Triode Wire Labs is extremely pleased to be invited to provide the entire Cable Loom to the following UPCOMING Audio Shows...

APRIL 21-23, 2017 The Westin O'Hare | Rosemont, IL
Room 314 with;
Volti Audio (bringing the "new" Rivals)
BorderPatrol Audio Electronics (with the P20 push-pull 300B amp and brand new "DAC"!)
Acoustic Signature Turntables (Fidelis Music Systems)
Triode Wire Labs cable loom
PI Audio UberBUSS
... and
Room 308 with;
Vinnie Rossi
Acoustic Signature (Fidelis Music Systems)
Harbeth (Fidelis Music Systems)
Triode Wire Labs cable loom
PI Audio UberBUSS
I hope to see many of you there!