Audio Meet Announcement

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Audio Meet Announcement
« on: 17 Jun 2009, 08:50 pm »
I am posting this announcement for all to see and reply to if interested in attending.
Audio Meet Sunday July 19,2009


Place- 492 Coventry Hill Trail , Newmarket ,Ont. L3X 2A1


Time- Starting at 12 noon


BYOB and a chair plus your favourite CD?s


Sponsored by McAlister Audio

Featuring McAlister Audio products ( Peter McAlister) @ Coherent Loudspeakers designed by Frank Fazzalari

Fazzalari Delivers Electrostatic Sound with his Dynamic New Enclosures
The Model 7s are coherent, as the name suggests.
By Ernie Fisher

Everyone is invited to this special audio meet. My friend has graciously given the use of a large room in his home. The room will accommodate up to 60 people and I would suggest if possible you bring a chair just in case it is needed and your own refreshments- coffee and tea will be provided. Please RSVP to McAlister audio or the forum header.

We will have lots of different speakers including some electrostatics by McAlister Audio. Electronics will consist of McAlister Audio MB130?s, PP-150, SE-32, PL-15 and the DA-6. Also we will have the new Nova Physics Memory player                               

In going forward there may be some additional manufactures, which will be updated, as necessary.

This meet is a great opportunity to listen to some music and socialize with like-minded audiophiles.

Currently there is no specific agenda but McAlister Audio with give a short presentation followed by a question period, Frank Fazzalari  will also give an overview on his speaker design. Also for those interested there will be special pricing on all products for those in attendance from McAlister Audio and Coherent loudspeakers from the already special pricing of direct sales without conventional retail mark-up. This is an opportunity to get great savings on high-end audio and a venue to allow more people to enjoy music.

Please RSVP to myself or Peter McAlister at

Igor Wolaniuk


Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #1 on: 17 Jun 2009, 10:07 pm »
Well, I hope enough of us are still hanging around here to see this so that there will be a good turnout. I'll certainly do my best to make it!


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Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #2 on: 18 Jun 2009, 01:48 am »
I guess my patience finally paid off :thumb:.  As far as I can tell, I will be attending. Thank you for organising the meet, Igor. Looking forward to see all the familiar faces!!



Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #3 on: 18 Jun 2009, 02:51 am »

I didn't organize it, Peter McAlister did, I'm just passing along the "general" invite to all the people.
The room is 40' X 60' so I am really "pumped".....



Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #4 on: 19 Jun 2009, 09:28 pm »
We ought to be able to "pump some base notes out the door" with that size room. aa


Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #5 on: 20 Jun 2009, 03:14 pm »
Here is a revised invite (attendee addition)
Audio Meet Sunday July 19,2009

Place- 492 Coventry Hill Trail , Newmarket ,Ont. L3X 2A1

Time- Starting at 12 noon

BYOB and a chair plus your favourite CD?s

Sponsored by McAlister Audio
Featuring McAlister Audio products ( Peter McAlister) @ Coherent Loudspeakers designed by Frank Fazzalari
Fazzalari Delivers Electrostatic Sound with his Dynamic New Enclosures
The Model 7s are coherent, as the name suggests.
By Ernie Fisher
Everyone is invited to this special audio meet. My friend has graciously given the use of a large room in his home. The room will accommodate up to 60 people and I would suggest if possible you bring a chair just in case it is needed and your own refreshments- coffee and tea will be provided. Please RSVP to McAlister audio or the forum header.
We will have lots of different speakers including some electrostatics by McAlister Audio. Electronics will consist of McAlister Audio MB130?s, PP-150, SE-32, PL-15 and the DA-6. Also we will have the new Nova Physics Memory player                               
In going forward there may be some additional manufactures, which will be updated, as necessary. June18, 2009- Teo Audio has confirmed attendance and will bring some of his new cable line
This meet is a great opportunity to listen to some music and socialize with like-minded audiophiles.
Currently there is no specific agenda but McAlister Audio with give a short presentation followed by a question period, Frank Fazzalari  will also give an overview on his speaker design followed by Taras from Teo Audio on his cable technology. Also for those interested there will be special pricing on all products for those in attendance from McAlister Audio, Coherent loudspeakers and Teo Audio from the already special pricing of direct sales without conventional retail mark-up. This is an opportunity to get great savings on high-end audio and a venue to allow more people to enjoy music.




Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #6 on: 21 Jun 2009, 03:21 am »
I'm in! Nice and close to home too. See you there.


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Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #7 on: 17 Jul 2009, 12:13 pm »
hi everyone, I'm new here and the reason I signed up is your upcoming audition of the mcalister dac.
I'm in south africa, and since about a year have a mcalister pp150/8. I love this amp, and since the next upgrade in my system will be either a cdp or a dac, I'm very keen on any information about peter's dac.
have a nice weekend, and say hello to peter from me... 8)


Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #8 on: 17 Jul 2009, 06:56 pm »
Wish I could make it.

Golfing in Niagara...


Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #9 on: 17 Jul 2009, 07:06 pm »
Sadly I can't make it .. It's family time  :nono:

Take care guys hope to see you soon


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Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #10 on: 18 Jul 2009, 12:55 am »
I should be there.  I'll see what kind of weird music I can bring for this one.


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Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #11 on: 20 Jul 2009, 04:12 am »
what's up guys, still listening ? :wink:


Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #12 on: 21 Jul 2009, 09:38 pm »
Thanks to everyone who showed up on Sunday, especially to the (invited) vendors for all your work that day. It was great to see all the new and familiar faces.

Pics are up in my gallery.

Best Regards



Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #13 on: 21 Jul 2009, 09:55 pm »
I had a good time. Great to meet some new people. Just as great to shoot the breeze with the familiar diehards who keep comming back to our speratic meets.
Although I doubt very much that he will read this, I'd like to say a BIG thanks to Paul who hosted the event. Very selfless of him since I hear he's not really into 2 channel audio! ( I hope I remembered his name correctly).
Igor- I miss the funny captions to the pics!


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Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #14 on: 26 Jul 2009, 10:54 am »
so no comments at all about the gear ?  :?


Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #15 on: 28 Jul 2009, 12:51 am »
I don't really do any critical listening in larger meets such as this one, so I hesitate to comment on a public forum. What I will say however, is the Coherent speakers put forth the best sounding highs from a non-dome tweeter that I have heard. I personally prefer good domes over ribbons. These tweeters, made by Mundorf, (very expensive), sounded cleaner than domes without the _exagerating here_ schrill of ribbons. Good bass reponse for a large room with a wide range driver chopped off at the knees with limited power handling. But they are PHY's after all and also very expensive. I'd say Frank did a fine job with the crossover which appeared to be a second order configuration. All in all I like these speakers.
The Memory player also sounded very good, but did not get to compare it against the cd player/transport.
No need to comment on McAllister amps -they always sound excellent to me.


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Re: Audio Meet Announcement
« Reply #16 on: 3 Aug 2009, 04:50 pm »
yes, I'm also very happy with my mcalister...  8)