Subwoofer hookup !!

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Subwoofer hookup !!
« on: 18 Jun 2022, 05:26 am »
  Hello every one I'm a happy owner of a Cherry STM with a 60volt power supply. I have a Audiolab 6000 CD transport digital cable into a Schitt Bifrost XLR out to Schitt  Freya+ XLR out to Schitt Lokius XLR out to STM driving a pair of Tekton Lore Be. I'm liking what I have but I'm thinking of a sub. Rythmik interests me but on Rythmik's site  they do not recomend speaker level connection, and also discourage using class D amps. I also consider REL. I would appreciate any suggestions. Not a gear person, but love music. Thanks in advance.


Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #2 on: 18 Jun 2022, 03:19 pm »
Interesting set up, one question, how do you control the volume in your rig?  Cherry STM? Or Freya ? Why not go rca out from freya to powered sub ?
Good luck


Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #3 on: 18 Jun 2022, 03:33 pm »
There is an issue (potentially dangerous) when connecting a REL sub to digital amps using high level (speaker cable) connections.  I have no idea if this same issue exists with other subs.


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Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #4 on: 18 Jun 2022, 07:06 pm »
To Greyhound. I would prefer not to add more equipment to system, but will consider. To Skif. I set my volume at 12 o'clock on my STM, and use the remote on my Freya to adjust. To Sunny. That was a helpful video you turned me on to. I will say I lean towards the Rythmik. Looking at what I have it's obvious that DTC is the way I go, but there is the drawback of not being able to audition before buying. Plus I do appreciate local brick and mortar. Will be going to local to check out different RELs. Thank you for your imput. Any other thoughts are always helpful


Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #5 on: 18 Jun 2022, 07:22 pm »
If you search the DAC threads, I think you will find that Tommy said not to use speaker level connections with his amps… but to use preamp outs to the sub/s… which is what I do with my 2Cherry.


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Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #6 on: 19 Jun 2022, 02:02 am »
Thank you Ron. For some reason I could not find thread, but I will keep looking. May I ask what subs you are using. I'm considering REL T9x,but it has that Speakon connection on back of REL.


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Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #7 on: 19 Jun 2022, 02:28 am »

This is nothing dangerous about connecting subs speaker level to either Class D amps or for that matter differentially balanced amps if done correctly and understanding it's not business as usual.  As referenced in the REL video Class D amps negative terminals do not provide a true ground so you need to get that ground from another source.  This is done easily by connecting the Black wire to another grounding point be it a chassis screw on another piece of gear or a ground lug on a preamp or line conditioner.  This may however require you to extend the length of the REL Black wire with another length of wire and either electrical tape or a wire nut.  The fact that Rythmik does not recommend speaker level connections has more to do with warranty repairs for improper connections than anything else. I have connected a pair of Rythmik F12SE's to both Class D and a differentially balanced PS Audio BHK 250 for over a half dozen years with no issue by providing the alternative grounding point. 


Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #8 on: 19 Jun 2022, 01:07 pm »
Randy, you can get speakon to rca cables from Benchmark and Amazon that will allow you to connect to preamp out.


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Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #9 on: 19 Jun 2022, 03:12 pm »
 Ron thanks for the Benchmark tip. Jack I see by your experience it can be done. Revealing my reason for being a little bit nervous a little over a year ago I had to send my amp back to Tommy the designer for not paying attention to what I was doing :duh: How do you like your Rythmik  Subs.

opnly bafld

Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #10 on: 19 Jun 2022, 05:25 pm »
Randy, you can get speakon to rca cables from Benchmark and Amazon that will allow you to connect to preamp out.


XLR? to RCA?

Skifasterslc already suggested rca out of pre to sub, that seems to be the best solution using line level.


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Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #11 on: 19 Jun 2022, 07:02 pm »

They're the best I've owned and that includes Vandersteen, SVS, HSU, ACI and a couple of others.  Again speaker level with the Cherry amps is simple.  Just don't connect the ground wire to amps negative speaker terminal and connect it to an alternative ground point on the chassis or ground lug of another piece of gear. 


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Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #12 on: 20 Jun 2022, 08:19 pm »
  Thanks JackD. I auditioned a REL T9X yesterday with a pair of  floorstanding Paradigms. Maybe Founder series not sure. Nice Bass. Maybe a little hot, but nice. I contacted Enrico today. I think that a Rythmik F12G is the way I'll go, and RCA out to sub in. Any thoughts on  comparison between 12G and 12SE.


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Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #13 on: 20 Jun 2022, 11:24 pm »
The SE just designates the Piano Black finish if that's important to you.  You used to could order the SE finish with either the aluminum or the "G" driver.  I have a pair of SE's with the aluminum driver and a pair of Matte finish with the "G" driver.  Will depend on the driver makeup in the Tekton's as the paper "G" driver is a little faster and I got my pair to match the Spatial woofers. 


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Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #14 on: 21 Jun 2022, 03:47 pm »
 Just took the leap. F12G on the way. I think it will go well with Lore's 10" paper drivers. I'll experiment with possibly using Lokius by turning down 20hz band since I'm running off Freya before Lokius. Thanks JackD.


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Re: Subwoofer hookup !!
« Reply #15 on: 24 Dec 2023, 02:02 am »
Can I swap my 48 volt power supply for a 60 v  doing nothing other than plugging it in to the same connector?