Listening to the CDT-10 w/ Mola Mola Tambaqui &Tubulus Concentus I2S Cable V2

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I've had the CDT-10 for a few years, added the Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC early this year, and mid-July dropped in the Tubulus Concentus I2S Cable V2. I note that I've been using the Allnic Mu-7R AES digital cable, and have been very happy with that cable.

We put over 400 hours on the Concentus, most using the IsoTek CD system enhancer yet not ignoring enjoying audio. With the CDT-10, the playback of the Tambaqui has reached even higher levels using the CDT-10's I2S output. We've output from the CDT-10 at 96KHz, 176.4KHz, and 192KHz for both the I2S and AES cables. We preferred both cables playing at 96KHz and 176.4KHz; the 192Khz input sounded somewhat etched / less natural. The I2S Concentus cable, when compared to the AES cable, provided more air around instruments / voices, with the soundstage coming slightly forward yet remaining wide and deep. Detail retrieval with the Concentus was greater as well. When A/B'ing the cables via the Tambaqui app (which made comparison a snap, great job Mola Mola), the Allnic Mu-7R AES digital cable was no slouch and easily provided beautiful music; when contrasted to the Concentus cable, it had a bit less detail retrieval / air, and a less forward soundstage. Either cable would be a great match with the CDT-10 / Tambaqui combo; we preferred the Concentus.

So from our testing, the CDT-10 ably acquitted itself outputting via I2S and admittedly with a great I2S cable. Life's good, happy listening!  :thumb:


  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 5540
  • Rollo Audio Consulting -
I2S is the only connection I use between DAC and CD transport. A great feature to have.



  • Full Member
  • Posts: 4799
  • SW1X DAC+ D Sachs 300b + Daedalus Apollos = Heaven
Thanks for posting this.  :thumb:

I also have a CDT-10, but I have not yet tried it with an I2S cable — let alone one as nice as the Tubulus Concentus. One of these days when I’m not playing full time grandpa for a one-month old, I’ll give I2S a try.
