NuPrime IDA-16 - Digital Input and display

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  • Jr. Member
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NuPrime IDA-16 - Digital Input and display
« on: 12 Dec 2024, 06:19 pm »
Hi Community,

does anyone have any experiences with sources, that can upsample digital music and feed it to the NuPrime IDA-16?
When I connect my MacBook by USB the IDA-16 displays any sampling rate / type either PCM 44,1, 48, 192 oder DSD64...256 that I configure on the MacBooks Output (i.e. with Audirvana).

Now I have a Shanling ET3 CD transport, that is able to upsample to various PCM / DSD modes.
The Shanling support tells me, that the ET3 does not give out upsampled content to USB.
But it should deliver it fully to I2S (that is not available on the IDA-16) and also up to 192kHz PCM over IR and Coax.
If I configure that upsampling to 192kHz in the ET3, the NuPrime IDA-16 keeps saying 44.1 on is display. So who can I trust now.
Shanling ET3 delivering a wrong output stream or Nuprime showing wrong stream information?

Does anybody have experiences about how the IDA-16 behaves with the NuPrime CDT8pro oder 9 or 10?

Thank a lot in advance!


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Re: NuPrime IDA-16 - Digital Input and display
« Reply #1 on: 18 Dec 2024, 03:46 pm »

There are two ways to determine the sampling rate:

1. Use meta data from the source music. If the meta data is wrong or the source does not contain any sampling rate data, then NuPrime device will not display the correct sampling rate.  Even if the display does not show the correct sampling rate, the decoding will not be affected. The actual sampling rate is detected during the decoding process. Products using this method are: IDA-16, DAC-10 and uDSD.

2. Detect the clock of the source music to determine sampling rate. Products using this method are: IDA-8, IDA-6 and DAC-9 and later.

What you experience should be a display issue.  Shanling should have output the correct sampling rate and IDA-16 obviously decode it correctly (otherwise you won't be able to hear the sound).


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 10
Re: NuPrime IDA-16 - Digital Input and display
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jan 2025, 10:33 am »
Thanks a lot for the explanation. I was already asking myself, if my brain tricks me, when I switch from bypass to upsampling/192kHz on the Shanling, an ist sounds a verly little more nice and round (especially the "Sss" in voices).

Thank You - I just found your answer today!