Pulling Kismet out of storage

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Pulling Kismet out of storage
« on: 20 Aug 2024, 12:57 am »
Purchased Kismet amp new  December 2022. Had it in service about 5 months then put in storage since May 2023.
Im getting my listening room back soon, I hope. Family members who needed a place to stay  looking for a home now :)
If all goes well my rig should be back together by November.

So will the Kismet need to burn in again? Will I need to stream music 24/7 for weeks/months?

Also (Yes, I know theres a Planar Circle) but if any Magnepan owners here, do they require a "reburn in" period after long storage?

The whole rig has been kept in living area of house so HVAC environment.

Thanks for any comments.


Re: Pulling Kismet out of storage
« Reply #1 on: 20 Aug 2024, 09:25 pm »
I would say after a solid 24 hours or so, everything should be settled back in including the amps, speaker, cables, etc, etc.

This has been my typical experience with gear and loudspeakers that have been sitting unused for a while. It's nothing like having to burn/break-in new gear again from scratch.