Next Meeting - Saturday April 24

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  • Industry Participant
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Next Meeting - Saturday April 24
« on: 18 Apr 2004, 11:39 pm »

I figured it was high time I got off my rear end and posted some details about this meeting.

I am, of course, hosting this month.  

Date: Saturday, April 24
Time: 11:00 AM until everyone decides to leave
Place:  My house (239 Wetherburn Lane, Raleigh, NC 27615)
Phone:  (919) - 870 - 8850 or (919) - 632 - 2569

You can mapquest it for driving directions, or PM me if you would like specific instructions on how to get to my house.  I'd be happy to oblige.  If you get lost on the day of the meet, just call and I will direct you as best I can....  basic street sign reading skills are a prerequisite though :)

Beverages will be served.  I only have a few Canadian beer left.  But Cokes, etc. will be available.  If anyone would like something else to drink that isn't on the menu, you're more than welcome to bring it along with you.

Unless I hear of better ideas, pizza will be the grub of choice at this meeting as well.  I will likely not order it until there are enough people present.  I'm a Wildflower Pizza kind of guy lately.  So bring your appetites and tell me now what toppings you want or you will have to suffer with pepperoni, my pizza of choice....

Equipment on display:

Room #1:

Adcom GDV-850 DVD-A player
Bel Canto Pre6, eVo4 & eVo6 run bridged as 3 and 2 channels
Von Schweikert VR-2, VR-4jr, LCR-15, TS-150
Usher Audio X-719, X-718, X-616
IXOS Ixotica and Rapport (Usher) cabling

Room #2:

Consonance SACD 2.0
crappy DVD player
Bel Canto eVo2i & DAC2
Von Schweikert VR-1 and LCR-15
Phase Technology Premier Collection 3.1 MKII
IXOS cabling

I also have the Adcom GTP-860II processor on hand and should have an Adcom multichannel amp if it is back from demo.  I'm completely sold out of Carver Pro amps AGAIN (including my demo models) and I'm not sure if my order will make it in time, certainly not in time to break them in prior to the meeting.

I thought we would try the multi channel music thing if anyone is interested.  Otherwise, we'll just listen to some tunes and try out all the various combos of gear.  

Inscrutible, Have you received your APL modded player yet??  I would like to hear that and it would be a good comparison piece.

Please indicate in this thread if you will be attending or not so that I can get an idea of numbers.  Also, please suggest things you would like this meeting to accomplish.

See you all on Saturday!



Next Meeting - Saturday April 24
« Reply #1 on: 18 Apr 2004, 11:57 pm »
I'll be there and plan to bring a pair of Scott Nixon monoblocks.

I too am interested in the APL.  I ordered one from Alex as well but haven't heard anything from him.  At my wife's request, I'll probably be cancelling the order, though.  I've decided I want a tube CD anyway.



Next Meeting - Saturday April 24
« Reply #2 on: 19 Apr 2004, 02:34 am »
Does the Adcom play DTS music discs too? I have bought some DVDAs and have some DTS music CDs too. I'll bring them if you need some software. I'll bring a six pack to contribute to the cheer. Carolina Pale Ale or Abita Turbo Dog?


Next Meeting - Saturday April 24
« Reply #3 on: 19 Apr 2004, 01:47 pm »
I definitely plan on being there, but can't get to you place until 1:00-1:30PM.

Look forward to meeting a bunch you guys.


Next Meeting - Saturday April 24
« Reply #4 on: 20 Apr 2004, 06:24 am »
I'll probably be there around 1 pm or so.


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 414
Next Meeting - Saturday April 24
« Reply #5 on: 20 Apr 2004, 11:02 am »
Hi guys,
I will be there, and bring along some adult beverages as well.  Like Carl, I've not heard from Alex.  I hear he was in NYC last week.  I'd say the chances of getting the player this week are between slim and none.  Guess that'll have to wait until my place.  It's been viva la vinyl here for a long time now.


Re: Next Meeting - Saturday April 24
« Reply #6 on: 21 Apr 2004, 10:54 pm »
Quote from: hometheaterdoc
Please indicate in this thread if you will be attending or not so that I can get an idea of numbers. Also, please suggest things you would like this meeting to accomplish....

I plan to be there. I 'd like to see your HT system with the Infocus 5700.



Next Meeting - Saturday April 24
« Reply #7 on: 24 Apr 2004, 02:54 pm »
Don't forget to bring a check or some cash for the Tshirts...



Next Meeting - Saturday April 24
« Reply #8 on: 25 Apr 2004, 01:32 am »
My thanks to Shane for taking time to set-up everything, and for hosting us today.

I'm glad I finally got to meet some of you, and hopefully will be able to make some of the future meetings.

Happy listening :D


Next Meeting - Saturday April 24
« Reply #9 on: 25 Apr 2004, 02:26 am »
Nice meeting. Some new faces> Great place to have a meeting. Shane's place is like a candy store--speakers and audio equipment everywhere.
Got to hear the VS 4 jrs--Awesome!! Got to hear DVD-A done right--VS speakers and BelCanto electronics--COOL!!
Thanks Shane!!


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 451
Next Meeting - Saturday April 24
« Reply #10 on: 26 Apr 2004, 02:34 am »

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who attended.  It was a pleasure to have you all over.  As I said to you all, you are more than welcome to come back anytime, either formally or informally, to audition and listen to tunes.

I had a great time.  I love being able to show off my toys :)  It's too bad we didn't have enough time to audition the Usher stuff as well.  Too much gear, not enough time, I guess :)

Take care everyone and I look forward to our next meeting, for the company if not for Tim's speakers :) hehehehe


Next Meeting - Saturday April 24
« Reply #11 on: 26 Apr 2004, 03:02 pm »
Quote from: hometheaterdoc

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who attended.  It was a pleasure to have you all over.  As I said to you all, you are more than welcome to come back anytime, either formally or informally, to audition and listen to tunes.

I had a great time.  I love being able to show off my toys :)  It's too bad we didn't have enough time to audition the Usher stuff as well.  Too much gear, not enough time, I guess :)

Take care everyone and I look forward to our next meeting, for the company if not for Tim's speakers :) hehehehe


Thanks for organising the meeting. I appreciated looking at your HT system and acoustic treatments. It gave me some ideas on how to improve my setup.

BTW, don't eat all the chocolate at once ...  :nono:  It is a delicacy.

In case someone would be interested, the web site of the CD I played (this strange game soundtrack ... written by Lennie More, played by the Moscow symphony orchestra) is here: - there are some MP3 for download. And here is a music review.




Thanks again
« Reply #12 on: 26 Apr 2004, 03:20 pm »
It takes a bit of work to host and Shane clearly worked hard to get 2 rooms setup, cleaned, and organized.  It was a very pleasant setting to have a meeting.

I have to admit I was more into the social side of this meeting than I was at my own hosting.  I really appreciated the great food as well!  Shane supplied us with some of the best pizza in town.... Bruno provided some of the best chocolate from Belgium!

Also, sheadlee traveled all the way from Asheboro and it was a pleasure meeting him.  We also had a new member, Tom.  He's new to AC and I hope to see him post more.  I met Tom at another local audio group's meet a couple of months ago.  So, it was nice to see him again.

The VR4's were the main player I listened to and they sound (to me) a lot like the VR1's with a lot more oomph in every department... except maybe highs where 'oomph' isn't always a good thing.

The Infocus system was superb.  It was new to me so I found it interesting.

Shane's room treatments are really helping.  There's a little more work to do but it's clearly already gotten vastly better since the last time I was there.

Thanks again, Shane.  



  • Full Member
  • Posts: 414
Next Meeting - Saturday April 24
« Reply #13 on: 27 Apr 2004, 09:47 am »
Take care everyone and I look forward to our next meeting, for the company if not for Tim's speakers  hehehehe
That's all right Shane ... I have one of these on order for you  :wink: