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In the defense of tweaks... Plenty of utterly FREE tweaks around. The latest I tried was a gift from Michael Green who does 'tuning' as a professional. He suggested 'loosening the AC duplex, slightly" Holy Cow! it works! The sound became slightly less 'hard' a little softer, more natural.Reminder FREE, Like FREE as in FREE. no cost. The free tweaks are the best. You can try it, or not, change it back, or not. no cost except a few minutes fooling around. Like speaker placement. Then more troubling.. footers.. There ARE dirt cheap good solutions, a buck each, even as low as fifty cents. Or you can splurge and buy $900 ones. EACH! ($900).Most good tweaks started out as a free or nearly free IDEA. Grabbed by someone who managed to add in a profit. say 10,000%? Some folks take basic bits, claim they invented basic electronics, and then charge through the nose for it. (Bybee) when the fact is, anyone can make the SAME DEVICE for a few dollars in parts.So IMO complaining tweaks are a 'rip off' is not fair. a lot (in fact nearly all) of them started out as an idea. a FREE or nearly free idea.
Most tweaks are a scam, at best they do nothing, at worst they impart a coloration. If the tweak is such a good idea why wasn't it incorporated into the original design or in all similar designs?
JLM, I get it and I agree with your catchphrase that the room is the elephant. By coincidence I was thinking today of a product I saw a few years ago as I was reinvesting in hi-fi that went underneath speakers, some sort of isolation or platform. Anyway, the "objective" listeners were blown away by the positive effect and now I'm wondering if those things really worked? I'm interested in getting some better response from my Zu Audio Dirty Weekends.
I believe Synergistic also has one that they sell. Do these work? Have you tried them?