Stream-9 issues

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Re: Stream-9 issues
« Reply #40 on: 15 Sep 2023, 02:50 pm »
Very clear description of the audio-streamer market and it's challenges.

I agree with everything you wrote.

From my personal position I have (more than once) considered Roon but there have always been 2 things preventing me from making the switch.
1. Roon does not in any meaningful way support Spotify. Now this is not Roon Labs fault, Spotify just does not allow it. (it only tolerates lms's Spotify integration)
2. I will not pay a monthly subscription for any not business related software. I have no problem making a one-off payment and paying for updates (as long as those updates actually include new features)

As for manufacturers using and supporting LMS I think I know which one you are refering to and I actually considered getting one of their players but the cheapest one not powered by a wall-wart (and I don't think serious HiFi equipment should be powered by a wall-wart) is twice the price of a Stream-9 with less features. I know of a second manufacturer including SqueezeLite in their firmware but their equipment is even more expensive.

Imagine for us manufacturers who have invested hundreds of thousands in a platform "SomethingPlay", "SomethingFi" from Qualcomm AllPlay, LinkPlay, MQA, DTS, ..... and then the platform vendors decided to shut it down (Qualcomm AllPlay) or not support it anymore.  Very painful and costly.

I fully understand this.
The irony is that with the way I am using the Stream-9 I am not very reliant on firmware updates. As long as it supports DLNA properly I am fine. Any API update for a streaming service has to be handled by the writer/maintainer of the LMS plugin and does not rely on Nuprime.

The Stream-9 would be an excellent streamer for me if it only performed to specification. Unfortunately it does not. It will not stream any samplerate above 96Khz using DLNA without severe glitching and I don't think this can be solved by a firmware update. So that unfortunately leaves me with a streamer that is only partly usable.


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Re: Stream-9 issues
« Reply #41 on: 15 Sep 2023, 03:30 pm »
I've been a Roon user for some years now.  Bought lifetime a couple of months in and haven't looked back.  You can still buy a one time/life time Roon and avoid subscription, though it isn't cheap.  I initially installed the core in my existing NAS and avoided any costs above the cost of Roon.  Since, I invested in an Intel NUC dedicated to the Roon Core. 

If I didn't already have an Auralic VEGA G2 streaming DAC, I would be seriously considering the upcoming NuPrime unit that will evidently be Roon ready.



Re: Stream-9 issues
« Reply #42 on: 19 Sep 2023, 12:25 am »
The Stream-9 would be an excellent streamer for me if it only performed to specification. Unfortunately, it does not. It will not stream any sample rate above 96Khz using DLNA without severe glitching and I don't think this can be solved by a firmware update. So that unfortunately leaves me with a streamer that is only partly usable

I haven't heard of Stream-9-9 not being able to handle 192K for local network streaming, so your problem might be specific to Stream-9 and Qobuz 192K where you get occasional noise. 


Re: Stream-9 issues
« Reply #43 on: 19 Sep 2023, 01:05 am »
I haven't heard of Stream-9-9 not being able to handle 192K for local network streaming, so your problem might be specific to Stream-9 and Qobuz 192K where you get occasional noise.

Rusty, I am just following up on the Stream-9 4-digit universal code. My universal remote just arrived today, so I am hoping to get the Stream-9 configured as soon as possible. Thanks in advance for getting back to me.

Best regards, -dGB (Dave)

9/20 UPDATE: I tried the auto-magic "find the code" feature on my universal remote -- it failed. The closest it found was a code where only some buttons work, and none of them work for the appropriate function. For example, "Mute" turns the unit on/off, and the "OK" button increases the volume. But the rest of the functions are unusable. Can't change inputs, can't lower volume, can't change sample rate. So still doesn't work. More frustrating than useful at this point.
« Last Edit: 20 Sep 2023, 03:53 pm by dburna »


Re: Stream-9 issues
« Reply #44 on: 20 Sep 2023, 07:45 pm »
Please email about the remote code.  Our dedicated support staff will follow up until you get it.  :thumb:


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Re: Stream-9 issues
« Reply #45 on: 25 Sep 2023, 01:49 pm »
I haven't heard of Stream-9-9 not being able to handle 192K for local network streaming

Well you have heard of me.
I was going to post details of all the tests I have performed but decided that was going to be a very long and very boring post so I won't do that, I am just going to post the final result.

That result is that unfortunately I was not able to stream 24 bit 192 KHz reliably to the Stream-9 when used as a DLNA renderer.
The best I could get was streaming FLAC at 24 bit 192 KHz in gapless mode. During the final 5 hour test session there was only 1 glitch, at around 3 hours when there was a half a second pause. When disrupting the flow of the playlist by skipping ahead there are lots of clicks during the first 15 seconds of the track skipped to.
When streamin WAV there are half a second pauses several times an hour and the clicks after skipping take a lot longer to disappear.
When streaming in non gapless mode there are clicks at the beginning (FLAC) or during most (WAV) of each track.

1 glitch in 5 hours is just not good enough, there should be none.

When I first encountered the half a second pause over two weeks ago while streaming a local album at 32 bit 88.2 KHz I got a new (much cheaper) streamer to compare with and that streamer has performed flawlessly during every test I performed over the last 2 weeks.
When comparing the sound quality the new streamer using it's internal DAC sounds excellent but just a touch cooler than the Stream-9 DAC-9 combination. Also using the internal DAC (ESS-Sabre) there are no problems with sample-rate changes, no missing fragments.
When used with the DAC-9 the new streamer sounds exactly the same as the Stream-9 (and has the same problems with sample-rate changes)

So where does this leave the Stream-9 in my situation?
As I already have it I may just aswell use it so when playing 1 or more complete albums from my local library at 44.1 KHz I use the Stream-9. For uses involving sample-rates other then 44.1 KHz I use the new streamer either using the internal DAC or the DAC-9.


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Re: Stream-9 issues
« Reply #46 on: 28 Sep 2023, 09:28 am »
Could you please let us know when the firmware is expected to appear on the product page?

Sorry to be such a pain in the a** but firmware 4.6.439250.52 is still not appearing on the product page.

It wasn't provided by your support either although I did ask for it multiple times.

Could you please take care of this issue?

Many thanks!


Re: Stream-9 issues
« Reply #47 on: 2 Oct 2023, 04:00 pm »
It is there now:
You only need the "439250" firmware, not the "439250.52"


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Re: Stream-9 issues
« Reply #48 on: 4 Oct 2023, 12:57 pm »
Much appreciated, many thanks!  :D


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Re: Stream-9 issues
« Reply #49 on: 16 Apr 2024, 03:01 pm »
I've just bought NuPrime Stream 9. I am very satisfied with it. It works normally over WiFi and the sound is perfect. But I prefered ethernet connection and there is a problem. I simply can't establish it. I tried change a LAN cable, a factory reset, disabling WiFi and then setup again but nothing. I get a note on display UNSUPPORTED. Maybe the problem is in my router/modem, but other devices connected to it work well. I tried connect Stream 9 to every of four LAN outputs of my router/modem and nothing happened. Any suggestions?