Introducing myself to the team

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Introducing myself to the team
« on: 8 Dec 2022, 03:33 am »
Hello All,

Introducing myself to the team,

I’ve been interested in Audio for 30 or so years, I’m reasonably satisfied with my digital front end and amplification. I’m a bit of a DIY person and have modified the PS Audio Directstream DAC based on approved tweaks by Ted Smith the designer and have spent a number of years tweaking my two PC solution based on Windows server 2019 booting with RAM Disk, Lots of effort gone into quietening the digital environment to seem like analogue 😊
My preference is open baffle speakers, most recently I had Pure Audio Project Quintet 15’s with Horn but have modified these extensively that they reassembly nothing like the original.
Well over a year ago I purchased the three tower OB subs. There still unopened and in box. We shifted house not long after purchase, and its taken way longer than anticipated to begin the build.
I started today to make the Router jig, to cut the holes for the Woofers.

I have the cabinet drawings, but they lack detail not showing the woofer fixing hole centres. Any chance anyone has this detail please?
Apologies with the introduction and request for information – appreciate any help


Peter J

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Re: Introducing myself to the team
« Reply #1 on: 8 Dec 2022, 05:14 pm »
To clarify, you have the drivers, but can't access them?

If current production drivers, manufacturer's website typically has detailed drawings that would include mounting hole location. Even then, I like to measure drivers themselves as I've found that drawings can be off to some degree.

Am I getting what you're saying correctly?


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Re: Introducing myself to the team
« Reply #2 on: 8 Dec 2022, 08:14 pm »
Hi Peter

Thanks for the interest and reply, Yes correct, I will get the kit out of storage just after Christmas but hope to have the H frames built before then ready to drop in the Drivers.
Before I cut the major hole in the mdf for the Drivers I wanted to scribe another larger circle being the centers for the mounting bolts. When I get the drivers the scribed circle would act as a guide for centering the mounting bolt holes.

If there is a link anyone can share to the manufacturers detailed drawings of the drivers that would be great.


Danny Richie

Re: Introducing myself to the team
« Reply #3 on: 9 Dec 2022, 04:08 pm »
I think I have some detailed frame drawings somewhere, but I never use them. I always drop the driver into the 11" through hole and use a punch to mark the mounting holes. That way I know it is exact, and about the easiest thing to do is to use the woofer for the pattern.