Very positive review of the Niagra amp in Positive Feedback Webzine

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Congratulations on the rave review in Positive Feedback!
Iff'n I'd gotten such positive feedback, I'd be oscillating for joy.  8)
Are there any plans for a follow-up evaluating the amp with more conventional (less efficient) speakers?

Russell Dawkins


That should put an end to Paul's spare time for a while.

Well deserved, I'm sure. Looks good, too, as a bonus.

Congratulations, Paul :thumb:


Oh yes,

There certainly is intentions to get more 'word' out.  Thanks to Danny and his exuberant self, the review came out great.

What Danny reviewed was a very basic implementation of the Hypex amplifiers that I have been working on and selling.  Basic AC mains filtering, decent quality PSU caps, and light modifications to the Hypex Modules themselves. 

However, I have always know that they were possible of more, much more.  Danny will be doing a follow-up review of a much upgraded model that will be available.  During February - June of this last year and then resuming two weeks ago I have been engrossed in tweaking the Niagara design.  The scale of this design really puts most classical amplifiers to shame, the end product has gotten progressively more complex and overbuilt, but always towards the goal of sound quality.  When I post pictures of the yet to be named follow-up to the Niagara, they will be the SI Swimsuit issue of amplifier innards  :thumb: There are some unconventional approaches to be found inside, but it is SO worth it.  Basically I am paying as much attention to each component of the amplifier as you all pay to your systems as a whole... the way it should be. 

I will post here when the amplifier goes out for follow-up with Danny and I will be seeking out some other reviews, and seeking comment from some of the folks around here.

Thanks Guys,


Danny Kaey

  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 62
it's a great amp as is - seriously... I love(d) it! 

looking forward to the SE version... :)

