Alkaline Diet

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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #20 on: 4 May 2018, 03:18 pm »
quote bendingwave:

I am not sure were you are getting all this talk about swallowing potassium will cause death???

quote fullrangeman from early in this thread:

    Calcium: pH 12
    Cesium: pH 14
    Magnesium: pH 9
    Potassium: pH 14
    Sodium: pH 14

The elements Calcium, Caesium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium are listed along with various spices and vegetables as though they are valuable in a diet. You simply can't eat the elements sodium or potassium! There are many compounds containing these elements and most of them aren't alkaline. Strictly speaking, it appears from the ph quotes against the elements, that what are being referred to are the alkaline hydroxides of the elements, [not the actual elements which do not have a ph]. Sodium hydroxide, just to take one example, is otherwise known as caustic soda and is used for cleaning out blocked drains. You can't eat it!

My point was, that the list at the start of this post was supposed to be an alkaline dietary guide but the validity of the whole idea is seriously  thrown into doubt by suggesting that various highly toxic elements or compounds might be useful in a diet.


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #21 on: 4 May 2018, 04:03 pm »
If the diet does not contain enough minerals to compensate, an accumulation of acids in the cells occurs.
Just eat a balanced diet that includes fruit vegetables meat fish etc., avoid processed foods, soda, sugar and forget about all the diet nonsense that is recycled every couple of decades.

Eat right, exercise, get good sleep, surround yourself with friends and loved-ones, manage stress and enjoy life. That's the secret to being healthy. The rest is just fantasy BS.


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #22 on: 4 May 2018, 04:15 pm »
+1  :D


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #23 on: 4 May 2018, 05:05 pm »
My dad recently passed away at 92 and his lunch every day for years consisted of a hot dog and a glass of wine. He ate tons of canned foods and drank every day, he was healthy as a horse at least up to 90. Good health has to do with our attitude and outlook on life, not just what we eat. Hi hot dog and glass of wine made him happy!


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #24 on: 4 May 2018, 05:32 pm »
My dad recently passed away at 92 and his lunch every day for years consisted of a hot dog and a glass of wine. He ate tons of canned foods and drank every day, he was healthy as a horse at least up to 90. Good health has to do with our attitude and outlook on life, not just what we eat. Hi hot dog and glass of wine made him happy!

That's genetics.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #25 on: 4 May 2018, 09:11 pm »
Years ago when I cleaned the pool in my building the measuring strips worked very well.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #26 on: 4 May 2018, 10:31 pm »
quote bendingwave:

quote fullrangeman from early in this thread:

The elements Calcium, Caesium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium are listed along with various spices and vegetables as though they are valuable in a diet. You simply can't eat the elements sodium or potassium! There are many compounds containing these elements and most of them aren't alkaline. Strictly speaking, it appears from the ph quotes against the elements, that what are being referred to are the alkaline hydroxides of the elements, [not the actual elements which do not have a ph]. Sodium hydroxide, just to take one example, is otherwise known as caustic soda and is used for cleaning out blocked drains. You can't eat it!

My point was, that the list at the start of this post was supposed to be an alkaline dietary guide but the validity of the whole idea is seriously  thrown into doubt by suggesting that various highly toxic elements or compounds might be useful in a diet.

So are you saying spices and vegetables are not valuable in a diet?....Every single person in the world eats foods with sodium and potassium in it....certain spices, herbs, and vegetables are alkaline....There are all types of sodium and some forms of sodium arent meant for human consumption.

The validity of your claims is what I find doubtful, suggesting that the elements/minerals listed is highly toxic in proper amounts.

You do know that water supply/treatment processing plant uses minerals to alkalize the water right? do know that natural rain water in streams and rivers combine with the earths natural elements and minerals right?

Now do our water treament processing plants care about our health by making the water slightly alkaline? Heck no , they do it because alkaline water does not rust the pipes as fast as acidic water.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #27 on: 4 May 2018, 10:36 pm »
That's genetics.

Genetics is one of the main factors but one of the key factors he said in his post was wine....If it was red wine then that alone has a lot of health benefits like antioxidants and resveratrol.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #28 on: 4 May 2018, 10:59 pm »
Have any of you read that the liver is responsible for maintaining our bodies’ pH levels? Think of it as a firewall carefully preventing the pH from going too high or too low.

I used to drink alkaline water because I believed the company’s claimes. Since discovering the liver is responsible for pH levels, I ceased falling for claimed benefits of an alkaline diet.

I am not preaching to you nor am I attempting to persuade you to believe me.  You may adhere to whatever diet you desire. I’ve found that diets are a lot like religion and politics - it’s best to not push one’s beliefs onto others.

Enjoy life.



Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #29 on: 4 May 2018, 11:19 pm »
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the recent article in the NY Times:

Is Alkaline Water Really Better for You?

"Alkaline water companies make vague claims that it will “energize” and “detoxify” the body and lead to “superior hydration.” And some claim that ionized water can prevent everything from headaches to cancer.

But there’s no evidence that drinking water with a higher pH can change the pH of your body, or even that this outcome would provide benefits.

Blood is tightly regulated at around pH 7.4, while the stomach, which secretes hydrochloric acid to digest proteins and kill food-borne pathogens, is very acidic, with a pH of 1.5 to 3.5. If you drink water that is slightly alkaline, Dr. Fenton said, the hydrochloric acid in the stomach quickly neutralizes it before it’s absorbed into the blood."


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #30 on: 4 May 2018, 11:34 pm »
If it was red wine then that alone has a lot of health benefits like antioxidants and resveratrol.

Yes but...

One alcoholic drink a day will shorten life, study finds

"April 13 [2018] (UPI) -- If you drink one alcoholic beverage each day, it could shorten your life expectancy by about one year, a new study suggests.
Researchers in Britain, examining the drinking habits of 599,912 drinkers in 19 countries worldwide from 1964 to 2010, found that drinking more alcohol is associated with a higher risk of stroke, fatal aneurysm, heart failure and death. Their findings were published Thursday in the journal Lancet."

Happy Hour starts at my house in 20 minutes!


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #31 on: 5 May 2018, 12:01 am »
Genetics is one of the main factors but one of the key factors he said in his post was wine....If it was red wine then that alone has a lot of health benefits like antioxidants and resveratrol.

Anecdotal. Some people just do not have the genetics to live into their 90's. There isn't enough resveratrol in the universe to make some people live that long. My great uncle is 80 now and eats total shit, and spent most of his days in a motorcycle "club" drinking and other things. His younger brother who lived exactly like him didn't make 60, and his other brother (my grandfather) was 73 I believe. My grandfather did not live like the other two at all. On the other side of my family my grandmother made it to 93, and she chain smoked every day. She also had a grapefruit and black coffee for every breakfast.

The point being is you can't make sense of these things in overly simplistic ways. You can wish all you fucking want that your "plan" is the one that extends your life but fact of the matter is not every is built for it. Without very radical changes in our ability to change telemores and stuff like that, I will never see 90 despite perhaps two of my grandmothers getting there (one is in 70's and doesn't have any gray hair yet). Why do I say that? I resemble the ones that die early, genetically. There are some very clear traits.

People with more slender builds make up over 90% of the people whom live the longest. Sometimes they can get fat, but none the less the same thing is true.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #32 on: 5 May 2018, 12:24 am »
In my country the water standard is PH 9.3 since ever, never were news from illness or personal damage in all the country.

This nyt article follows the black soda industry (PH 2.5), dont believe it.
Its public knowledge that Nestle company owned by Monsanto want
to make potable water 100% private property in every countrie.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #33 on: 5 May 2018, 12:30 am »
Anecdotal. Some people just do not have the genetics to live into their 90's. There isn't enough resveratrol in the universe to make some people live that long. My great uncle is 80 now and eats total shit, and spent most of his days in a motorcycle "club" drinking and other things. His younger brother who lived exactly like him didn't make 60, and his other brother (my grandfather) was 73 I believe. My grandfather did not live like the other two at all. On the other side of my family my grandmother made it to 93, and she chain smoked every day. She also had a grapefruit and black coffee for every breakfast.

The point being is you can't make sense of these things in overly simplistic ways. You can wish all you fucking want that your "plan" is the one that extends your life but fact of the matter is not every is built for it. Without very radical changes in our ability to change telemores and stuff like that, I will never see 90 despite perhaps two of my grandmothers getting there (one is in 70's and doesn't have any gray hair yet). Why do I say that? I resemble the ones that die early, genetically. There are some very clear traits.

People with more slender builds make up over 90% of the people whom live the longest. Sometimes they can get fat, but none the less the same thing is true.

I said Genetics is one of the main factors....I never said resveratrol will make someone who doesn't have the genetic traits live that long BUT it can help those with a unhealthy lifestyle live a few more years then they normally would...Its not as simplistic as you make it seem to be as there are many factors involved as what you say about resemblance and so called very clear traits are also ancedotal and not absolute. Some people can smoke cigs all there life and not get lung cancer or emphazema but does that mean smoking is perfectly safe? FUCK NO becuase its a proven fact that smoking can cause lung cancer and emphazema.

My Great Grandmother lived till late 90's while my Grandfather lived till mid 70' one knows for certain how long one will live regardless of these genetic traits as like I said before there are many factors involved....If genetics was the only thing involved then my whole family line should live a long long time since Okinawans are known for living very long life spans....Both of my uncles died at around late 60's early 70s and they are slender built.

More slender builds? Anyone can be slender if they wanted too...One being slender is basically ones IDEAL weight....but even slender people can die early...once again it aint as simplistic as you make it to be.


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #34 on: 5 May 2018, 01:19 am »
This nyt article follows the black soda industry (PH 2.5), dont believe it.
Its public knowledge that Nestle company owned by Monsanto want
to make potable water 100% private property in every countrie.

The article does not mention black soda. I Googled "black soda industry" and came up with marketing sugary soda to minorities.  :dunno: Links?

I don't know about Monsanto, Tucson water is firmly entrenched and anyone trying to privatize C.A.P. would have to also have to pay all the states that supply and receive Colorado river water: Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, California, Arizona and Nevada.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #35 on: 5 May 2018, 01:20 am »
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the recent article in the NY Times:

Is Alkaline Water Really Better for You?

"Alkaline water companies make vague claims that it will “energize” and “detoxify” the body and lead to “superior hydration.” And some claim that ionized water can prevent everything from headaches to cancer.

But there’s no evidence that drinking water with a higher pH can change the pH of your body, or even that this outcome would provide benefits.

Blood is tightly regulated at around pH 7.4, while the stomach, which secretes hydrochloric acid to digest proteins and kill food-borne pathogens, is very acidic, with a pH of 1.5 to 3.5. If you drink water that is slightly alkaline, Dr. Fenton said, the hydrochloric acid in the stomach quickly neutralizes it before it’s absorbed into the blood."

That article is comparing marketed alkaline water to tap water....but most people dont realize that tap water is usually more on the alkaline side to prevent pipes from rusting.

I am sure Dr.Fenton knows that when one eats too much acidic foods there will be a over abundance of acid in the stomach creating one of the more popular illness now days due to poor diet known as ACID (laryngopharyngeal) REFLUX.

At each extremes of the ph spectrum is not good for anyone.....The best ph. is neutral or SLIGHTLY alkaline....Not sure of that articles true intentions but I believe neutral or slightly alkaline water is better for anyone then drinking acidic water. Most bottled water like the ones from COKE aka DASANI is acidic just like there SODA's and energy drinks they like to push on young kids.

Water is just one of the many food products with acidic and or alkaline properties so alkaline water alone wont help much if the rest of your diet consist of acidic foods.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #36 on: 5 May 2018, 01:22 am »
Yes but...

One alcoholic drink a day will shorten life, study finds

"April 13 [2018] (UPI) -- If you drink one alcoholic beverage each day, it could shorten your life expectancy by about one year, a new study suggests.
Researchers in Britain, examining the drinking habits of 599,912 drinkers in 19 countries worldwide from 1964 to 2010, found that drinking more alcohol is associated with a higher risk of stroke, fatal aneurysm, heart failure and death. Their findings were published Thursday in the journal Lancet."

Happy Hour starts at my house in 20 minutes!

Alcohol can effect the liver.


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #37 on: 5 May 2018, 01:25 am »
Not everyone can have a slender build. There are ectomorphs, mesomorphs, and endomorphs. Some people are a bit in between two of them. People that are endomorphs consistently have problems with AGE's, and other metabolic factors that make people live shorter years. These are not hard predictors to come by.

What you have to understand is people don't equally inherit genetic traits. They can skip generations, and siblings can get totally different stuff, but none the less there will be a consistency with soma types and age statistically.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #38 on: 5 May 2018, 01:48 am »
Not everyone can have a slender build. There are ectomorphs, mesomorphs, and endomorphs. Some people are a bit in between two of them. People that are endomorphs consistently have problems with AGE's, and other metabolic factors that make people live shorter years. These are not hard predictors to come by.

What you have to understand is people don't equally inherit genetic traits. They can skip generations, and siblings can get totally different stuff, but none the less there will be a consistency with soma types and age statistically.

Everyone can have a slender build....Its like saying not everyone can be anorexic....endomorphs have problems with age because they are fricken fat. SMDH...sure other metabolic factors can come into play but the can also be controlled to a degree through exercise and a proper diet/supplements. Not all predictions turn out the way you think they would.

Oh believe me I understand genetic traits fairly well as there will be just as much or more INCONSISTANCIES then consistencies especially since most people breed randomly instead of selecting a mate based solely on certain types of genetic traits that would enhance and pass along to there offspring. LOL


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #39 on: 5 May 2018, 02:31 am »
Endomorph does not mean fat, aka overweight. It is a difference in tissue type.