Introduction Spinners Sound Centre owner Dieter

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Introduction Spinners Sound Centre owner Dieter
« on: 17 Apr 2024, 01:34 am »
Good day while I read AudioCircle for many years thought I would formally introduce my as the owner of Spinners Sound Centre - a famliy owned HiFi shop in Vernon B.C. in the heart of Okanagan Region of British Columbia.  We love music first and are passionate about the many ways it can be reproduced.  We just passed our 20 year milestone this April and are looking forward to another 20 years.  The orginal business started in Kamloops over 45 years ago.  Kevin and I love what we do, always learning and the face to face experience of dealing with customers in our store.  You will undoubtedly see more posts from both of us going forward.  Sincerley, Dieter