Mensa DI/O???

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Mensa DI/O???
« on: 7 Feb 2003, 07:54 pm »
You will have to excuse my ignorance, for you see I am a home theater guy who is slowly starting to move to pure audio.  I've been running a Lexicon/Aerial Acoustics setup for awhile, and hope to begin the migration to stereo soon.

Here is my question...

What is a DI/O?  Is this like a DAC?  What can I expect this to do to my CD's, LP's, etc.?

Jump all over me if you wish...

Much thanks,

Austin, Tx


Mensa DI/O???
« Reply #1 on: 7 Feb 2003, 08:56 pm »
The Mensa is a Bolder Cables modded ART DI/O DAC.

Used with a high quality transport (with SP/DIF connector) it should make your redbook CD's sound better than most or many CDP's, unless you want to spend really big bucks.  As always YMMV


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Mensa DI/O???
« Reply #2 on: 8 Feb 2003, 09:10 am »

I do not know how much of what Marbles wrote you will understand,but this might help. :wink:

smART and MENSA DAC's are names given to the ART DAC's after they are Modified through Wayne at BOLDER CABLES.

Seeing that you are new at this I will tell you what my experiences are and why you lucked out by coming here.
First off I have been an off\on audio buff for approx. 25yrs and what I realised about 15yrs. ago is that you get more bang for the buck by buying stock units that have a good capability for bing upgraded using better parts.If you think of the old Phillips CD Player's ,other manfactures like WADIA(I think)\MADRIGAL would take the stock Phillips Transports and DACS then replace them with premium parts and cosmetics then sell them for outrageous prices to the consumer ,you and me.

You are able to get close to SOTA performance or actual SOTA performance,depending on who you listen to,for a greatly discounted price
going the Modified route.

Other things you might want to checkout are Dan Warrens Mods listed as ModWrights here at AC.He does Mods to Pioneer CD Player's which are suppose to be superior to stock versions.Using his Modded Transport with the MENSA which might be an option if you are looking for a quality CDP\DAC combo.

I have had my speaker's and amp modified and would have to spend $3-$4K for which I paid $1K for them.So the savings and performance ratio is quite large :mrgreen:  

This can be a most rewarding and fun hobby if you go about it right and do your homework and I think there are great advantages to getting modded equiptment.

The smART\MENSA DAC is said to be a better DAC then the SONY 777 CDP's DAC that goes for $3K so that gives you an idea of the savings that you can expect when looking to go this route then following the consumer crowd! :D  

Good luck and any Q's don't be afraid to post here or anywhere else as there are many people that love to help it's there hobby and somes bisiness.
One last thing is that .You had mentioned that you wanted to go the purist route.You will find my system listed here and I have been redoing my system.The FT Audio Preamp is a great bargain and you'd have to spend alot more $$ to find equal quality.There are things to know when matching with an amp .Listed is FT Audio's site and Paul Lam will answer any Q's you might have if you wish to go that route.Tell him Larry sent you .

If you need a unit with remote capability do not let it deter you that it does not have one because I know they are working on one that should come out soon and you will just need to add it to the existing unit by plugging it in.

My system

FT Audio sites

FT Audio BB

Good luck and happy hunting!


Mensa DI/O???
« Reply #3 on: 8 Feb 2003, 01:21 pm »
Quote from: ABEX

Other things you might want to checkout are Dan Warrens Mods listed as ModWrights here at AC.He does Mods to Pioneer CD Player's which are suppose to be superior to stock versions.Using his Modded Transport with the MENSA which might be an option if you are looking for a quality CDP\DAC combo.

Actually you might have meant Dan Wright of Modwright.

There is another who mods, Stan Warren as well, but he does not have a site here.


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Mensa DI/O???
« Reply #4 on: 8 Feb 2003, 03:07 pm »
Sometimes I get them wrong.I even looked them up and still got them confused. :?
I also get designations numbers mixed up at times. :roll:


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« Reply #5 on: 8 Feb 2003, 03:31 pm »
Thank you so much for all of the usefull information.  I'm greatly looking forward to starting my new audio journey!

Much thanks


Mensa DI/O???
« Reply #6 on: 8 Feb 2003, 05:28 pm »
    You should know that it the ART DI/O is actually a unit designed for musical instruments.  It's designed to either convert digital to analog or analog to digital.  So you will not find it in any stereo magazines or retail stores simply selling stereo or hifi equipment.
   Audiophiles found that the stock unit , I think you need a specific cable hook up though, it made a nice DAC.  They also found that with modifications this DAC can rival some very expensive DAC.


Mensa DI/O???
« Reply #7 on: 8 Feb 2003, 06:15 pm »
The cable can be any RCA terminated interconnect, but those especially designed to carry digital signals are best.