FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.

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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #40 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:40 am »

NEXT YEAR: you guys will at least do 2016.  I'm confident.  Like the star of an NFL team, you need that "fans wouldn't let me leave" year.  Then leave on an even higher note.  Seinfeld fans will know what I'm talking about.

I think they're going to pull a James Brown and pretend like it's over and then come back for one mo, and then another.... :)


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #41 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:41 am »
I dunno know Tommy, I thought they did a wider coverage last year and had a final awards thread. They might be as over it as a lot of the patronage happens to be.

My one discrepancy with the attitude is that all big companies are bad. As a "small time innovator" type person I have to point out that something these tiny operation aren't able to do is employee a bunch of people, and employee them well. The rash of newer companies may not survive forever because they operate so narrowly to survive. I don't want to get way off track, but in some ways I think that attitude can be a little off putting. That said one always wants to see more innovation and the people with nothing often are out to show it!
The problem, as I see it, is that everything is set up to cater to the big companies anyway, so us giving them review time at the show is a waste.  We have 3 days to see/hear interesting things, and people carp that we don't hit Magico or VTL or Wilson or whatever?  Really?  If you want to see coverage of those rooms, you know what you can do?  Read EVERY OTHER show coverage out there.  Why in the world would we ever use our time to cover bigger companies? 


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #42 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:46 am »
The problem, as I see it, is that everything is set up to cater to the big companies anyway, so us giving them review time at the show is a waste.  We have 3 days to see/hear interesting things, and people carp that we don't hit Magico or VTL or Wilson or whatever?  Really?  If you want to see coverage of those rooms, you know what you can do?  Read EVERY OTHER show coverage out there.  Why in the world would we ever use our time to cover bigger companies?

And that is exactly why you guys kick ass; because you know that.


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #43 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:50 am »
And that is exactly why you guys kick ass; because you know that.

Thanks Jerry!  I hope someone picks up the flag and carries it forward. 


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #44 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:57 am »
Pez and Tyson:

Your few misguided detractors have prompted me to come out of the woodwork to thank you for your contributions all these years.  I am not in the industry and do not seek out blogs to vent and draw attention to myself.  Listening to music is a simple pleasure that has added immensely to my quality of life, as has reading about the experiences of others who share this pursuit.  It was probably 4-5 years ago when I first encountered your musings on RMAF.  So fresh, so irreverent, so informative and so entertaining!  I will greatly miss this rite of fall.

I especially appreciate your willingness to highlight some of the lesser known manufacturers while never failing to point out the shortcomings of the mega-brands.  Partially because of your coverage I have purchased equipment from some of these smaller companies and the quality of my listening experience has benefitted greatly.

Best of wishes in your future endeavors.



Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #45 on: 8 Oct 2015, 03:26 am »
The problem, as I see it, is that everything is set up to cater to the big companies anyway, so us giving them review time at the show is a waste.  We have 3 days to see/hear interesting things, and people carp that we don't hit Magico or VTL or Wilson or whatever?  Really?  If you want to see coverage of those rooms, you know what you can do?  Read EVERY OTHER show coverage out there.  Why in the world would we ever use our time to cover bigger companies?

Tyson you entirely misunderstand my comment because I'm very glad you review whom you do. I just meant that sometimes the attitude of opposition to them gets a bit rough, while praising mini-operations. This has nothing to do with desire for coverage or how you cover.


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #46 on: 8 Oct 2015, 03:57 am »
I dunno know Tommy, I thought they did a wider coverage last year and had a final awards thread. They might be as over it as a lot of the patronage happens to be.

My one discrepancy with the attitude is that all big companies are bad. As a "small time innovator" type person I have to point out that something these tiny operation aren't able to do is employee a bunch of people, and employee them well. The rash of newer companies may not survive forever because they operate so narrowly to survive. I don't want to get way off track, but in some ways I think that attitude can be a little off putting. That said one always wants to see more innovation and the people with nothing often are out to show it!

The unethical stuff is what bothers me.

Big companies can certainly innovate and you are correct about employing a bunch of people.  The ratio of engineers to "other" (such as marketing personnel) is a kind of quality factor, or maybe how much money is spent on R&D versus everything else.

There's also something to be said for putting your heart and soul into something you love as opposed to just another money making scheme, big or small. There are plenty of small companies with obscene margins, too, and your point is well taken.

It's like that fake hair commercial....  "I'm also a client"  (hobbiest/enthusiast)


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #47 on: 8 Oct 2015, 03:58 am »
Pez and Tyson:

Your few misguided detractors have prompted me to come out of the woodwork to thank you for your contributions all these years.  I am not in the industry and do not seek out blogs to vent and draw attention to myself.  Listening to music is a simple pleasure that has added immensely to my quality of life, as has reading about the experiences of others who share this pursuit.  It was probably 4-5 years ago when I first encountered your musings on RMAF.  So fresh, so irreverent, so informative and so entertaining!  I will greatly miss this rite of fall.

I especially appreciate your willingness to highlight some of the lesser known manufacturers while never failing to point out the shortcomings of the mega-brands.  Partially because of your coverage I have purchased equipment from some of these smaller companies and the quality of my listening experience has benefitted greatly.

Best of wishes in your future endeavors.

Man, you just made my day - thank you so much! 


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #48 on: 8 Oct 2015, 04:09 am »
Pez and Tyson:

Your few misguided detractors have prompted me to come out of the woodwork to thank you for your contributions all these years.  I am not in the industry and do not seek out blogs to vent and draw attention to myself.  Listening to music is a simple pleasure that has added immensely to my quality of life, as has reading about the experiences of others who share this pursuit.  It was probably 4-5 years ago when I first encountered your musings on RMAF.  So fresh, so irreverent, so informative and so entertaining!  I will greatly miss this rite of fall.

I especially appreciate your willingness to highlight some of the lesser known manufacturers while never failing to point out the shortcomings of the mega-brands.  Partially because of your coverage I have purchased equipment from some of these smaller companies and the quality of my listening experience has benefitted greatly.

Best of wishes in your future endeavors.
Absolutely!  I wish more people would join us.  Maybe not as audiophiles, but as people who sit down, take time away from their busy lives, and just listen to music a little each day, or a little each week.  You NAILED it with "quality of life"!  Great post (:


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Note of thanks
« Reply #49 on: 8 Oct 2015, 04:18 am »
Pez / Tyson,

Thanks for helping the micro brands.  I want you to know that it means a lot.  The feedback you provide also assists product development.  My last few posts explain that a little, but my fingers are crossed that you will either change your mind or pass the baton to someone who will continue YOUR style.

-Tommy O

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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #50 on: 8 Oct 2015, 06:01 am »
These Guys failed to deliver objective opinions because they're weak characters,i told Tyson I'm with you 100% on your opinion and he said (i take a step back from my opinion)he didnt have an opinion on his reply,infact he told me no one can,unbelievable,You ask for their opinions and they dont have one,i quit,if he wants to play games with me,better find someone else to play his games,however i cant speak of Pez because i havent interacted with him,but i think Pez is a meaner character when he takes a decision he is firm,anyway they are great photographers, lots of great photos.... :thumb:

Wind Chaser

Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #51 on: 8 Oct 2015, 06:49 am »
I hope someone picks up the flag and carries it forward.

But who will train them?


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #52 on: 8 Oct 2015, 09:00 am »
Guys/Pez and Tyson
I've already thaaaaaaaaaaaaaanked you both. I mean it. Something beyond the rest. Real accomplishment.

We've read how you do it, and the pressure you put themselves under to give your 'impressions,' and still people are want to shoot arrows.

You've got to keep this thread going before you are 'put to sleep tomorrow.'
It is so bloody entertaining - some of the replies are priceless (at our expense I hear you say, but hot damn its fun reading).

Really wonderful cut and thrust guys, and hopefully you can eventually look back and say that was FUN.


Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #53 on: 8 Oct 2015, 09:32 am »
Appreciated the coverage again this year, its so cool to experience first hand like being there. I know what its like to carry a camera around and shoot photos at an event. Its a big sacrifice and can sometimes feel like you never got to enjoy event.

Thanks again!  :thumb:


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #54 on: 8 Oct 2015, 10:49 am »
I dunno know Tommy, I thought they did a wider coverage last year and had a final awards thread. They might be as over it as a lot of the patronage happens to be.

My one discrepancy with the attitude is that all big companies are bad. As a "small time innovator" type person I have to point out that something these tiny operation aren't able to do is employee a bunch of people, and employee them well. The rash of newer companies may not survive forever because they operate so narrowly to survive. I don't want to get way off track, but in some ways I think that attitude can be a little off putting. That said one always wants to see more innovation and the people with nothing often are out to show it!

I haven't researched this contention that larger manufacturers create more jobs than little guys like you, but my overall impression is that the little guys, if they create any jobs at all, create them in the home country. It appears that the bigger manufacturers are creating jobs in low wage countries abroad.

To return to topic - I have never bothered to attend an RMAF show. Nonetheless, I will state that Tyson and Pez not only demonstrate impeccable personal integrity but also energize what is left of the audio community in a way that no one else I could name begins to approach. Their energy, clarity and expertise bring us a "you are there" sensation utterly absent in the high profile, "stuffier than thou" mainstream audio coverage. I have known and mingled personally with many reviewers over the years. Some have been close friends. None are outright crooks. Nonetheless, it must be said that there exists a quid pro quo, mutual back scratching systemic taint which has evolved over time as a consequence of human nature guided by self interest. Surely, were T&P to progress in the field to the point of depending on it for food, clothing and shelter, or merely prestige, they too would be subsumed.

What one has to understand about their efforts is that they are born of irrepressible curiosity, enthusiasm and good will. They are having and sharing their fun. They are kinda geeky and very technologically proficient. And their energy and high moral standards are born of youthfulness. The dissipation of that youth and the overall fatigue of thanklessness, cynicism and waning authenticity in audiophile motivation have likely conspired to induce their retirement.

Thank them for their contribution and go back to pursuit of the one tweak that will make all the difference. Have you seen my line of $7000 footers? They keep your tubes cool while eliminating crosstalk and preventing mildew. Six colors available from my stock catalog and custom paint and design by bid. Free keychain to the first 100 customers to mention this ad. Closed Tuesdays. Tyson loves his.


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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #55 on: 8 Oct 2015, 11:36 am »
It was great to have met you guys...your total dedication and effort showed people ( exhibitors) the real way to go about reviews...some like it and some did not! I know we did and are thankfull for what we learned from your opinions and we respect that. I have a great time being around you...and as we say in the "in the deep south" , there is no first without, will see you guys around.

Jason and Tyson...I salute you!!!

All the best to both of you.



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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #56 on: 8 Oct 2015, 11:43 am »
Appreciated the coverage again this year, its so cool to experience first hand like being there. I know what its like to carry a camera around and shoot photos at an event. Its a big sacrifice and can sometimes feel like you never got to enjoy event.

Thanks again!  :thumb:
+1  :thumb:
Thanks boys for your usual great job.
First hand reports are very important.
« Last Edit: 8 Oct 2015, 01:35 pm by FullRangeMan »


Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #57 on: 8 Oct 2015, 01:12 pm »
You guys have helped more people than you know. Extreme honesty for the budding audiophile and no pretentious attitude. I came in with no knowledge of gear and found this forum in January 2015 after a friend suggested Odyssey. Do you think I was able to find much about Odyssey products from the main mags and online sources? Not much, certainly not enough to make a purchase.

Thanks to you guys and many others on this forum I was comfortable enough to call Klaus and quickly learned that this is a slippery slope. I was hooked after receiving his gear and couldn't stop looking and reading which led me straight into Vapor Audio's Auroras. I had to register on this forum so I could ask questions that others hadn't asked. Not to say everyone that posts are helpful to everyone/anyone, but you can get a good idea by looking through their posts. We all have different ears and genre leanings which may require different gear to accomplish.

I haven't heard music sound so good since starting down this rabbit hole and it is all because of honest folks like you (especially you guys). Just think of how many unregistered "stalkers" are reading the past shows you have covered as I did. Thank you for allowing me to feed off of the knowledge and guidance you offer for free.

Have you seen my line of $7000 footers? They keep your tubes cool while eliminating crosstalk and preventing mildew. Six colors available from my stock catalog and custom paint and design by bid. Free keychain to the first 100 customers to mention this ad. Closed Tuesdays. Tyson loves his.
Dang! I need some of those in red, like now. Is that per footer? :scratch:

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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #58 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:20 pm »
These Guys failed to deliver objective opinions because they're weak characters,i told Tyson I'm with you 100% on your opinion and he said (i take a step back from my opinion)he didnt have an opinion on his reply,infact he told me no one can,unbelievable,You ask for their opinions and they dont have one,i quit,if he wants to play games with me,better find someone else to play his games,however i cant speak of Pez because i havent interacted with him,but i think Pez is a meaner character when he takes a decision he is firm,anyway they are great photographers, lots of great photos.... :thumb:

Unintelligible except for last line. 

JAMn Joe

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Re: FINAL final thoughts from Pez and Tyson.
« Reply #59 on: 8 Oct 2015, 02:42 pm »
Pez & Tyson,

All I can say is your detractors need to walk a mile (or in the case of RMAF, 5-10) in your shoes. It's mostly a job that will never please all of the people all of the time because opinions are subjective. Most people fail to realize that your opinions good, bad or indifferent are based on what you hear. Those of us that you both have reviewed, whether positively or negatively get to choose how we react to what you've written. We can choose to bash or discredit you when you give us a negative review or try to improve on the things you felt we were failing in. We have personally been on both sides of that sword, but that's our failing when our systems don't meet the standards the listeners expect and in those circumstances, shame on us as manufacturers and dealers. Hopefully when you're listening you are taking into account the show conditions, and while everyone says that the people setting up the rooms should treat them, keep in mind that can be an expensive proposition that some participants can't afford. Not that some great pillows and other inexpensive room tweaks shouldn't be incorporated. And again, shame on the participant that doesn't use a little ingenuity.

Someone else in this thread I think attributed harshness to youth. Time has a way of mellowing us all and their is truth in the statement that "The Pen is Mighty than the Sword". Wielding the power of the pen has consequences for those you write about, and thinking about that as you pen your comments can bear weight on their future. You have a responsibility to keep that in mind as you write. That doesn't mean that you can't tell the truth, you should but sometimes a gentle prodding can be just as effective and produce greater results than a beating. Most of us appreciate the hard work and effort you put into doing the show reviews, especially those that don't get to attend. They live through your ears and eyes. You can't please everyone but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take satisfaction and pride in pleasing the ones you can. I applaud your efforts and approach, even when it hurts sometimes and hope that you will step back and re-evaluate your consideration of retirement. What you guys do is needed within the industry, you provide a check and balance to the industry standard quid pro quo. You're also a huge voice for the smaller companies that get lost in the politics of audio, keep that in mind.

In any case, thanks for a job well done year after year! :thumb: