Got my hemptones! - UPDATED

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Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« on: 21 Oct 2006, 03:52 pm »
Just got my "new" slightly used compact hemptones yesterday, and I've gotta say,  WOW!!!!!!   aa
These mark my entry into single driver speakers, and I'm already hooked!
They are the original (narrow baffle) model in gorgeous teak, and the fit and finish is top notch.  GREAT WORK, LOUIS!!!!!  :thumb:
I still don't have a "proper" amp for these beauties (November....), so I didn't expect much from my little Yamaha AX-10 mini integrated (nice little SS amp, tho).  To my surprise, no SS nastiness through the hemps.  :icon_surprised:  In fact, VERY smooth!!!!!  These hemp drivers are spectacular, even with "harsh" SS amplification.  Fortunately, the amp is very quiet (only a small amount of hiss is detectible right at the drivers with no source from about 10:00 or so) and the overall balance is very pleasing.
The bass is SOLID, far surpassing my expectations for these cabinets (and from all of the "bass talk" I've heard about single driver speakers).  Even at low listening levels, I can definitely hear/feel stuff in the 40's - not what I expected!  In fact, these have a fullness/richness that reminds me of my old Canton Ergo 120's (flat to mid 20's), but MUCH more coherent due to the single driver.
And the soundstaging is spectacular.  Single point drivers are amazing!.  Great detail, but oh, so pleasingly warm!  All this with a SS amp and an unmodded iPod?  WOW!
So, next up is a set of stands (Noel is only a few miles from me here in Canuckistan) the RWA sig 30 amp, and a 4th gen iPod with Vinnie's iMod.  I am of the opinion that this will be my "final" system, and it will be a perfect compliment to my move "off the grid".

These speakers are an absolute joy to listen to, and will help provide years of musical connection for my family and my community of friends (in addition to making our own music, of course).

These speakers are just amazing.
I have listened to many of my favorite albums over the last several days, and time after time I have found myself diving into the music itself - much more than I have ever experienced in the past.
These (not so) little hemptones are very special speakers indeed.

I feel no desire to augment any aspect of these speakers.  The bass is rich, tight and far more extended than I would have expected with proper placement- I frequently experience very nice bass in the high 30's  :o , with tangible extension and a pleasantly smooth rolloff.  No "boominess" or "fatness" whatsoever.

My wife has happily noted the realism of these speakers " sounds like he/she is in the room...", and has been re-discovering some of her favorite songs.

There is only a slight amount of SS fatigue by the end of extended listening sessions with the Yamaha, but nothing as bad as I've experienced with other, more revealing gear.  I have remedied this by (reluctantly) disengaging the "pure direct" (shortest path) on my integrated amp, and slightly tweaking the treble down and the bass up to take off a bit of the SS edge.  I can't wait to get a sig 30 in the mix.  aa

I had a very pleasant conversation with Noel at Skylan, and he's fabbing up some stands for me now (great guy).

Without a doubt, these are my favorite speakers I have had the pleasure of having in my home.  For context, my previous speakers have been (reverse chronology):  Castle Acoustics Howard w/ NAD gear, Naim SBL and Naim Credo with Naim gear,  Canton Ergo 120 DC with Onkyo Grand Integra amps and B&K preamp, Linn KAN with Naim integrated, Numerous mini systems, and - finally - my old Technics college system.
I have had extended listening sessions with many "super high end" systems (Wadia/Levinson/Thiel/Krell/Martin Logan/, etc etc etc blah blah bling bling).

I am grateful to have come across these speakers in what could have been an endless search.  At some point I'd like to play with OB's, but the only way these beauties are leaving my care is to be replaced by superhemps.

Louis, THANK YOU for finding your calling.
« Last Edit: 26 Oct 2006, 05:23 pm by Canyoneagle »

Louis O

Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #1 on: 27 Oct 2006, 12:59 am »
Hi Michael,

Thanks and great to hear they are sounding wonderful with the yamaha. I'm sure they will get better as they run in. I worked very hard to get the hemp's sounding smooth and they have the detail and midrange that the other drivers I've used done. The compacts are punchy too. I love them with Rock. The Sig 30 is a wonderful match and very smooth with great bass. This combo is amazing over here.

Great to hear you're so close to Noel. He's a great guy and will set you up with fitted stands. I'm sure he'll want to stop by and tweak them out.

Thanks you so much for the wonderful post.



Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #2 on: 5 Nov 2006, 03:19 am »
Well, I just got back from Noel's house with my new stands.
NICE!   :green:

I brought over a nice Belgian-style ale (Unibrau from Quebec) as a hello gift, and found Noel busy at work in his workshop.  He showed me around his whole operation and we talked for well over an hour.  Great guy.  Great stands!
Since I'm here in town, he had filled the stands with sand and they were ready to go.  Setup was super quick - I just screwed in the floor spikes, levelled 'em up and voila!

Thanks Noel!   :thumb:

My wife was very pleased with the end result, both aesthetically and acoustically - she immediately noticed how the sound opened up (as did I).

The slight tilt has a noticeable effect on the soundstage and on the dynamic range.  It is amazing how much smoother and deeper the bass extension becomes with the ports aiming more towards the floor.

I hope to be able to get the next link in the chain in December.  It is a tough decision between a 4th gen iPod for Vinnie's mods, or an amplifier (can't quite spring for the sig 30 yet - I'd really like to get Louis's Omega sig 30 in Teak).  If I go the amp route, it will be my "interim" $400-$500 amp - either tubes (Almarro, Dared, Antique Sound Labs, etc) or a used modded tripath (Clari-T or Teac).

At this point, I think the source is my weak link (iPod nano and a portable CD player), so that seems to be the next logical step.  I'll probably pick up a used Rega Planet as well so I can spin CD's with better quality than with the cheapie portable (awful sound quality).

At least for now, I'm beginning to experience what all the fuss is about with these hemp drivers and Louis's cabinets.  However, I am DEFINITELY seeing the limitations with my current sources and amplification, but the overall experience is easily on par with any of the systems I've had in the past.  I do experience some fatigue and noticeable soundstage compression with my present setup, and I can tell that the Omegas are thirsting to be set free.

One step at a time..................

Louis, you've got yourself another VERY happy Omega owner.

Okay, time to nurse a hoppy ale as I immerse myself in the music once more.   aa

Until the next post,
Cheers!   :beer: :beer: :beer:



Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #3 on: 5 Nov 2006, 03:42 am »
UniBrau?  (love that name)
Stuck with Negro Modelo dark ale myself tonight - not too bad though...
St Arnold Elissa on deck....

What finish are your hemps?
Sounds like you need some tubes in the mix to help with the harshness (or a nice non-OS DAC)



Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #4 on: 5 Nov 2006, 04:02 am »
Hi Brad!
My speakers are wrapped in lustrous teak!
Very nice.

Negro Modelo is a great beer, too!

The Unibrau beers are excellent if you like a nice malty character.  They walk the fine line between smooth, complex Belgian ale and barley wine.  Due to the high malt, they are pretty strong - 8% or so alcohol content.   :D  Most liquor stores with a good beer selection will have them.  The bottles are corked with a champagne-style wire retainer, and the labels have elaborate artwork.

I am inclined to agree that tubes would be the right match with these speakers.  Vinnie's amps appear to be the best SS match, based on what I've heard.
In the long term, I will end up with battery power due to the fact that my wife and I will be building a home almost a mile away from the nearest power line (YES!), and I'd like to minimize / eliminate the need for an inverter in my solar/hydro power system.  So, anything with tubes will only be a temporary stopgap for a few years until we literally move off the grid.
So, I will ultimately be getting one of the SLA powered amps, which can be charged from my small alternative energy system.

Until then, I'm very inclined to enjoy the experience of "toobs" at a nice bang-for-buck price.

Oops!  My glass is empty.  Time for a refill and more music!  :rock:



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Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #5 on: 5 Nov 2006, 04:19 am »
I have friends up the hill with a very successful wind/deep cycle system, the turbine dumps so much juice into the grid, that the checks come every month. Laminar flow, both ways, every day, all day.

I also find the NON OS DAC approach pretty sexy with those things :green: Wait til they have some real mileage on them, the sound will fit your ears like an old pair of jeans. Hemp jeans.


Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #6 on: 5 Nov 2006, 04:31 am »
I've been curious about DAC's as well.  My understanding is that the DAC in the 4th gen iPod is excellent, so I've not explored it at length.  The Altmann has caught my attention, though, due to its fantastic reviews (and battery power).

I am not very savvy with the goings on behind the faceplate  :? , so what is "non OS"?


Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #7 on: 5 Nov 2006, 04:41 am »
The Altmann is actually non-OS

It stands for non-oversampling, most are also non-filtering.  It typically gives more of an analog feel to the sound - less processing (harassment) of the signal.

CanyonEagle-the teak finish is my favorite of Louis' right now.  They are just beautiful.


Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #8 on: 5 Nov 2006, 04:52 am »
Brad -
Ahhhhhhh, thanks for the clarification.  I totally agree about minimizing the processing on the signal.  I want to get as close to analog as possible.
Can you point me to any DAC's that may fit my needs?  I can do some surfing, but you probably have some juicy tidbits to share.

I've actually started thinking about the possibility of a battery-powered turntable.......... (oh, sh*t, let's not open THAT can of worms yet)  :lol:

The teak is gorgeous, isn't it?  Louis does such beatiful work.

Oh, the sound from the other room is calling.  WOW!  Did I say that out loud?

I don't know about you, but this ale is going down nice and easy tonight.  Time for another.........  :rotflmao:


Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #9 on: 5 Nov 2006, 05:16 am »
Yep - the Negro Modelo is all gone.  Working on the St. Arnold Elissa now - only 1 left and then I have to switch to Pub Cider (needed a trip to Spec's liquor store anyway)

There are some really good non-OS dacs out there right now.
Quite a few selling direct from overseas on epay.
MHDT Labs, Derek Shek come to mind
Some also have a tube buffer (MHDT Paradisea)

Others I can think of without googling to break the beer induced haze are:

Scott Nixon TubeDAC
The "monica" - Vinnie R used to offer a battery powered version of that one
Audio Mirror

Would love to hear the Altmann



Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #10 on: 5 Nov 2006, 06:05 am »
Cool - I'll check those DAC's out and do some research.

BTW - I like the "Epay" insertion  :lol:

I've moved from the piney scent of casdade hops to the aroma of cabernet/shiraz......

We're settling in for some DVD time.  I'm in the mood for Ottmar Liebert's excellent concert DVD from 10 years back.

Thanks again, and salud!



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Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #11 on: 5 Nov 2006, 07:17 am »
I'll put in a good word for Mhdt "Constantine" dac. I find it very musical, dynamic
and nice and smooth. :D



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Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #12 on: 5 Nov 2006, 08:28 pm »
I am inclined to agree that tubes would be the right match with these speakers.

Hello, Michael,

Another couple of amps you might consider are the Dynakit ST-35 -- 17+ watts of EL84 PP in a very small package and priced at less than $500 in kit form (which is the only way the company sells them.)  Also the Jolida 102B just got a nice review in enjoy the music and in basic form is $650

I don't have either of these but I'm seriously considering them to pair up with the Revolutions Louis is building for me as we speak, and as a tube amp complement to the Sig 70s I have on order.

In the long term, I will end up with battery power due to the fact that my wife and I will be building a home almost a mile away from the nearest power line (YES!), and I'd like to minimize / eliminate the need for an inverter in my solar/hydro power system.  So, anything with tubes will only be a temporary stopgap for a few years until we literally move off the grid.
So, I will ultimately be getting one of the SLA powered amps, which can be charged from my small alternative energy system.

Wonderful! I just got the final inspection on my grid-tie photovoltaic system, and hopefully the utility company will be out here next week to install my net meter, and then I hope to flip the big switch and let 2 kilowatts of solar panels power my house from here on out.  I'd like to be totally off the grid, but this is about as good as I can do in a dense urban in-fill community.

Hey, if you can wait until I get my Sig 70s, I have a Clari-T I can consider selling you.  Not that I want to part with it, but I'm running out of room for toys and projects around here.  This is the basic amp, fixed gain, no volume pot or sub outs, but otherwise fully upgraded with BG's, silver wire, auricaps, WBT-type RCA's and binding posts, and in the larger case with a 5AH battery for 24-hour play time.  Vinnie said that he believes there is enough room in this case for the Jensen PIO caps because there is only one amp board, and no volume pot, so it would be possible to upgrade that extra bit (which is what I would do if I were keeping it.)

If you think you're interested, let me know and I'll give you first right of refusal when it comes time to sell.  No pressure, just thought I'd offer.

I'm also just a wee bit jealous of your plans as I had been making moves in that same direction myself.  Unfortunately, due to health problems I finally had to face the music this past Spring when I sold my isolated 35-acre plot in the mountains of southern Colorado.  I've got a great, conscientiously-sized, green-built, passive/active solar townhouse in Boulder, and while not the same, still appeals to those same sensibilities in me.  As long as I have music, everything's ok :).

-- Jim


Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #13 on: 5 Nov 2006, 11:43 pm »
Hi Jim,
I know several people who are grid "intertied", and they love watching the meter spin backwards.  Congrats!
Boulder is a GREAT town, too.

Are you running some Omegas in your system?  If so, which model?
I'll send you a PM about the Clari-T - it is nice to have options.  :D

« Last Edit: 7 Dec 2006, 03:37 am by Canyoneagle »


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Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #14 on: 6 Nov 2006, 12:30 am »

No, I don't have any Omegas here... yet.  Louis is currently building me a pair of Revolutions and I can't wait to get them.

I don't have any system setup at the moment because we are just at the end of a long remodeling project which required me taking the system apart to protect it from dust, paint, large objects and tools that are not healthy for speakers and other living things.

When the Revolutions arrive, the Abbys will go back in their crate and will go to their new home in Chicago.

I'll reply to your PM later this evening.



Louis O

Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #15 on: 15 Nov 2006, 01:07 am »
Hi Jim,

Thanks and they are getting there. Looks like I will have the veneering done in the next 2 days. Need to take some great pictures for the site and your 2 tone will be great.

Thanks again,


Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #16 on: 7 Dec 2006, 03:13 am »
In my quest for a stand-in amp, I've been very graciously given a Super-T amp, which I have not yet used, since it is in Colorado and I am still in Canada.  In the mean time, I've come across a modified SLA Tripath (a-la ClariT) for a killer price.  I'll employ the Super-T for sure, and will do some swapping around to see how it stands up to the modded version, in which "the main board for the 2024 chip has air inductors and the caps have been replaced with blackgates.  The volume control has been shunted to the main board (case) as well.  It also uses Input 2.2uf Russian pio caps"
I'll post my findings here with regard to how these amps drive the compact hemptones, after the new year.

« Last Edit: 7 Dec 2006, 03:39 am by Canyoneagle »

Louis O

Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #17 on: 13 Dec 2006, 12:53 am »
Hi Michael,

Please post your findings.

Thanks again,


Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #18 on: 15 Dec 2006, 05:49 pm »
Dec 15
Louis, you bet I'll post findings!
I am expecting to receive the amp at my office either today or Monday (it sure would be nice to have it for the weekend!!!!!).
I'll charge the battery up and do some extended listening sessions.
I'll probably A/B with my Yamaha (even though it is not a good match) to see how the subtleties vary.
I'll also have my iMod by the end of the year and will be able to do some A/B comparisons with my Nano, and do my own assessment of the burn-in process.  Since the Nano, the amp and the speakers are already "burned in" this will isolate the iMod.  I'll load it up, do a few days of listening (swapping with the Nano), then set it up for burn-in isolation for a couple of weeks, then I'll do the comparo's again.  Theoretically, with the Nano as a reference point I should be able to isolate any changes in the iMod.

Fun, fun!

UPDATE 12/19
Well, no amp yet (must be hung up in Canadian customs @#$$#$%@$@#$.
And I leave for Colorado on Thursday morning, so even if I get it tomorrow, I won't have any time to spend with it.
Looks like I'll be jammin into the new year, though with the amp AND the iMod!!!!  :dance:
More to come......

UPDATE - 12/22
The bad news........ flight got cancelled due to storms in Denver (scheduled to fly out the 23rd).
The good news...... The amp got here today!  The battery still had a full charge, so in to the system it went.   :D

Initial impressions:
This little bugger really drives the Omegas very well.  It has evey bit the bass of the Yamaha (with 70wpc), and the highs are much smoother.
The background is totally black, no hiss whatsoever, so quiet sections feel alot more "real".
in particular, the midrange is amazing.  Female voices have more "life" and come through beautifully (especially with the quietness of the amp).

I look forward to a nice listening session tonight, then I'll be away for a week.

More to come.......

« Last Edit: 22 Dec 2006, 11:57 pm by Canyoneagle »

Louis O

Re: Got my hemptones! - UPDATED
« Reply #19 on: 23 Dec 2006, 10:46 pm »
Hi Michael,

Great to hear you received the amp and that it drives the speakers very well. It's amazing what these tripath chips can do. As with everything the system will smooth out over time.

Thanks again,