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  • Capital Audiofest: 20 Feb 2016

2016 Capital Audiofest

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Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #60 on: 7 Jun 2016, 10:15 pm »
You were the first to know

dB Cooper

Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #61 on: 9 Jun 2016, 12:16 pm »
Any idea when the drawing will occur? In the past, drawings have been right at the close of the show. Asking because I have a couple twentysomething audiophile friends (yes, at least two exist) who I'm trying to cajole into coming to the Fest. One is definite for at least one day but one is on the fence. And will it be a "must be present" drawing?


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Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #62 on: 9 Jun 2016, 12:31 pm »
according to the Press Release:
"...Attendees who want to participate can get an entry form at Show Registration, which they will complete and drop off in Room 210 when they stop in and hear the system. The drawing will be held Sunday afternoon at Show Close, in the Atrium...."

dB Cooper

Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #63 on: 10 Jun 2016, 12:45 am »
The last couple shows, you had to be present town. That the case this year as well?

Jeez, you'd think I thought I was gonna win... nooooooo..... I just want to get a couple young audiophools there any way I can.


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Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #64 on: 10 Jun 2016, 01:22 am »
Yes Coop, I'm almost certain you have to be there to win, 4pm Sunday.  The only reason I'm not 100% certain is that I'm not Gary Gill.  Best of luck, if I can't win hope it's you, haha. 


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Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #65 on: 10 Jun 2016, 11:26 am »
The discussion of whether one needs to be present to win is going on now. I'm reasonably assured that those details will be published soon. Lots of things to consider in this.

dB Cooper

Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #66 on: 10 Jun 2016, 11:21 pm »
Looking forward to the show regardless. Glad CanMania is back also.


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Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #67 on: 11 Jun 2016, 01:55 am »
CanMania is only in 1/3 of the plaza ballroom, maybe 6 vendors so far, a disappointment but something to build on


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Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #68 on: 12 Jun 2016, 01:21 pm »
Got my room reserved and I'm ready to go, can't wait for July.  I'm already mapping out the rooms I want to see first.  Yes, Canmania does look a little light, hopefully it will grow in coming years.  I was under the impression that it was a traveling roadshow sort of thing, but I assume that's not correct?  Or did just a lot of venders drop out?  Regardless, I'm sure I'll enjoy myself.


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Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #69 on: 12 Jun 2016, 01:28 pm »
Just got the news from our sales gal
all rooms are sold! and she have a few leads for the few tables in the MarketPlace left

Be sure to check out the press releases on the Giveaways


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Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #70 on: 12 Jun 2016, 11:05 pm »
It seems there are vendors missing.


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Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #71 on: 13 Jun 2016, 12:08 am »
which vendors are missing?
there are some vendors that are not back from last year, and there are many new vendors this year

dB Cooper

Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #72 on: 13 Jun 2016, 03:03 am »
Is the website up to date?

While i had high hopes for CanMania, what I remember from last time (2014) was largely a sea of HD800's, LCD's and Hifimans with a smattering of Beyers. If the vendors who are coming bring a good variety of cans it should still be good.


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Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #73 on: 13 Jun 2016, 09:59 am »
I work in the website everyday
I heard from the sales team that there are a couple of live ones swimming near the hook for the last few tables in the headphone area. In the past some of the head people wait until last miniute. 
We are hoping the system giveaway will be a gib draw.


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Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #74 on: 13 Jun 2016, 01:32 pm »
For folks interested, just checked and tomorrow is the last day for the show rate for the hotel rooms for attendees.

Until then it is $109/night, after that it is $189/night.  They still have rooms left as of today.

Hope to see folks there!


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Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #75 on: 13 Jun 2016, 02:53 pm »

dB Cooper

Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #76 on: 14 Jun 2016, 12:43 am »
pelliott, it is great to have someone with som inside knowledge of the show hanging around here keeping us in the loop. Thanks

dB Cooper

Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #77 on: 14 Jun 2016, 12:46 am »
duplicate post.... oops


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Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #78 on: 22 Jun 2016, 04:51 am »
I've very excited for CAF. At Newport and AXPONA I was stuck at the table with the headphones the entire time and didn't really get to enjoy any speaker listening rooms. We'll be sharing the table at CAF and I'm really hoping to spend some time in front of transducers that don't go on your head, as lovely as those are. CanMania does look a bit sparse, especially after coming from a disappointing Newport, but hopefully it will be well-attended and rewarding for those vendors who do go, and next year it can attract a larger crowd. With RMAF being so pricey and CanJam London probably even moreso for non-UK vendors, I imagine that many personal audio companies have to see the worth in budgeting for CAF.

Also, at CAF I'm going to get to see our amps paired with a bunch of stuff I've never seen them paired with before, which is fun.


Re: 2016 Capital Audiofest
« Reply #79 on: 23 Jun 2016, 01:29 am »
Viva Hifi Giveaway:
Viva Hifi is giving a pair of ELAC Debut B5 bookshelf speakers by Andrew Jones to a lucky winner at this year's CAF.  Plus, there will be special 20% off offers on show and demo models at the show. Good luck to AC members.