Why are cancer pills so expensive?

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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #80 on: 29 May 2018, 01:54 am »


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #81 on: 29 May 2018, 09:58 am »
That is how big pharma makes there billions by over charging and making money off of peoples illnesses. Chemo therapy treatments is what makes them money, some doctors even get a cut if they push it on there patients. Ever wonder why cancer is more prevalent today then ever before? Billions of dollars into Cancer research and still no cure. Anyone trying to claim that herbal supplements can cure/treat cancer will be prosecuted by Big Pharma. Someone I know was diagnosed with TERMINAL CANCER meaning there is no cure or treatment that would change the fact that she is going to die YET they still kept on giving her Chemo treatments after the fact. Its all about the $$$$$$$$  There is so much Cancer now in the world that everyone knows of someone who had Cancer.

Before Cancer treatments one of the most expensive treatments were people who had the AIDS virus...Average AIDS patient meds are around 5k a month.

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #82 on: 29 May 2018, 04:28 pm »
That is how big pharma makes there billions by over charging and making money off of peoples illnesses. Chemo therapy treatments is what makes them money, some doctors even get a cut if they push it on there patients. Ever wonder why cancer is more prevalent today then ever before? Billions of dollars into Cancer research and still no cure. Anyone trying to claim that herbal supplements can cure/treat cancer will be prosecuted by Big Pharma. Someone I know was diagnosed with TERMINAL CANCER meaning there is no cure or treatment that would change the fact that she is going to die YET they still kept on giving her Chemo treatments after the fact. Its all about the $$$$$$$$  There is so much Cancer now in the world that everyone knows of someone who had Cancer.

Before Cancer treatments one of the most expensive treatments were people who had the AIDS virus...Average AIDS patient meds are around 5k a month.

I am an EM physician.  While I agree that Pharm. Co's  way over charge, especially in this country,  you do not take into account the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars that go into R&D of drugs.  In addition, the Co's have to put money away for product liability. Do the math, if a company spends two hundred million on R&D, they want to recoup their money quickly because there is a limited time window due to generics and the fact that new treatments may come along and displace their drug.  Also, cancer drugs are not like antibiotics  or blood pressure medication.  They have limited roles and a limited patient population.  They are not given every day to hundreds of millions of people.  Please bear in mind, that I am not taking Big Pharma's side.

As far as herbal remedies for cancer, they have helped accelerate dying as they are bogus.

As far as finding a cure for cancer, there is no one cure as there are many different types of cancer with many different causes.  They all have different treatments.  And lets not forget that most cancer drugs  are poisons and kill healthy cells.  If a break though happens in cancer treatment it will not be for all cancers.

Yes, many patients undergo chemo for terminal cancer.  Many terminal patients agree to undergo treatment as a last ditch effort to save or at least extend their lives, even if it is for just a few months.  Many family members play a role in this because they can't let go.  Unfortunately, many Oncologist's do a poor job of convincing patients not to do treatment.  They are in a tough position because you are taking away a patients or families last bit of hope.  You try being in that position and try living with it. It takes  a special type of person.  I have been in that position in the emergency dept.   I have had many terminal patients come into the ER dying due to their disease or of a complication of their disease.  Most of these patients have legal DNR's (do not resuscitate) on file, only to have them beg or family members beg to save their lives.  Of course I always do what the patient wants and deal with the consequences later.  Either way, you feel like crap afterwards.

Aids drugs are very similar, expensive R&D, high liability due to their myriad of side effects.  They also have a very limited  window for usability due to resistance and being displaced by newer and more effective drugs.

Just my 2 cents worth from a doctors point of view.   I understand Big Pharma, but don't agree with the price gouging of most drugs, especially in the U.S..


Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #83 on: 29 May 2018, 04:35 pm »
Tomoxifen causes cancer.

Chemotherapy can inadvertently trigger cancer resistance

Did you really post a FoxNews article and expect it to be true?  :duh:


Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #84 on: 29 May 2018, 07:02 pm »
I am an EM physician.  While I agree that Pharm. Co's  way over charge, especially in this country,  you do not take into account the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars that go into R&D of drugs.  In addition, the Co's have to put money away for product liability. Do the math, if a company spends two hundred million on R&D, they want to recoup their money quickly because there is a limited time window due to generics and the fact that new treatments may come along and displace their drug.  Also, cancer drugs are not like antibiotics  or blood pressure medication.  They have limited roles and a limited patient population.  They are not given every day to hundreds of millions of people.  Please bear in mind, that I am not taking Big Pharma's side.

As far as herbal remedies for cancer, they have helped accelerate dying as they are bogus.

As far as finding a cure for cancer, there is no one cure as there are many different types of cancer with many different causes.  They all have different treatments.  And lets not forget that most cancer drugs  are poisons and kill healthy cells.  If a break though happens in cancer treatment it will not be for all cancers.

Yes, many patients undergo chemo for terminal cancer.  Many terminal patients agree to undergo treatment as a last ditch effort to save or at least extend their lives, even if it is for just a few months.  Many family members play a role in this because they can't let go.  Unfortunately, many Oncologist's do a poor job of convincing patients not to do treatment.  They are in a tough position because you are taking away a patients or families last bit of hope.  You try being in that position and try living with it. It takes  a special type of person.  I have been in that position in the emergency dept.   I have had many terminal patients come into the ER dying due to their disease or of a complication of their disease.  Most of these patients have legal DNR's (do not resuscitate) on file, only to have them beg or family members beg to save their lives.  Of course I always do what the patient wants and deal with the consequences later.  Either way, you feel like crap afterwards.

Aids drugs are very similar, expensive R&D, high liability due to their myriad of side effects.  They also have a very limited  window for usability due to resistance and being displaced by newer and more effective drugs.

Just my 2 cents worth from a doctors point of view.   I understand Big Pharma, but don't agree with the price gouging of most drugs, especially in the U.S..

That is hard stuff to deal with.

But I can say my dad is in his 70's. The average live span between his parents is 90. When he goes to a doctor (not for life threatening things) and they act like he'll be dead tomorrow and do nothing for him, who worked his whole life and is a veteran... That's not ok. The "what's the point" attitude runs a little too deep, probably spawned from all these situations where you literally can do nothing.

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #85 on: 29 May 2018, 09:24 pm »
That is hard stuff to deal with.

But I can say my dad is in his 70's. The average live span between his parents is 90. When he goes to a doctor (not for life threatening things) and they act like he'll be dead tomorrow and do nothing for him, who worked his whole life and is a veteran... That's not ok. The "what's the point" attitude runs a little too deep, probably spawned from all these situations where you literally can do nothing.

Sorry to hear that your dad has a crappy doctor.  He should find a better one (one who listens and takes time) or a gerontologist  (usually an Internal Medicine doctor who specialized in taking care of geriatric patients).  Taking care of older patients is a difficult task.  Many of the issues with aging are  not treatable and many patients and family members don't want to accept this.  I have to deal with this almost daily in my practice.  I am turning a young 60 this year and while I don't consider myself old and I am in excellent health, I do feel my body aging and can relate to older patients, but I know what to expect.

Tell you dad to find another doctor or at least get a second opinion.  Also, doctors today work for corporations and are scheduled to see patients every 12-15 minutes.  Not enough time to sit  and counsel your patient.  To make things worse, we have to deal with an electronic medical record which slows things down and  many doctors are looking at a computer screen as they talk to patients (I almost never open up the computer in a patients room).  Therefore I suggest that your dad make a double appointment if has has some issues or concerns that he wants to discuss.  Most doctors will do this.


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #86 on: 29 May 2018, 09:35 pm »
I think 'Cancer' is over-diagnosed.
Remember when in the 50's every kid had to have tonsils out?
Now? hardly.
 The over-diagnosis and over treatment of stuff only slightly like precancer gets the whole enchilada.
Particularly breast 'cancer' colon cancer, and skin cancer.
Then the treatment of terminal cancer.. Over the top attempts to extend life for even a few months, cost? millions.
I knew two folks who when their cancer returned, said NO to any more aggressive stuff being done. They were able to have a HAPPY final few months, Instead of a living hell.

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #87 on: 29 May 2018, 09:44 pm »
I think 'Cancer' is over-diagnosed.
Remember when in the 50's every kid had to have tonsils out?
Now? hardly.
 The over-diagnosis and over treatment of stuff only slightly like precancer gets the whole enchilada.
Particularly breast 'cancer' colon cancer, and skin cancer.
Then the treatment of terminal cancer.. Over the top attempts to extend life for even a few months, cost? millions.
I knew two folks who when their cancer returned, said NO to any more aggressive stuff being done. They were able to have a HAPPY final few months, Instead of a living hell.

Unfortunately, most people are afraid of death and will do anything to try and extend their life. The largest cost of healthcare in this country is in the last 6 months of life.   Other countries are much better at dealing with end of life or near end of life care.  However, it would never go over well in the good old USA.  We are too afraid of death in this country and people think that there would be death squads or panels.  Families are also unrealistic and can't let go.

 I certainly do not agree that cancer is over diagnosed.  Early detection is the best way to treat cancer, before it spreads to the lymph nodes.  Skin, colon and breast cancer if diagnosed early can be cured 100%, many times with just surgery alone.

I do agree that we treat over aggressively but thats what the majority of the population wants (see my first post)


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #88 on: 29 May 2018, 10:13 pm »
I am an EM physician.  While I agree that Pharm. Co's  way over charge, especially in this country,  you do not take into account the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars that go into R&D of drugs.  In addition, the Co's have to put money away for product liability. Do the math, if a company spends two hundred million on R&D, they want to recoup their money quickly because there is a limited time window due to generics and the fact that new treatments may come along and displace their drug.  Also, cancer drugs are not like antibiotics  or blood pressure medication.  They have limited roles and a limited patient population.  They are not given every day to hundreds of millions of people.  Please bear in mind, that I am not taking Big Pharma's side.

As far as herbal remedies for cancer, they have helped accelerate dying as they are bogus.

As far as finding a cure for cancer, there is no one cure as there are many different types of cancer with many different causes.  They all have different treatments.  And lets not forget that most cancer drugs  are poisons and kill healthy cells.  If a break though happens in cancer treatment it will not be for all cancers.

Yes, many patients undergo chemo for terminal cancer.  Many terminal patients agree to undergo treatment as a last ditch effort to save or at least extend their lives, even if it is for just a few months.  Many family members play a role in this because they can't let go.  Unfortunately, many Oncologist's do a poor job of convincing patients not to do treatment.  They are in a tough position because you are taking away a patients or families last bit of hope.  You try being in that position and try living with it. It takes  a special type of person.  I have been in that position in the emergency dept.   I have had many terminal patients come into the ER dying due to their disease or of a complication of their disease.  Most of these patients have legal DNR's (do not resuscitate) on file, only to have them beg or family members beg to save their lives.  Of course I always do what the patient wants and deal with the consequences later.  Either way, you feel like crap afterwards.

Aids drugs are very similar, expensive R&D, high liability due to their myriad of side effects.  They also have a very limited  window for usability due to resistance and being displaced by newer and more effective drugs.

Just my 2 cents worth from a doctors point of view.   I understand Big Pharma, but don't agree with the price gouging of most drugs, especially in the U.S..

What makes you think I did not take R&D into account? It cost millions for R&D but that is chump change for one bringing in the BILLIONS. They usually win product liability and or no one challenges them because majority of people don't have the funds....Generics and new treatments are still under big pharma. Cancer drugs like Chemo and radiation are the worst type of drugs as it kills off a persons immune system. The population of Cancer patients is growing more and more everyday. Maybe not hundreds of millions but around 30 million people world wide are diagnosed with cancer which is still a profitable amount and growing.

What you said about herbal supplements I find to be bogus as there are some that have proven without a doubt to help treat and cure people of there cancer.

I agree there is no one cure but it seems as if you think only Big Pharma has these so called cures while claiming holistic meds are bogus. Not only are chemo/radiation treatments poisoinous and kill healthy cells but they also kill off a persons IMMUNE SYSTEM which is the most important function in our body that keeps us alive. If there is a TRUE cure for Cancer it would be for all Cancers its just the delivery method will be different.

Now I will call bullshit on that as most Dr.s recommend Chemo treatment as the main or only type of treatment as you seem to have it backwards....Patients considered terminally ill have already done and gone through the treatments to no avail.  Once labeled as terminally ill all medical treatments should stop and the patient can go to HOSPICE to DIE in peace.....But most doctors are in cahoots with big pharma and will keep on giving chemo to the patient regardless if the patient is terminally ill just to make $$$$$$$....I also think that DNR is flawed....unless one is terminally ill everyone should be resisitated. Organ recipients cant wait for a organ donor to die. LOL

Actually it should be from your point of view as not all doctors feel the same even if majority of them do.


Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #89 on: 29 May 2018, 11:15 pm »
I think 'Cancer' is over-diagnosed.
Remember when in the 50's every kid had to have tonsils out?
Now? hardly.
 The over-diagnosis and over treatment of stuff only slightly like precancer gets the whole enchilada.
Particularly breast 'cancer' colon cancer, and skin cancer.
Then the treatment of terminal cancer.. Over the top attempts to extend life for even a few months, cost? millions.
I knew two folks who when their cancer returned, said NO to any more aggressive stuff being done. They were able to have a HAPPY final few months, Instead of a living hell.

Wow. Now I have heard it all. “Cancer” is over diagnosed. I don’t even know what to say.
The anti science sentiments on this website fit very well with audio foolery.
Doctors are crooks and cables should cost $5000. 🤣


Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #90 on: 29 May 2018, 11:20 pm »
Saying you should not have pre cancerous conditions treated is like saying the dentist is only needed to fill cavities and pull teeth. Except you die.


Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #91 on: 29 May 2018, 11:28 pm »

Sorry to hear that your dad has a crappy doctor.  He should find a better one (one who listens and takes time) or a gerontologist  (usually an Internal Medicine doctor who specialized in taking care of geriatric patients).  Taking care of older patients is a difficult task.  Many of the issues with aging are  not treatable and many patients and family members don't want to accept this.  I have to deal with this almost daily in my practice.  I am turning a young 60 this year and while I don't consider myself old and I am in excellent health, I do feel my body aging and can relate to older patients, but I know what to expect.

Tell you dad to find another doctor or at least get a second opinion.  Also, doctors today work for corporations and are scheduled to see patients every 12-15 minutes.  Not enough time to sit  and counsel your patient.  To make things worse, we have to deal with an electronic medical record which slows things down and  many doctors are looking at a computer screen as they talk to patients (I almost never open up the computer in a patients room).  Therefore I suggest that your dad make a double appointment if has has some issues or concerns that he wants to discuss.  Most doctors will do this.

He has requested different ones locally, and has been vocal about not being charged to see a specialist when he sees a PA. The VA isn't any better. He had lethal blood pressure and they didn't even tell him. It's down now through some changes in diet alone.

He has to drive 60 miles to see anyone else, including the VA.

So I totally understand... what I don't get is how pathetic diagnosis are these days. IMO first you look at the physical side to check if there are any clear abnormalities this includes scans. Then you check a comprehensive IGG/IGE/IGA (whatever you can get) and nutritional profile from blood work & urine. Ideally a stool test too, to examine the makeup. From there you can rule things out or modulate to correct things that are off, and see if problems that show no physical signs can be warded off. If you still got nothing you have to check the mental side. If you got nothing nothing and nothing, you need specialist help or a re-examine of the physical.

What you get is... "Hmm that's interesting" and a few pills. Doesn't work, try a few more pills. Ok obviously need different pills. OK we'll have someone look at the physical side. Right now we need to look at it with a scan of sorts. Ok we can't see anything, sorry, come back again so we can start all new pills. All spaced months apart.

Btw... he went down to Arkansas to see his brother. His sister in law worked many years with a doctor at a huge we-have-literally-everything facility. They got him in, and asked him questions. They drew blood, checked a few things. Then they did some kind of scan. What they found was some weaker arthritis that can be dealt with, with a little medication, but his spine was out of line around the neck and the arthritis was influencing it to stay out of alignment. He has a neckbrace and some medication for now. It's been 3 fucking years he had a headache because no one has been smart enough to look at his alignment (despite him asking for them to) or read scans well enough to see a single god damn thing on them... Everything was taken care of in a week down there. Now he can live his presumably next 15-20 years without a headache. I'm sure other things will bother him that we have no answer for, as getting old is getting old... but it doesn't have to be completely miserable.

I'll tell you that he has Crohns, and that probably won't go away unless he leaves the US for treatment, but the thing is... it blows me mind that when someone has a major digestive issue and is in their 70's, that the doctors in his home town don't even consider to look at nutritional balance. 

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #92 on: 30 May 2018, 12:31 am »

What makes you think I did not take R&D into account? It cost millions for R&D but that is chump change for one bringing in the BILLIONS. They usually win product liability and or no one challenges them because majority of people don't have the funds....Generics and new treatments are still under big pharma. Cancer drugs like Chemo and radiation are the worst type of drugs as it kills off a persons immune system. The population of Cancer patients is growing more and more everyday. Maybe not hundreds of millions but around 30 million people world wide are diagnosed with cancer which is still a profitable amount and growing.

What you said about herbal supplements I find to be bogus as there are some that have proven without a doubt to help treat and cure people of there cancer.

I agree there is no one cure but it seems as if you think only Big Pharma has these so called cures while claiming holistic meds are bogus. Not only are chemo/radiation treatments poisoinous and kill healthy cells but they also kill off a persons IMMUNE SYSTEM which is the most important function in our body that keeps us alive. If there is a TRUE cure for Cancer it would be for all Cancers its just the delivery method will be different.

Now I will call bullshit on that as most Dr.s recommend Chemo treatment as the main or only type of treatment as you seem to have it backwards....Patients considered terminally ill have already done and gone through the treatments to no avail.  Once labeled as terminally ill all medical treatments should stop and the patient can go to HOSPICE to DIE in peace.....But most doctors are in cahoots with big pharma and will keep on giving chemo to the patient regardless if the patient is terminally ill just to make $$$$$$$....I also think that DNR is flawed....unless one is terminally ill everyone should be resisitated. Organ recipients cant wait for a organ donor to die. LOL

Actually it should be from your point of view as not all doctors feel the same even if majority of them do.

Show me evidence of herbal remedies that work.  Post them here for every one to see.  Do you really  think that doctors and the National Institute of Health would hide the fact that they work? Make me a believer.  I have seen so many patients that have gone the herbal route and died much sooner.  False hope.

Of course radiation and drugs know off the immune system, that is the way the work.  They target rapidly reproducing cells.  How else do you think you kill rapidly dividing cancer cells.  The next big thing in cancer treatment is immunotherapy, taking parts of cancer cells and making vaccines or antibodies to attack the cells.

Most doctors are not in cahoots with big pharma.  I don't know any that are.  Most doctors work for hospitals and most hospitals don't let pharm reps in any more.  And many terminal patients seek out other Oncologists as a last ditch effort to save themselves.  I saw it weekly when I still worked in the ER.  (I retired from the ER after 25 years and now work in an Urgent Care)  Now I see it a few times a year.

Of course there is more cancer today.  People are living longer and there are over 7.5 billion people on the earth as we speak.  People have poor diets and our environment sucks with all the chemicals we are exposed to.


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #93 on: 30 May 2018, 12:47 am »
Here's some interesting data re: cancer deaths.  You can see that death rates from cancers is actually falling over time.

BUT, the big caveat is you must correct for a few factors, not least of which is an aging population.  Once you do, you can see that we are, in fact, getting better at treating it.  Here's a LOT more detail on the statistics and overall methodology:



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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #94 on: 30 May 2018, 03:52 am »

Show me evidence of herbal remedies that work.  Post them here for every one to see.  Do you really  think that doctors and the National Institute of Health would hide the fact that they work? Make me a believer.  I have seen so many patients that have gone the herbal route and died much sooner.  False hope.

Of course radiation and drugs know off the immune system, that is the way the work.  They target rapidly reproducing cells.  How else do you think you kill rapidly dividing cancer cells.  The next big thing in cancer treatment is immunotherapy, taking parts of cancer cells and making vaccines or antibodies to attack the cells.

Most doctors are not in cahoots with big pharma.  I don't know any that are.  Most doctors work for hospitals and most hospitals don't let pharm reps in any more.  And many terminal patients seek out other Oncologists as a last ditch effort to save themselves.  I saw it weekly when I still worked in the ER.  (I retired from the ER after 25 years and now work in an Urgent Care)  Now I see it a few times a year.

Of course there is more cancer today.  People are living longer and there are over 7.5 billion people on the earth as we speak.  People have poor diets and our environment sucks with all the chemicals we are exposed to.

You can find the info on your own but I will list one that was already discussed on here called ALKALINE DIET. Yes I really do believe most doctors and most national institutes funded by the companies with billions of dollars would hide any fact that does not make them any money.

Its ironic for you to see so many patients go the herbal/natural route when majority of main stream doctors do not even consider NOR recommmend the holistic approach at all..The main treatment majority of Dr.s prescribe is chemo/radiation...Only a holistic Dr. would recommend such a thing, maybe you are holistic doctor?

At least you know radiation treatment kills ones immune system..... After receiving radiation treatment from there doctors FAIL most cancer patients turn to holistic approach as the last resort. The problem with that is once the radiation had destroyed most of your immune system no holistic approach can cure you. Most people don't realize that ones immune system is plays the most important role in healing of ones body then any known medicine out there and without a immune system we die. Immunotherapy is using or enhancing ones own immune system to fight off the cancer. BUT if the chemo therapy already decimated most of your immune system then it wont work. SMDH

Most Doctors are in cahoots with anything that has to do with money in there field including big pharma/insurance companies etc etc.... I know a lot that are in the field. Most don't let them in "anymore"? LOL SURE THEY DO.  :lol:   most seek a oncologist as a last resort??? more like first resort as that is whats pushed on them from the start by there PCP as its standard procedure for one with Cancer.

Percentage wise there is more cancer today then before....I do agree with you about the DIET and Pollutants/chemicals causing cancer.

Doctor says Ive got some good news and some bad news which one do you want to hear first....I said good news.....doc said well the good news is you have cancer and you have only 6 months to live......I was dumb founded and shocked and said if that's the good news what is the bad news....the doc replied that bad news is I forgot to tell you this 6 months ago.  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you know what a doctor will never forget? He wont ever forget to mail you his BILL. LMAO

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #95 on: 30 May 2018, 04:19 am »

You can find the info on your own but I will list one that was already discussed on here called ALKALINE DIET. Yes I really do believe most doctors and most national institutes funded by the companies with billions of dollars would hide any fact that does not make them any money.

Its ironic for you to see so many patients go the herbal/natural route when majority of main stream doctors do not even consider NOR recommmend the holistic approach at all..The main treatment majority of Dr.s prescribe is chemo/radiation...Only a holistic Dr. would recommend such a thing, maybe you are holistic doctor?

At least you know radiation treatment kills ones immune system..... After receiving radiation treatment from there doctors FAIL most cancer patients turn to holistic approach as the last resort. The problem with that is once the radiation had destroyed most of your immune system no holistic approach can cure you. Most people don't realize that ones immune system is plays the most important role in healing of ones body then any known medicine out there and without a immune system we die. Immunotherapy is using or enhancing ones own immune system to fight off the cancer. BUT if the chemo therapy already decimated most of your immune system then it wont work. SMDH

Most Doctors are in cahoots with anything that has to do with money in there field including big pharma/insurance companies etc etc.... I know a lot that are in the field. Most don't let them in "anymore"? LOL SURE THEY DO.  :lol:   most seek a oncologist as a last resort??? more like first resort as that is whats pushed on them from the start by there PCP as its standard procedure for one with Cancer.

Percentage wise there is more cancer today then before....I do agree with you about the DIET and Pollutants/chemicals causing cancer.

Doctor says Ive got some good news and some bad news which one do you want to hear first....I said good news.....doc said well the good news is you have cancer and you have only 6 months to live......I was dumb founded and shocked and said if that's the good news what is the bad news....the doc replied that bad news is I forgot to tell you this 6 months ago.  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you know what a doctor will never forget? He wont ever forget to mail you his BILL. LMAO

You are nuts to think that doctors are in cahoots and take money.  There may be a few but most are honest hard working people trying to help people.  You probably are the type to believe in conspiracies.    I have dealt with many patients like you who glean their misguided and mostly incorrect info from the internet.  Google knows all.  You are probably one of those people who believe that vaccines are bad and the flu vaccine does not work and is just a conspiracy by the drug companies. 

I am done here  as there is nothing that anyone can say that can convince you or to prevent your childish responses that can't be backed up with real information except for hearsay evidence as opposed to evidenced based medicine

Have a nice life.  I am going to buy an Island from all the money I get from the drug companies.

By the way Tyson, thanks for posting the graph.  We are saving more people than ever from dying from cancer and new and better treatments are on the horizon.


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #96 on: 30 May 2018, 04:24 am »


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #97 on: 30 May 2018, 05:22 am »
You are nuts to think that doctors are in cahoots and take money.  There may be a few but most are honest hard working people trying to help people.  You probably are the type to believe in conspiracies.    I have dealt with many patients like you who glean their misguided and mostly incorrect info from the internet.  Google knows all.  You are probably one of those people who believe that vaccines are bad and the flu vaccine does not work and is just a conspiracy by the drug companies. 

I am done here  as there is nothing that anyone can say that can convince you or to prevent your childish responses that can't be backed up with real information except for hearsay evidence as opposed to evidenced based medicine

Have a nice life.  I am going to buy an Island from all the money I get from the drug companies.

Doctors are in cahoots its just facts you want to deny. Honest doctors are the ones that really actually care for there patients by going above and beyond which are a far and few inbetween. Most doctors dont really give a shit about there patients. To most its just a JOB....Ask any one who wants to become a doctor and ask them if they are doing it just because they care about peoples health/life and or are they just doing it for money and status...You are the type to believe what ever is main stream. My info does not come from the internet or google but actual experience of many many people including myself, family members and friends that have all experienced all that bullshit from Doctors main stream bullshit practices. My uncle (godfather uncle not real uncle) is a Doctor IM for over 50 years and is close to 80 and still working.

No not all vaccines are bad as some benefits out weight the negative side effects.....Flu Vaccines efficacy is very questionable....I know 3 people in my family and 2 other people not related to me that went to the Dr. and the Dr. said oh you just have the flu and then they tell the doctor how can that be when I just got the flu shot 3-7 months ago and the Dr. either tries to make a excuse, change the subject or just compeletely ingores them...one of the doc said oh you know the flu changes so you must not have gotten the recent one and she said no you told me yourself that this is the newest vaccine on the market SMDH LMAO she said you could hear the crickets in the room :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:...its funny how you think there is no conspiracy with drugs companies as if they have never ever done anything wrong. SMDH

The Dr.s oath use to be responsible for curing ones patient now days the Dr.s oath is its not there responsibility to cure anyone.

Childish responses? pssshhhh LOL I can back it up easily with real information based on real scientific studies and actual testimonies

I never said the drug companies will make doctors rich but enjoy your complementary stay at the bahamas or hawaii courtesy of Big Pharma. LMAO

Here is a fairly recent true story that happend within the past couple months of one of my family members.....talked with the doc to do minor same day surgery and it was set up for the next day.....we go down there to get the surgery and the nurses told us the attending doc for the surgery called in sick and we said we were never notified so they apologized....I talked to my Uncle who actually KNOWS that dr. who was suppose to do the surgery that day if he was really sick , he said no its bullshit as its common practice for Dr.s to take off for social meetings that can boost there social status....We seen him the following day and he apologized saying he was sick and feeling nasious but I know for a fact he was fricking lying as my uncle was there at this so called social {GOLF) meeting. SMDH....My uncle says even Drs have there code of silence meaning Drs. dont squeal on other doctors just like cops dont squeal on the bad cops...BUT when someones loved ones LIFE is on the line they should be exposed.

My dads doctor is the typical I do it because its a job mentality as he does not go above and beyond for anyone but somehow he won best Dr. of the year award in our state, can you believe that shit as if it werent RIGGED??? LMAO.... his status has been boosted and he will now get a shit load of new patients/clients to soak dry. SMDH

I have hundreds of peoples/patients real life experiences/testimonies that I have heard personally including DRs , nurses or anyone working in the ER/Hospitals/Clinics etc.

Doctors and clinics are now charging patients $20.00 for no shows to there appoinment....but if a doctor does not show up can I charge him $20.00 for wasting my time on my only day off a week?


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #98 on: 30 May 2018, 05:26 am »

Time for you to take a rest. :nono:


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Re: Why are cancer pills so expensive?
« Reply #99 on: 30 May 2018, 05:29 am »

Time for you to take a rest. :nono:

 Why do you make it seem like I am the ONLY one that is wrong/at fault or involved????? Maybe you are biased?