Alkaline Diet

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Alkaline Diet
« on: 2 Nov 2017, 02:00 am »
The pH of human blood should be slightly alkaline (7.35 to 7.45) above or below these values ​​means illnesses and symptoms, a pH 7 is neutral below 7 is acidic. A pH above 7 is alkaline.

An acid pH can occur due to an acidic diet, emotional stress, accumulation of toxins and or immune reactions to any process that deprives cells of oxygen and other nutrients, the carcinogenic cell dont need oxigene, they eat sugar. The body will try to compensate for acid pH using alkaline minerals. If the diet does not contain enough minerals to compensate, an accumulation of acids in the cells occurs.

An acidic balance will: decrease the body's ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients, decrease energy production in cells, decrease its ability to repair damaged cells, decrease the ability to remove heavy metals, make tumor cells grow and leave the body more susceptible to fatigue and disease. Blood with a pH 6.9 for many hours, which is only slightly acidic, can induce coma and death.

The reason acidosis is most common in our society is mainly the diet, which is very acidic, with products such as meat, eggs and dairy products, and very poor in alkaline products like fresh vegetables. In addition, we eat processed foods that produce acids, such as flour and sugar, and drink acidic drinks such as coffee and soda. We use many drugs, which form acids, and we use artificial sweeteners that are a poison and form many acids. One of the best things we can do to fix a very sour body is to cleanse the diet and lifestyle.

Alkaline foods include: most fruits, green vegetables, peas, seasonings, herbs, seeds and nuts.

Acidic foods include:
meat, fish, poultry, eggs, grains, and vegetables.
« Last Edit: 4 May 2018, 11:14 pm by FullRangeMan »


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #1 on: 2 Nov 2017, 02:02 am »
    Beet Leaves
    Edible flowers
    Fermented Vegetables
    Green bean
    Mustard Sheets
    Marine vegetables
    Sweet potato
    Dandelion root


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #2 on: 2 Nov 2017, 02:02 am »
    Red fruits
    Melon Cantaloupe
    Tropical fruits
    Umeboshi Plum
    Tempeh (fermented)
    Tofu (fermented)
    Whey Protein Powder (Whey Protein)


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #3 on: 2 Nov 2017, 02:06 am »
    Herbs (all)
    Sea salt
    Soy sauce
    Water Antioxidant Alkaline
    Apple vinegar
    Bee Pollen
    Fresh Fruit Juice
    Green Leaf Juices
    Lecithin grains
    Mineral water
    Probiotic Cultures
    Fermented Dairy Products
    Vegetable Juices
    Calcium: pH 12
    Cesium: pH 14
    Magnesium: pH 9
    Potassium: pH 14
    Sodium: pH 14
While it may seem that citrus fruits would have an acidifying effect on the body, the citric acid they contain actually has an alkalizing effect on the system.

Note that the tendency of acid or alkaline formation of food has nothing to do with the pH of the food itself. For example, lemon is very acidic, however its products after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline, so lemon is an alkalizing in the body. Likewise, the meat is alkaline before digestion, but it leaves much toxic residues.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #4 on: 2 Nov 2017, 02:16 am »
Baking soda/Sodium Bicarbonate.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #5 on: 2 Nov 2017, 02:19 am »
For those who live near Mexico here are various videos about alkaline foods; hope this help.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #6 on: 2 Nov 2017, 06:08 am »
Bottled water with a ph of 8 or higher.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #7 on: 2 Nov 2017, 02:10 pm »
The human stomach is contains hydrochloric acid, which along with native bacteria, digest the food we eat. If you were to put a drop of saliva on a strip of PH paper, it would show even that is slightly acidic. No "alkaline diet for" me, because I believe you are wrong.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #8 on: 2 Nov 2017, 10:06 pm »
The human stomach is contains hydrochloric acid, which along with native bacteria, digest the food we eat. If you were to put a drop of saliva on a strip of PH paper, it would show even that is slightly acidic. No "alkaline diet for" me, because I believe you are wrong.

It will depend on each individual person, but saliva is usually on the neutral to alkaline side with a ph of 7 and above.

Those with saliva under ph of 7 usually have some sort of health issues from a illness/defect or poor diet hence why there saliva is acidic....teeth enamel corrodes from acid.....this is also the reason why tooth past companies put baking soda in there products because baking soda is very alkaline.

Too much ph at either end of the spectrum is not very good in the long run....its best to have a NEUTRAL ph or slightly above neutral.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #9 on: 3 Nov 2017, 01:47 am »
Nope. Prove it to me by citing a specific reference, or prove it to yourself by putting a drop of saliva on a piece of litmus or pH paper.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #10 on: 3 Nov 2017, 02:01 am »
Nope. Prove it to me by citing a specific reference, or prove it to yourself by putting a drop of saliva on a piece of litmus or pH paper.

I dont need to prove anything to you...Do what ever you believe or want.


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #11 on: 3 Nov 2017, 03:30 am »
pH of saliva easily checked by googling, so no further comment on that one but  the pH of the stomach can be 3.5 or lower, so it's quite acid.

There's a heap of work being done currently on gut biota with some strong links showing up between the state of your gut and your mental health. If you can watch this program:

and its follow up I think you'll be impressed.

I'm somewhat skeptical of the alkaline diet. I quite understand why bicarbonate is used where excessive acid in the gut is a problem. [bicarb. isn't strictly speaking alkaline. There's a reaction between sodium bicarbonate and any acid eg hydrochloric acid to produce CO2 gas and a salt, in the case of HCl the salt would be sodium chloride, ie common salt].

Taking sodium as an example of a useful alkaline mineral is not a great idea! If you were to swallow sodium, the metal, you'd have a massive and dramatic reaction in your throat and gut producing huge amounts of heat and even flames, large amounts of hydrogen gas and death. There are sodium compounds that are alkaline, notably sodium hydroxide but it's also known as caustic soda which could also cause ... death. Of course common salt is sodium chloride which is neutral and relatively harmless if not overdone and there are many other compounds containing sodium.

Swallowing Potassium could also cause death but my point really is, that the pH given for these elements probably relates to compounds like hyroxides and while Magnesium and Calcium hyroxide are relatively innocuous, the rest aren't.

I notice that quite a few acid substances are listed as being alkalinizing and I'd suggest that to get the pH of blood and other parts of the body away from the digestive tract, to the desirable slightly alkaline level of 7.4 [which is only slightly above the neutral value 7.00] the best approach will be to feed your gut biota a range of foods that keep a balance between the many, many different bacteria with different roles to play in your health.

So, if you can, please take a look at the Catalyst program mentioned above and its follow up. [that's if they're viewable outside Australia??]
« Last Edit: 3 Nov 2017, 05:04 am by jules »


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #12 on: 3 Nov 2017, 08:02 am »
Calcium is the main pH buffer. Other alkaline minerals are important, but as pH buffers they are secondary.
Saliva pH should be 7.4. It is made from interstitial fluid, which bathes tissue cells. The cells must have lower internal pH than outside in order to maintain voltage across the cell membrane. The voltage powers the channels that open to admit nutrients and discard waste. The cell must maintain this voltage to live. If we lower the external pH the cell must dump its alkaline stores to maintain the voltage. This is why urine goes alkaline under stress, cells dump K and Mg. This is why cortisol poops out, adrenals need potassium. As we continue in our modern diet and stressful lifestyle, the saliva (Interstitial fluid) pH falls, and the cell must lower itself further. Eventually, the cell's internal pH falls below the pH required for oxidation of glucose and must resort to fermentation of glucose into ATP leaving a lot of lactic acid to further acidify the cell. This is the death spiral, aka old age. The cell gets more acidic and starts to digest itself, the cell membrane disintegrates, fungus starts growing inside the cell and membrane starts leaking toxins inside which mess with the DNA. uh oh!  I find it amazing that the cell is prepared to handle this pH crisis. If you raise the pH, the cell will heal and restore. Many people are operating largely on fermentation now. They are sickly and miserable, but they are alive and think it's just "old age." The heart and brain are always in aerobic respiration, but others can make like a plant and leave. Fermentation was sota when there was no oxygen and only stinky sulfur eating algae living on earth. We still carry that DNA and most old people on standard western diet are using it.

Alternatively, it's just as amazing how well the body can take care of itself when it has enough energy from adequate supply of alkaline minerals to make all the enzymes and hormones and proteins it needs. Look how healthy a child remains for years despite the diet of sugar and american processed cheeze! The calcium stores, inherited from dear old mom keep him going. She on the other hand is sick and miserable after giving birth, and not maintaining her minerals. But once calcium and magnesium are restored to optimum levels, other minerals will come back up also, through improved digestion, better appetite - that is if the minerals are in the food. The minerals are the source of life, and calcium is the king.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #13 on: 3 Nov 2017, 03:16 pm »
These last two replies [above] sound reasonable, and I will look into them for my own information. The only point I would like to add is that I worked in an analytical chemistry laboratory for many years, and value "finding out for myself" when it comes to the determination of pH. This is easy to do with litmus paper or pH paper.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #14 on: 3 Nov 2017, 04:38 pm »
What is the source of the original post?  It had to come from somewhere.   :scratch:


Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #15 on: 4 Nov 2017, 03:05 am »
If the info comes from Kevin Hayden - Truth is Treason, then this is not the person I would take health advise from, but that's just me.

My suggestion is eat whatever you want. The human body is extremely resilient and under most circumstances hard to kill, my neighbor lived to be 84 years old on a diet of cheap vodka and cigarettes.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #16 on: 3 May 2018, 11:11 pm »
In addition to normal foods, my current Alkaline diet is:
- Natural oat in grain with milk (leave to soak 2 hours to soften the grain)
- 10 balls of black pepper per day (not ground)
- 5 tablets of brewer's yeast per day
- Vitamin C 1g per day
- Sometimes pear, apple, watermelon and strawberry seeds
- 2 cups of coffee with milk without sugar per day
- 1 serving of goji berry rehydrated with water
- 1 serving of raw quinoa with bread.
- from time to time sodium bicarbonate with water.

Carl V

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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #17 on: 3 May 2018, 11:35 pm »
Really. You’d be screwed if you were born 50-100 years ago. Born in the Australian outback. Guam or   somoa.  It’s not that complicated. As wgh alluded.


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Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #18 on: 3 May 2018, 11:37 pm »
pH of saliva easily checked by googling, so no further comment on that one but  the pH of the stomach can be 3.5 or lower, so it's quite acid.

There's a heap of work being done currently on gut biota with some strong links showing up between the state of your gut and your mental health. If you can watch this program:

and its follow up I think you'll be impressed.

I'm somewhat skeptical of the alkaline diet. I quite understand why bicarbonate is used where excessive acid in the gut is a problem. [bicarb. isn't strictly speaking alkaline. There's a reaction between sodium bicarbonate and any acid eg hydrochloric acid to produce CO2 gas and a salt, in the case of HCl the salt would be sodium chloride, ie common salt].

Taking sodium as an example of a useful alkaline mineral is not a great idea! If you were to swallow sodium, the metal, you'd have a massive and dramatic reaction in your throat and gut producing huge amounts of heat and even flames, large amounts of hydrogen gas and death. There are sodium compounds that are alkaline, notably sodium hydroxide but it's also known as caustic soda which could also cause ... death. Of course common salt is sodium chloride which is neutral and relatively harmless if not overdone and there are many other compounds containing sodium.

Swallowing Potassium could also cause death but my point really is, that the pH given for these elements probably relates to compounds like hyroxides and while Magnesium and Calcium hyroxide are relatively innocuous, the rest aren't.

I notice that quite a few acid substances are listed as being alkalinizing and I'd suggest that to get the pH of blood and other parts of the body away from the digestive tract, to the desirable slightly alkaline level of 7.4 [which is only slightly above the neutral value 7.00] the best approach will be to feed your gut biota a range of foods that keep a balance between the many, many different bacteria with different roles to play in your health.

So, if you can, please take a look at the Catalyst program mentioned above and its follow up. [that's if they're viewable outside Australia??]

Taking too much of anything can cause side effects including death.....Taking Baking soda in proper amounts wont do much harm as a lot of the food we eat have baking soda in it as its also used in baking...Its also used as a antacid.

There are Potassium supplements as potassium is one of the most common ingredients found it food including beverages...I am not sure were you are getting all this talk about swallowing potassium will cause death???

Yes foods like Lemons are very alkaline and very good for you as I try to drink a cup of 1 fresh squeezed lemon juice a day.

dB Cooper

Re: Alkaline Diet
« Reply #19 on: 4 May 2018, 11:23 am »
These last two replies [above] sound reasonable, and I will look into them for my own information. The only point I would like to add is that I worked in an analytical chemistry laboratory for many years, and value "finding out for myself" when it comes to the determination of pH. This is easy to do with litmus paper or pH paper.

funnehaha- Then you might be able to help me assess the validity of the claim on this bottle of Essentia alkaline water: "We make supercharged alkaline water that is too pure to be measured by pH strips." Sounds like BS to me. Isn't pH, pH? So if the pH is the claimed 9.5, wouldn't a strip reflect that? In other words, is there any (real) reason a strip wouldn't return a valid result?