Jolida 801a input question

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Jolida 801a input question
« on: 10 Jun 2010, 04:31 pm »
Hi Bill,
I´m writing you from Costa Rica, Central America, since i´m a AC member this is my first post, that´s ´cause english is not my mother language and i´m afraid i can´t explain my self well :oops:, hope you´ll undertand it. Ok here´s the question: I recently bought a JD801b amp, and i´m loving it, the thing is that i need it to handle mid and hi frecuencies, leaving the lower gap to a self powered sub, the electronic xover that i have needs that the integrated amp have a pre out and a main in to filter it, the matter is that the 801 doesn´t have a main in, can i use the tape in to achieve that goal?
Thanks for your attention in advance. :thumb:
P.S. Sorry about my english

« Last Edit: 24 Jun 2010, 05:13 pm by casarman »

Bill Baker

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Re: Jolida 801b input question
« Reply #1 on: 10 Jun 2010, 06:09 pm »
Hello Armando,
 Can you provide a pictre of the unit including the back panel so I can see exactly how this amp is set up? Without knowing the origin of the amp, I cannot say for sure how the input circuits are arranged.


Re: Jolida 801b input question
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jun 2010, 07:05 pm »
Oh thank you Bill for your quick answer, very kind from you  :thumb:, that will be for the weekend, ´cause my experience posting pics has been pretty bad indeed :duh:, by now i can tell you that the amp is a brand new JD801A, with three line inputs (tape, cd, aux) at the left hand of the back plate, in the other side there´s two outputs labeled fixed and variable, the fixed gives a constant signal, the variable output is sensitive to the volume attenuator knob, that is the one i´m using right now to manage the sub volume.
Thank you very much!

P.S. maybe i can find some pics on the web to show you, and it´s 801a no 801b hehe! excuse me.


Re: Jolida 801b input question
« Reply #3 on: 15 Jun 2010, 03:48 pm »

This is the back panel of my amp, hope you can find it usefull.


Re: Jolida 801b input question
« Reply #4 on: 24 Jun 2010, 04:41 pm »
Mr. Baker are you back? How´s your grandpa?
As u can see I posted some pics of the back panel of my amp, do you need further information?

Bill Baker

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Re: Jolida 801b input question
« Reply #5 on: 24 Jun 2010, 04:57 pm »
Sorry Armando. Little crazy around here.

 With the way this amp is currently set up you would not be able to use an external active crossover as you need a true preamp in/main out circuit. If you ran the crossover IN TO one of the source inputs, you would have no way of choosing a source and the x-over input.

 A proper circuit is not at all difficult to install and if there is someone around you that can do this, it should only take about a half hour.


Re: Jolida 801a input question
« Reply #6 on: 24 Jun 2010, 05:24 pm »
Ok Bill, i´d post the question in the tube o phile circle too and a nice gentleman name Jake, suggest to use an input selector, now I´m between three worlds, first use an input selector, second buy a preamp (in other thread you said you preffer active preamp with this amp, i don´t know what´s an active preamp?  :duh:), third modify the amp by a tehcnician? :scratch:
Which do you suggest?

Bill Baker

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    • Musica Bella Audio
Re: Jolida 801a input question
« Reply #7 on: 24 Jun 2010, 06:08 pm »
Hello Armando

 I will have to go to the other thread to see what he means by usingthe selector but the other two options will work for you. An active preamp is just that, a preamp. You can run this into your 801 and use it as apower amp. Basically you would have seperates. If a preamp is not in your budget, you can do it passively by having the circuit installed into your 801.


Re: Jolida 801a input question
« Reply #8 on: 24 Jun 2010, 08:02 pm »
Thanks again Bill, by now I´ll try an external input selector which is the cheep option, then I´ll ask the dealer about the mod, problably by the end of the year think about the preamp, maybe I can buy some of your stuff, I have some family in Montgomery NY, they can help me with the purchase.
Cheers! :eyebrows:

P.S. Best whishes to yor family!