Karn Evil 9 part 2- ELP

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Karn Evil 9 part 2- ELP
« on: 26 Sep 2024, 01:59 pm »
  I wanted to express my opinion on Keith Emerson's masterful work on Karn Evil 9 part 2- Show That Never Ends
I've listened to this album since the mid-seventies, in fact I was probably the only person in high school that listened to and liked this band.
Anyway listening to Karn Evil 9 on my Ear Buds which sounded awesome. I could not help but think how innovative Keith Emerson was performing and creating this masterpiece. I believe the synth keyboard allowed him to create sounds that couldn't be done with any other instrument. This is what made this guy great! Add to that the drumming of Carl Palmer who complimented this style of music perfectly, I'll go as far to say as I could mistake him for Animal if I didn't know better. :lol:
  I watched a video of Keith Emerson and Oscar Peterson having a shoot out as to who was better. And I thought that Keith Emerson was a bit of a show off. Oscar Peterson was good but played a much slower relaxed style. While Keith Emerson style was aggressive, flamboyant. Never the less Keith Emerson was good and this performance proves his mastery of the keyboard. Nobody else could have pulled this off On Stage. :smoke:


Re: Karn Evil 9 part 2- ELP
« Reply #1 on: 26 Sep 2024, 02:47 pm »
So part 2 is the piano concerto part. Yeah there are some synths in it but it's mainly his attempt at a piano concerto with some synth on top to make it more symphonic.

I got the sheet music for this back in the day when I had far more chops than I have now, and all I can say is he must have 6 fingers on each hand. I simply couldn't figure out the fingering to make this playable (for me). And forget the speed at which he plays it.

I was always aware that those who compose music tend to write within their capabilities, and usually easier and simpler than they are actually capable of. Following this philosophy I can only imagine what Keith was truly capable of playing.


Re: Karn Evil 9 part 2- ELP
« Reply #2 on: 26 Sep 2024, 03:45 pm »
Ah yes, Karn Evil 9 definitely brings back fond memories of ELP. It was December of 1973, Brain Salad Surgery Tour, Chicago Amphitheater. They had set up the place with 4 towers of speakers for a "Quadraphonic" performance.  We were seated in folding chairs on the main floor. The atmosphere was what you would have expected. At the end of Karn Evil 9, Part 3, when Emerson's synthesizer tones began and "chased" each other around the amphitheater quad setup, slowly picking up speed, I saw dozens of people around me becoming disorientated and dizzy, many just falling to the floor at the peak of the chase. It was TFA! A concert I will never forget.



Re: Karn Evil 9 part 2- ELP
« Reply #3 on: 26 Sep 2024, 03:55 pm »
when Emerson's synthesizer tones began and "chased" each other around the amphitheater quad setup, slowly picking up speed, I saw dozens of people around me becoming disorientated and dizzy, many just falling to the floor at the peak of the chase.

Hmm Steve, could it have been an "alternative medicine" induced apoplexy?  It was back in the day, after all  :roll:

Mike B.

Re: Karn Evil 9 part 2- ELP
« Reply #4 on: 27 Sep 2024, 03:04 am »
I also saw them back then. Their stage was in the round with huge surround speakers. I was at the Memorial Coliseum in Portland Oregon. My hearing has not been the same since :thumb:


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Re: Karn Evil 9 part 2- ELP
« Reply #5 on: 27 Sep 2024, 03:29 am »
Haha, the Coliseum will do that.  8) ELP, and specifically the Brain Salad Surgery album was something my dad showed me years ago and I still really enjoy to this day. Good stuff right there.