What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?

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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #60 on: 25 Sep 2015, 09:00 pm »
ModWright's new SET amp, the Ambrose, did a stellar job with the Athenas at the Capital Audio Fest in the smaller hotel room.  The Poseidons in the large room needed more power than the 10-watt per channel Ambrose could provide.  It will be exciting to hear how the 845 amps match up at RMAF next weekend!

mick wolfe

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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #61 on: 25 Sep 2015, 11:50 pm »
This weekend I will demoing a buddies Line Magnetic 518IA with my Argos v2. I've always wanted to hear  an 845 based amp with Lou's speakers, so I figured Line Magnetic is a good place to start.

Yes, a very good place to start. My friend uses a LM 518ia with his DA-RMa's and it's a superb match.


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #62 on: 23 Oct 2015, 08:09 pm »
Just recived my Argos v2s this week; using Modwright KWA 100SE; good synergy to my ears


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #63 on: 24 Oct 2015, 12:33 am »
Just recived my Argos v2s this week; using Modwright KWA 100SE; good synergy to my ears

If you get a chance to try the M W 150 SE there should be a improvement.  I ran a couple lesser amps before I buckled to Lou's pressure and added the SE to my Pan's.   I hope tof get toLou's shop tissue winter and listen to his new speakers.


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #64 on: 18 Nov 2015, 12:44 am »
So, as stated earlier in this thread, I'm happily powering my DA-RMas with a pair of Audio Note Quest Silver 300B SETs.  We recently moved into a new home and I now have a dedicated music room/man cave.  Since the room was already wired with in wall surrounds, etc., I dug out all my old HT equipment and essentially have two setups by swapping a pair of interconnects and spkr cables. 

Not wanting to run my 300B's for TV, etc., I started looking around for a ss amp.....I've never owned any McIntosh equipment other than car audio, but I recently heard a pair of newer model monos and was mightily impressed.  Looked around and saw their new smaller form MC152 stereo amp.  Ended up purchasing it and although it only has about 120 hours or so on it, I'm really, really happy with it.

No, I won't be giving up the 3 times more expensive Quest Silvers, but the MC152 sounds fantastic to my ears/tastes and just nails the mid bass and mids, which is what I love.  So, although I never thought I'd spend the bucks for McIntosh, I'm really happy I did.  For my tastes it comes about as close to the sweet fabulous mids of the 300B SETs as I've heard.


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #65 on: 19 Nov 2015, 07:37 pm »
Having run my Athenas for several years now with a Simaudio W-5/P-5 power plant, I'm very interested in moving in another direction and auditioning the 300B SET sound.  Specifically, an A/B of the AN Conquest Silver Sigs w/ Coincident Frankensteins MKII.  Have any Daedalus owners had a similar comparative experience? 
« Last Edit: 26 Nov 2015, 04:58 am by beaglebump »


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #66 on: 24 Dec 2015, 04:45 pm »
About to add a Line Magnetic 518ia (845 SET based integrated) into my system, should be here early next week. Will be keeping Modwright LS100/KWA100SE combo as thoroughly enjoy them with my Argos V2s, trying the 518 as I have never had a SET amp and want to give it "listen". Will comment further once it's in and have given it a listen for a bit


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #67 on: 31 Dec 2015, 08:18 pm »
Received Line Magnetic 518ia (845 SET 22wpc intergrated) Tuesday night. I didn't have an opportunity to audition it beforehand, but that is no different than the rest of my purchases.  Amp is a hefty 80lbs and very nicely finished. Has 4, 8 & 16 ohm taps.  According to the website it is hardwired and uses premium parts. Amp is tubed with Line Magnetic tubes that the distributor states are made by Psvane. Tube compliment 2 845s, 2 6L6s, 2 12ax7s, 1 5AR4 rectifier. I only have about 10 hours on the amp and ran it for the first 8 with the stock tubes; pretty engaging sound and the amp easily drives the ArgoV2s without pushing the volume control. I have swapped out the stock 5AR4 and 12ax7s with NOS Mullard 5AR4 and GE 12ax7s and feel that there is added definition, presense and transparency. I will likely swap in NOS GE 6L6GC to see their effect. Amp does not seem partial to particular music genres. I'm using the 8ohm taps. Based upon my initial experience I'd highly recommend this amp.


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #68 on: 5 Jan 2016, 05:25 pm »
I have a LM 518ia on the way as we speak. I've auditioned 10 integrated amps in the last year with my Argos, and the LM 518ia was the winner for me. I loved the Pass Labs INT-60, but I couldn't get the sound of the LM 518ia and the 845's out of my head.


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #69 on: 5 Jan 2016, 06:00 pm »
I'm Mick's friend who has the LM 518ia with Jonbee's old DA-RMa's.  In my opinion, the stock LM tubes don't get you anywhere close to the performance of the amp.  I run Psvane 845T's, Foton NOS 6L6's as driver tubes, and an expensive metal base GZ34 rectifier, and bypass the preamp stage instead using a Tortuga-based passive preamp.  In comparison, the internal tube preamp has a bit greater focus and drive, but the soundstage completely collapses and there's a bit less detail.  And that's with vintage Telefunken smooth plates as 12ax7's.

I also found Lou's DID's to work wonders with the 518ia.  And it also responds very well to power cable upgrades, outlets, and conditioning (the right kind, non current limiting).  It's a very transparent amp to system changes.  This can be infuriating at times, but is a tweaker's dream. 

This is my first real tube amp, though, so I'm not in a position to compare to other SET or other tube amps.  And I'm also not able to compare to any other amps really on the DA-RMa's - I had settled on the 518ia with my previous speakers before the DA-RMa's arrived. 


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #70 on: 5 Jan 2016, 06:08 pm »
Can you describe the sound of the FOTON 6L6s?


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #71 on: 5 Jan 2016, 07:55 pm »
I like them better than Mick does, I think.  He's who recommended them to me - a recommendation from one of his friends.  I find them better than new production Gold Lion KT-88's.  Mick says he likes the Gold Lions better than the Fotons overall.  Instruments are more cleanly delineated, and have more body.  But I do acknowledge I think the Gold Lions have an overall very easy and balanced sound, maybe even more balanced-natural tone than the Fotons. 

I'd really like to hear some old stock Genalex KT-66's in the driver slots, but those would be $$$.  Maybe eventually.


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #72 on: 5 Jan 2016, 08:46 pm »
Thanks for the perspective. BTW don't know if you and Mick know but the 218 was recently changed to a 211 tube , doesn't come 845 any more


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #73 on: 8 Jan 2016, 10:34 pm »
Re: the 518ia, I did swap in some NOS GE 6L6GCs. At first they seemed too bright and in your face, but after about 10 hours or so have become balanced across the spectrum with good definition and separation


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #74 on: 24 Jan 2016, 11:03 pm »
Hello everyone, new here but have been a DA-RMa owner for about 5 years, all original save for some recently added trim rings.

I've happily been driving them with a Luxman 505u integrated and haven't felt the need for more (100w x2).  Very good sounding iindeed


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #75 on: 22 Feb 2016, 04:44 am »
I think it's also worth noting that higher power amplifiers are more expensive and therefore may be able to have additional improvements in the circuit, power supply, etc versus lower power amplifiers by the same manufacturer.

In this case it's not the number of watts but the increase in the manufacturing budget to improve the design that leads better results.
« Last Edit: 20 Mar 2016, 09:09 pm by JP78 »


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #76 on: 24 Aug 2016, 01:59 am »
I am using the Found-Music amplifiers with my Ulysses' and am finding the combination superb.  You can tailor the sound by rolling the 6SN7 driver and EL34/6AC7/KT77 power tubes.


Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #77 on: 24 Aug 2016, 02:48 am »
Which Found Music amps?


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #78 on: 24 Aug 2016, 06:19 pm »

These are Scott's newest model "The Blade".


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Re: What amplifier do you use with your Daedalus speakers?
« Reply #79 on: 1 Apr 2017, 05:07 pm »
Here are some pics of the Found-Music "Blade Amp".  This is a killer combo with the Daedalus Ulysses, especially when combined with the Found-Music E+ Cables.