Live End/Dead End. . I forgot how incredible this Room Configuration is.

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John Casler

Recently, I decided to take on the task of remodeling.  A new GF had a little to do with it.

This included taking my 20 x 30 Living Room back to more a "conventional" usage.

Over the last decade or so, I have enjoyed the luxury of having BOTH High Performance 2 CHANNEL and 120" Big Screen Home Theater separately operating in this environment.

And while the 2 channel Listening Chamber was ABSOLUTELY UNREAL offering a purity to listening, generally only available with headphones.(BUT WITH A FULL SOUNDSTAGE) this chamber was not the most attractive solution to sonic purity (enter the GF  :nono:)

So, I came across a convertible Listening Chair (actually a Loveseat) that looked like it might allow me to Listen as a "NORMAL" Living Room, (if you can call a Live End/Dead End normal) but could easily convert to a semblance of my beloved Listening Chamber.

To make along story even longer, that Love Seat is on the way, and I just deconstructed my Listening Chamber, leaving me with the old standard LIVE END/DEAD END, until the new LoveSeat arrives.  For those of you who don't know the Live End/Dead End has been popular in some recording studios, and Listening Rooms for many years.  It relies on the FRONT Wall(s) being highly Damped or DEAD, and the rear and much of the side walls having little treatment.  So you are able to retain a sense of air, or spatial awareness, while the sound comes out of a Dark/Black Hole with great detail and clarity.

So, I cranked up the Elac Discovery, NuPRIME Electronics powering the EVOKE EDDIES and sat down to hear what I haven't heard in YEARS :o :o :o  Room Reflections and a Sense of Spatialality.

Now, in general I am an AUDIO PURIST.  I DON'T want to hear the room, I want ONLY the signal from the original recording reaching my ears.  I am not an psychoacoustic artist "painting" my room with sonic delights as "unreal" as they are.  But still, I have to say I enjoyed this sound A LOT!!!!

Brian Cheney of VMPS had his room set up like this, and it sounded glorious.

That said, I am even more excited about my new Love Seat/Listening Chair than ever.  "IF" it allows me to replicate my old Listening Chamber while easily being able to "convert" to a Live End/Dead End room too. . . I am all over it.

I have started a thread about this new Listening Chair here on EVOKE, so I will report, but for now, I am quite satisfied and excited about some more AUDIO fun, listening and experimentation.   :thumb:


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I have only seen your living room in the 'before' setup. It'll be difficult to imagine it as a mostly empty chamber.

I saw the picture of the chair. It'll be interesting to read how it works out for you.



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John, can you describe (or better yet post images) of before and after?

I never left LEDE thinking, but for the past 12 years have had my private studio (audio front/office rear) that follows Cardas 'Golden Cuboid' and near-field setup ratios to such good effect that treatments have little effect.

John Casler

John, can you describe (or better yet post images) of before and after?

I never left LEDE thinking, but for the past 12 years have had my private studio (audio front/office rear) that follows Cardas 'Golden Cuboid' and near-field setup ratios to such good effect that treatments have little effect.


I won't have after photos for a while as I am remodeling and waiting for the arrival of a new Listening Seat.

But here are a couple photos of the DEAD END, and the Old Listening Chamber.

John Casler


I have only seen your living room in the 'before' setup. It'll be difficult to imagine it as a mostly empty chamber.

I saw the picture of the chair. It'll be interesting to read how it works out for you.


It is ALL fun.

If this works as expected, I will have the best of a couple different listening and acoustical choices.

You two may have to stop in the next time you're in LA.


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What you have been doing is similar in scope to what I have done as well. Although my dampening was to have a large area behind the speakers allowing for a 15 to 25 millisecond delay of reflected sound from behind the speakers. I would also often put a large pillow behind my head to stop rearward reflections. Different approaches but similar outcomes. Good on you mate. This pictures shows what I am talking about. You having a 20x30 listening room is awesome.

Rocket Ronny


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Wow John, an environment that only an audiophile could love.   :)

Check out GIK here at AC.  Their treatments can be highly effective and decorative with customized artwork coverings.

Thanks for the invite, would love to visit sometime.