it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s

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first off i would like to thank Woodsyi and his lovely wife and 3 year old daughter for being very gracious hosts and welcoming us into thier home and providing us with great food and beverages , thanks to Phil Lam for loaning the Blue circle Hybrid power amplifier to demo at the 1st MACC gathering . everyone seemed to have a great time, in fact i had to leave at 8:00 to come back to Md to pick up my youngest daughter and some of the guys were still  there listening to the Blue Circle Hybrid  hooked up to a pair of Proac loudspeakers. woodsyi had a fine two channel rig and the RM 40s were very nice indeed. as was his Modwright tube preamplifier and all of his other gear. i was suprised at the amount of audio wisdom that was being shared between all who attended. thanks again to woodsyi and his family for making this gathering a big success....WCW III


it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #1 on: 6 Nov 2005, 07:27 am »
Woodsyi Woodsyi Woodsyi ...  You Da Man.

Thank you very much for such a wonderful time.
The first MAAC meeting was a raving succsess.
Exellent audio, Great music, Fantstic poeple and Superb food.
Let's do it again sometime  :D


it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #2 on: 6 Nov 2005, 12:53 pm »
Yes, Woodsyi pulled off a great event for those of us in the Capital Region.  Not only was the spread of food and beverages impressive, but the gear, listening sessions and the discussions, too.

I felt very good about meeting the various members of this forum - past and present, along with sharing the passion that all members succumb to - enjoying the music !!  

This was truly a great event.  My only regret is that I couldn't stay past late afternoon.

It was great meeting y'all (how they say it in Ol' Virginny'). :)


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it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #3 on: 6 Nov 2005, 01:59 pm »
I had a wonderful time. Woodsyi was as good of a host as one could hope for. A true gentleman who makes a mean rib! I've never seen so much hi-end gear rolled into one system, truly impressive! It was a pleasure meeting everyone. Thanks again Woodsyi for being such a wonderful host. If there is enough interest in December, I would be happy to host the next get together in Baltimore. It won't have a system like Woodsyi's but it could still be fun. Let me know if the interest is there.


it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #4 on: 6 Nov 2005, 02:16 pm »
Quote from: Merle
I had a wonderful time. Woodsyi was as good of a host as one could hope for. A true gentleman who makes a mean rib! I've never seen so much hi-end gear rolled into one system, truly impressive! It was a pleasure meeting everyone. Thanks again Woodsyi for being such a wonderful host. If there is enough interest in December, I would be happy to host the next get together in Baltimore. It won't have a system like Woodsyi's but it could still be fun. Let me know if the interest is there.
i will bring some Gear,music and i have been known to make a pretty mean pot of Chili. if you need anything Merle, just say the word.thanks....WCW III


it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #5 on: 6 Nov 2005, 02:44 pm »
Hey guys...who took pictures???

Dave G

it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #6 on: 6 Nov 2005, 02:48 pm »
Man, that was a lot of fun!  I'm only sorry that I had to leave so early.  Woodsyi, thanks so much for opening your house to all of us.  You've got a lovely family and a truly outstanding system.

I enjoyed getting the chance to meet everyone and put faces to Audio Circle names -- including the renegade mystery guest who must not be named!  :wink:   I also thought it was neat that Wayne and Dan brought their teenaged daughters along.  You should know that when I got home my thirteen year old daughter told me she wanted to come to the next meeting, and this was BEFORE she heard that other girls had been there.

I'm fairly new to this audiophile thing (check my new "Introduce yourself!" post) so there was a lot for me to take in.  But I loved Woodsyi's system and was really impressed with some of the music I heard.  The highlights for me were "Ohio" from Neil Young's Greatest Hits (vinyl), the opening movement from the Romeo & Juliet Suites 1&2 played from an unmodded Squeezebox if I remember right, and the tender, heartwarming T Rex number from that crazy test disc (Telarc?) that Joules brought along.

Again, I had a lot of fun, and can't wait for the next meeting.



it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #7 on: 6 Nov 2005, 02:56 pm »
Quote from: PhilNYC
Hey guys...who took pictures???
Merle Scruggs took pictures.


it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #8 on: 6 Nov 2005, 03:02 pm »
A renegade?  Did he drive an Alfa or pack a tuna??? Dang.


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it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #9 on: 6 Nov 2005, 04:34 pm »
I have downloaded pics to my hard drive. Can anyone tell me how to post them here?


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it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #10 on: 6 Nov 2005, 05:39 pm »
Thanks loads,Woodsyi for a very enjoyable day of audio immersion! You and your lovely wife (and daughter) could not have been more generous as hosts--the "secret family recipe ribs" were worth the trip alone! And your system was superb--an amazing achievement for just 18 months of furious study and experimentation. I was especially glad to see your SB2 holding its own against your high-end North Star CD transport.

Lots to chew on, in every sense! I learned a lot, and enjoyed the introductions. Again, a nice grup of people, great music, and delicious food--a super kick off to the MAAC! Thanks again, Rim!



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It was a fantastic first MAAC gathering!
« Reply #11 on: 6 Nov 2005, 05:43 pm »
Thanks again to Woodsyi and his lovely family for the excellent hospitality, food and beverages (of which I had too many).

Woodsyi's system sounded very fine indeed. It's amazing to look at that wall of gear and see those larger subs on the left and right and then marvel at the finesse his system exhibited when playing operatic music. Then as noted above, it would thunder into life as the T. Rex on that amazing Telarc sampler was played through the system.

Scott and I may have over-stayed our welcome, we were the last to leave around 1:30 this morning. Man it was tough carting the BC amp up the stairs and with Woodsyi's kind assistance, into Scott's car. I think the difficulty was compounded by all those fine barley wines i had, but there were no accidents for people or amplifier.  

I think we should have a separate thread for sharing our observations on the various components we auditioned, suffice it to say, nothing sounded anything less than very fine in Woodsyi's room.

I am eagerly looking forward to seeing everyone again, and making new friends at the next MAAC gathering.


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it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #12 on: 6 Nov 2005, 05:47 pm »

How were the Extreme Hurricanes on the RM40's?

Was the SB2 stock or modified?



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it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #13 on: 6 Nov 2005, 05:59 pm »
Quote from: zybar

How were the Extreme Hurricanes on the RM40's?

Was the SB2 stock or modified?


As I suggested earlier, I think we should have a separate thread for our equipment observations, but the short answers are, the SB-2 was un-modified, Woodsyi has sent a second unit to Bolder Cables for modification and the Extreme Hurricanes were excellent driving the RM40's ribbons from 275 Hz. on up. So was the BC-202 and the Audio Mirror amps brought by the mystery guest "who must not be named".


it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #14 on: 6 Nov 2005, 06:25 pm »
Quote from: Merle
I have downloaded pics to my hard drive. Can anyone tell me how to post them here?

Click on "Gallery", then "new Album" should be pretty intuitive from there.  AC automatically re-sizes pictures, so you don't need to do that prior to uploading (unless you just want to minimize the actual upload time)...


it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #15 on: 6 Nov 2005, 08:39 pm »
It was great to get together with a bunch of people who really love their audio.  Many thanks to Woodsyi and his wife Robin and daughter Rachelle, and their door bell greeting Black Lab,  for letting us invade their home for audio, food and commraderie.  

I was only able to stay about 3 hours or so, as I had some family commitments at home later on in the evening.  This ment that I did not get a chance to listen to the other equipment as the first three hours were spent listening to music, and talking among one another.  We were all so excited about finally getting together, it was great!!  Hopefully next time I can clear my family schedule up completely to stay the whole time :)   I have heard some other Blue Circle equipment and have always liked what Gilbert produces, and I wish I had heard this model.  Maybe next time.

I got to meet some really nice people at Woodsyi's, and as you have read there were people into audio for longer than they wanted to admit and then there were those who were just getting into audio for a few years.   Again a great bunch of folks and a very nice time.

In regards to hosting a get together, I am not sure my room is large enough for the numbers we had at our first meeting.  My room can "maybe" hold 5-6 people sitting, and a couple more on the floor :)

Until we can plan another get together, I have an open invitation to anyone in the MAAC that would like to stop over one Saturday and enjoy some music at my place.   Since I seem to be the only person at the meeting with Planar speakers, if you ever wondered what they sound like, please feel free to drop me a PM and we can arrange a time.  I would be more than glad to have a couple of people over for an afternoon.

Thanks again Woodsyi for a GREAT first meeting!!!



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it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #16 on: 7 Nov 2005, 01:32 am »
OK, I got a couple of pictures posted in the gallery [ok, so I posted one of my daughter and oldest grandson, couldn't resist]. It took me about an hour to post these 5. I'll post a couple more later. Gallery title is MAAC, it's currently on page 47.


it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #17 on: 7 Nov 2005, 01:41 am »
This might be easier:

Inaugural MAAC Gallery


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it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #18 on: 7 Nov 2005, 06:16 am »

Thanks for coming and it was great to see you all in person.  It was our first meeting so there were a lot of introductions that had to be done.  Hopefully we can get more listening done the next meeting.  I was having such a good time that I lost track of time.  It was gratifying to be complimented for the way my room sounded but it was also good to find out what I need to improve the sound.  It was a good mixture ranging from experienced audiophiles to enthusiastic novices.  I learned a few things about how to listen for specifics in the sound and how to articulate them.  Just what I wanted.  When we got down to comparing BC202, Hurricanes and Audio Mirror (belonging to the nameless AC renegade with spelling problems) amps, it was truly an audio bonding experience as four grown men working in synch to test them in a logical sequence with set music.  It really brought out the audio nerd in us and it was a pleasure to discuss finer points of what we were hearing with each others who obviously share in your enthusiam.  Was it really 1:30 in the morning? This, I think, is the best part of these meets -- we can share in our unabashed unthusiam for music and the gears that produce it to engender friendship and camaraderie.  Thank you all for making it a great start (of MAAC) and let's do it again soon.


it was really a Wonderful 1st MAAC Gathering at woodsyi,s
« Reply #19 on: 7 Nov 2005, 12:05 pm »
Sounds like MAAC is an unbridled success!  Glad you guys had a great time, and I look forward to your many future meetings.

Am looking forward to reading more of your comments about what was heard here:

Would be great to get a list of music that was played...