stage.   
Okay, am I losing it or are these the type of things you have heard before?    Hopefully I’m not losing it!  8^)   For me this is the best bang for the buck upgrade I’ve experienced in my 45 year venture in Hi-Fi, I’m a 60 yr. old, still feel like I’m 30 mentally (not physically).   In any event I’ll be a high-fi buff/audiophile until I’m unable to  function so with that I thank you for the experience with your IC cables, simply amazing….nicely done Pete!

Thanks, Mike!

Happy Friday!


Re: Spirit II Interconnect by Triode Wire Labs
« Reply #8 on: 10 Aug 2019, 10:48 pm »
Hi Pete - sounds like you have another happy customer.  Congrats!

I'd suggest that it would be more in keeping with the intent of the Critic's Circle to encourage happy users to read the Critic's Circle Guidelines and then post a true review. Without any context on the user's system, room, choice in music, previous cables, etc., it's hard to translate how the user's experience might translate to our own systems.

Nice to know that he described his state of mind though (Bourbon)! :wink: