In contrast to Ozzie's experience, when I added a Synchro-mesh to my stereo I was struck immediately by a big positive change, and since then my enthusiasm for this product has remained strong. The main improvement for me is that the SM creates a much more realistic picture of the size and "3-Dness" of the sound. It has become almost like surround sound, with heightened spatial effects. Instruments in the background now sound not just quieter, but like they are way behind other instruments with real space separating them. The orchestra sounds big, like an orchestra. In smaller ensembles, especially jazz bands, the texture of the individual instruments stands out and the music just sounds almost like a real live concert in a real venue. In pop and rock music, the subtle studio effects are there in a way that is sometimes uncanny. I have been listening to more music, for more hours a day, every day, than I have since I was very young. And I am getting thrilled by music every day, which is the main reason for having a stereo.
The other day, after Ozzie complained about his SM and Steve suggested that the fault it might be in the deterioration over time of a component, I got very worried. But when I took the unit out, I realized that, without it, I would be taking a huge step backward. It's not coming out again. After putting in my two cents worth, I went back and reread the thread, and saw that Ozzie, as he admits, was never enamored of this product for whatever reason. For me the SM is a godsend.