Tyson's NX-Studio Monitor Review

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Danny Richie

Re: Tyson's NX-Studio Monitor Review
« Reply #100 on: 25 Jan 2023, 12:05 am »
Wondering if anyone has compared the NX-Studio and the Philharmonic BMR Monitor.

That is not a comparison.


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Re: Tyson's NX-Studio Monitor Review
« Reply #101 on: 25 Jan 2023, 01:51 am »
That is not a comparison.

How about something more informative? The Philharmonics seem to be well regarded.


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Re: Tyson's NX-Studio Monitor Review
« Reply #102 on: 25 Jan 2023, 02:23 am »
They have issues, especially in the vertical axis as the drivers are too far apart (esp tweeter/mid) and they cross too high.
They do have a wide horizontal dispersion pattern making for some positive attribute in regards to soundstage, but will also likely call for room treatment as more sound will be hitting the side walls.

We haven't looked at them in house, but Erin has some solid measurements:

The NX-Studios will lose in terms of bass extension as it is a sealed design and the Philharmonic is ported. However, the NX use of an open-backed tweeter allows for a much faster attack as well as a better sense of space and layering within the soundstage.
The waveguide also allows for better low-end extension of the tweeter, as well as a more controlled dispersion, keeping the drivers more coherent over a wider rang, especially in the vertical axis.

They're very different speakers, and they will please different people for different reasons, as they do things very differently.

The best way to compare them would be to listen to both of them and come to your own conclusions.


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Re: Tyson's NX-Studio Monitor Review
« Reply #103 on: 25 Jan 2023, 02:48 pm »
They have issues, especially in the vertical axis as the drivers are too far apart (esp tweeter/mid) and they cross too high.
They do have a wide horizontal dispersion pattern making for some positive attribute in regards to soundstage, but will also likely call for room treatment as more sound will be hitting the side walls.

We haven't looked at them in house, but Erin has some solid measurements:

The NX-Studios will lose in terms of bass extension as it is a sealed design and the Philharmonic is ported. However, the NX use of an open-backed tweeter allows for a much faster attack as well as a better sense of space and layering within the soundstage.
The waveguide also allows for better low-end extension of the tweeter, as well as a more controlled dispersion, keeping the drivers more coherent over a wider rang, especially in the vertical axis.

They're very different speakers, and they will please different people for different reasons, as they do things very differently.

The best way to compare them would be to listen to both of them and come to your own conclusions.

Thanks for the more detailed response. I'll look for an opportunity to hear them in person.

Danny Richie

Re: Tyson's NX-Studio Monitor Review
« Reply #104 on: 25 Jan 2023, 10:03 pm »
How about something more informative? The Philharmonics seem to be well regarded.

Honest replies from me regarding comparisons of our products to others is frowned upon. So you'll have to get that feedback from everyone else.
« Last Edit: 27 Jan 2023, 05:49 pm by Danny Richie »


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Re: Tyson's NX-Studio Monitor Review
« Reply #105 on: 26 Jan 2023, 04:15 am »
Have a look at their vertical off axis response and you'll see huge holes in the response from poor time arrival issues.

The RAAL ribbons have a nice trailing edge to them but lack attack and won't play down very low. They are really no match for our Neo's in an open baffle application like the NX Studio monitors.

Also the ceramic based woofer is not going to deliver the level of clarity and pure natural sound of the N165NQ woofer. It really is not a comparison.

Have a look inside at the parts quality too. No comparison there either. We offer higher quality parts in our base level, budget oriented kits.

Thanks Danny. Maybe I'll get a chance to audition them at some point.


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Re: Tyson's NX-Studio Monitor Review
« Reply #106 on: 26 Jan 2023, 07:28 pm »
I've personally have never auditioned the speaker manufacturer Philharmonic BMR Monitor, I've heard favorable reviews though. I can only speak for the kit I personally own, which happens to be the NX Studio's. I've yet to read any unfavarable reviews or comments about the NX Stuido's.

 Am I biased?
The speaker performance sold itself to me, and I'm a tough sell. I've been playing music for over 50 years as a percussionist and music enthusiast.

I've yet to hear any monitor speaker, in price or performance, that can match these speakers. Some of the monitors, I've dealt with in recording studio's, simply do not deliver the same of amount of accuracy, which my NX Studio's produce.

I realize your shopping, I was too over a year ago. What I wasn't expecting, was the overwhelming positive support from Danny and his staff at GR Research, as well as the GR RESEARCH FORUM on Audio circle.  It's been such a positive experience. Factoring in what the NX Studio's perform on their own, I feel like I hit the multi-million dollar lottery!  Seriously,  If my house burned down tomorrow, two things I would immeadiately bring out, one would be my drums, as well as, my NX STUDIO'S. :drums:

Granted. I realize your taking multiple things into consideration, but weigh them all out! If I was a betting man, I'll put my studio's up over the Philharmonic BMR Monitor alternative speaker kit your considering all day long!  Am I confident, yes, I hear the results in the studio, these speakers are fantastic!!!!!

In summary,
I'm biased to what I hear acoustically, in the Studio mix? .... Answer: Yes 

Best of luck, in your search!

(This is not a sales pitch, I loathe sales pitches tossed around, rather than positive results experienced.)

« Last Edit: 17 Feb 2023, 07:20 pm by NXSTUDIO-DRUMMER »


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Re: Tyson's NX-Studio Monitor Review
« Reply #107 on: 26 Jan 2023, 07:55 pm »
  Seriously,  If my house burned down tomorrow, two things I would run out the houuse with, would be my drums and my NX STUDIO'S on my back! :drums:

As a drummer myself, a good set of bookshelf speakers are def a plus in case of a fire


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Re: Tyson's NX-Studio Monitor Review
« Reply #108 on: 26 Jan 2023, 08:04 pm »

As a drummer myself, a good set of bookshelf speakers are def a plus in case of a fire
Amen to that brother!


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Re: Tyson's NX-Studio Monitor Review
« Reply #109 on: 11 Apr 2023, 06:27 pm »
Thank you for the review.  My interest of buying these will be comparable studio monitors vs these?  Being other passive monitors like Amphion One - 18  would be a close competitor on the commercial side.  https://amphion.fi/products/one18/    Also how do they translate after mixing with them?