My Capacitor comparisons: Mundorfs, VCap, Sonicap Platinum, Auricap, etc

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Jon L

aa I have instaled the Aluminum Amp ohm in my Altec amps and they sound alot like the jensen aluminum . But the midrange is better . Upper and lower are rolled off a little And they have about 20 hours on them and they haven't bloomed out like the jensen alum but I'll keep waiting. Wonder how those paper in wax caps they have are like?
The first driver coupling cap I had in my altecs were paper in wax and the midrange was air city!
 I may try the paper WAX AMPOHM . they may be better than the oil for all i know.

It was a rather long break-in period for me, but things opened up in both directions.  It never gets to "air city" but it does what it does very well.  Please update us as the hours add up.

The Jupiter and the Ampohm wax caps would be a nice comparison.

I have the AmpOhm wax next in cue, and of course, I already have the Jupiter. 
I'll have to try the new copper AmpOhm :drool:

HowEVer...  I took a detour trying the Naked Russian K72 teflons (courtesy of Josh K), but bypassed with 2200 pF FT1 Teflon.  KILLER stuff, but needs the teflon bypass.

What value K72 is it?  I need to check my FT1 teflons to see if they can have their clothes taken off too.  I've been using the teflons nude in 0.1uf, but I haven't tried any bypass of it.  I didn't think it would need a bypass, but I guess I should try it out!

It's the nude 0.1 uF K72.  What are you using to wrap the nude cap into some sort of casing? I couldn't really find a good way to do this, somewhat airtight.   

I found the nude K72 to be extraordinarily smooth and grain-free, way more so than the steel-covered K72, but perhaps a bit too smooth.  2200 pF FT-1 is essentially the same as K72 internally and does the trick to bring back just enough of the air and sparkle; I wouldn't nude the FT-1 for bypass duty since I suspect the overall cap/casing is giving the effect needed.


Just replaced my Ampohm Tin in Oil .10 coupling caps in my Quicksilver MX190 with Audio cap Theta's.
After the first 10 seconds I was mighty impressed.
Of course they have to still settle in, but what I got was air, extension, deep bass, and just wonderful dynamics.
In my amp the paper in oil Ampohms were sucking the life out of it.
These Theta's seem like they are going to work out well!
Thanks Jon!



Ampohm announced yesterday 22nd May that they are finally launching a range of paper-in-oil, copper-foil capacitors in 630V (0.001uF to 1.0uF) and 300V (2.2uF to 10.0uF).

Thank you for the information. It seemed like they would eventually introduce a copper version if they already had tin and aluminum. I'm curious if they'll be a big step up or just slightly different.

The new beeswax caps look promising, too. So many choices!


I can't really comment on the whether they will be a big step up, as I've not even had sight of pre-production samples (ho hum).

What I can say, is that the pricing differential is about the same between copper and tin as it is between tin and aluminium, but with a steeper curve on price at the higher capacitance values. Certainly Ampohm seem to want a very sensible spectrum of options.

There's also talk of a paper-in-wax copper-foil range, which could be interesting....


Thanks Jon for taking the time to check them out!  I think I will have to try the nude K72s with an SSG bypass. 


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 162
Thanks Jon for taking the time to check them out!  I think I will have to try the nude K72s with an SSG bypass.

I tried the nude 0.1uf FT3 with ~2200pf SSG (I forget the exact value off the top of my head) and barely heard a difference.  I'm curious what you will find. 

With the SSG, I desoldered the tabs (they come right off) and soldered a wire inside the hole.  There's a separate lead similar to the K72 that protrudes from the hole, so this method allows wire to directly connect to the lead instead of passing through the tabs.  I'm not sure I heard much of a difference compared to the Teflons, but I suppose a different pair of ears may detect something.  It may be worth a try since it is much less of a hassle compared to modding the FT3/K72 teflon caps. 


Just replaced my Ampohm Tin in Oil .10 coupling caps in my Quicksilver MX190 with Audio cap Theta's.
After the first 10 seconds I was mighty impressed.
Of course they have to still settle in, but what I got was air, extension, deep bass, and just wonderful dynamics.
In my amp the paper in oil Ampohms were sucking the life out of it.
These Theta's seem like they are going to work out well!
Thanks Jon!


As I posted lo these many pages ago  :) , I replaced Sonic Cap Platinums (Teflon) with AudioCap PCUs in a pair of Dodd Mono-blocks and got increased resolution, extension and dynamics, plus a more natural tonality. Hasn't anyone else tried them? I'd love to hear others' opinions of them.



I swapped out my Sonicaps in my dodds and went with a mixture of mundorfs and K40 russian caps
After many many hrs of break in the system is starting to strut  aa


My new babies arrived today(big blue). 

Joey B

After 4 weeks of burning the 2.0 uf Audiocap Theta bypassed by .1 uf FT-3 teflon that I  installed my NOS dac they seem to be fully burned in . They never seemed harsh during that whole period . Certain frequency ranges seemed under developed until full burnin occurred .

Jon L's description of them sounding ravishing is about as close as I could come to describing them , so I'll stick with that .

Thanks Jon for the recommendation , they are really the frosting on the cake .

Joey B.

Jon L

Thanks Jon for taking the time to check them out!  I think I will have to try the nude K72s with an SSG bypass.

I tried the nude 0.1uf FT3 with ~2200pf SSG (I forget the exact value off the top of my head) and barely heard a difference.  I'm curious what you will find. 

Hey, why are you guys bypassing teflons with SSG (silver micas)?  I think SSG's treble is on the feathery and cottony side, unlikely to provide the teflon sparkle of FT-1 bypass. 

Both Josh K and dweekie, PM me your shipping addresses again.  I think I have a couple extra pairs of FT-1 1200 pF/600V caps I can send your way  aa


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 51
  Looking forward to your impressions of the Claritycap MR caps.


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 317
Just thougt all would be curious to know that finally after 1200 hours the Vcaps have stopped changing. The result breathtaking. I was beginning to think they were not all they aere toted to be. Well to date in my application [ input and driver tubes, SET amp ] .47 & .1 respectively.
   Next up are the Euro oil caps from Reference Audio Mods. Let ya know if they equal the V-cap Teflons.  At $95 each worth a go.


I don't believe he will be reviewing Clarity MR's, they don't make any values small enough for him to use.  I've used them in electronics and loudspeakers and haven't heard anything better yet. 


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 51
I currently have the Claritycap MR in my preamp outputs. Very musical and far superior to the Hovlands that were previously in there. I've ordered some Duelund VSF to try out in my Reference 3a Dulcet speakers. The President of Reference 3a just told me that his favorite caps on his speaker tweeters are, in order of preference :
    1. Duelund Copper Cast
    2. Duelund Copper VSF
    3. Mundorf Supreme Silver/Gold Oil


I found that MR's have a much larger soundstage, better defined imaging, and are more transparent than copper VSF's.  The only thing that VSF's have over MR's is slightly better tonality.  I may be picking up some CAST's to try out soon.


I just installed the Mundorf Silver oil caps in the input position in my amp.
Wow, Very open, detailed, black background and great textured bass, they have about 10 hours on them, so they will probably only get better.

Ordered some Stealth caps for my pre, they are unknown caps, so I am taking a chance, will let you know.



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I'm waiting for some 3.3uFd V-Cap oils bypassed with .22uFd Sonicap Platinums for my Valab DAC.  When it's all done, I'm then going to cryo the whole unit.  I've had great success with that and it's soo easy for me to do. 


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 51
I'd like to know how those Stealthcaps sound after some break-in. I believe these are the ones from Peter Moncrieff, right? I'm hoping that with the Claritycap MR caps in my preamp and the Duelund VSF in my speaker crossover, the combination will give me the best of both worlds. We'll see...


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 2778

That's the same combination I plan to try in my Havana DAC (different values though), so I'd be interested to hear what your take on the sonics is like.

-- Jim


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 11415
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That's the same combination I plan to try in my Havana DAC (different values though), so I'd be interested to hear what your take on the sonics is like.

-- Jim

I will report back when they are complete.