I decided to try some different cables to see if their jitter can be seen in the plots. Driven by the Synchro-Mesh and using a 44.1 track. Cables range from 1-1.5m in length.
First, here is how I connected the Synchro-Mesh directly to the scope:

Synchro-Mesh output jitter, no cable:

The two humps indicates that the driver pulling high has a slightly different output impedance than the drive pulling low.
Now, Jitter plot with Empirical Audio Standard 1.25m BNC-BNC cable, which is silver with expanded Teflon dielectric. Aerospace cable with true 75 ohm BNC connectors. Retails for $275 plus shipping and PayPal fee. Dynamo LPS supply powering it.

The two plots look very close. The two humps are more similar in magnitude.
Now, the spectrum of the Synchro-Mesh reclocker alone:

Very clean, low noise floor, no low-frequency jitter at all, and one small spike at around 1MHz and another smaller one near the big one.
Now, the Empirical Audio Standard BNC-BNC cable spectrum:

Very close to the spectrum with no cable at all, so the Standard BNC-BNC cable adds nothing significant. Both of the smaller spikes have decreased. I think we are seeing here the benefit of a minimum cable length. I always recommend 1.25-1.5m.
Now, jitter plot from cheap BNC cable with 50 ohm connectors on it (like $20):

The two peaks are fatter and much shorter (see difference in scale) and the space between them is less than the silver cable, but not bad.
Now Jitter plot of Belden 1694A cable with RCA connectors on it. Homemade, soldered.

The Belden 1694A is not so good. The two peaks are not even visible and shorter than the silver cable, but taller than the cheap BNC cable (see vertical scales). Does not sound good either. See listening correlation tests lower in the thread.
Here is the jitter plot of my old manually-built all silver twisted-pair RCA cable, the Bitmeister:

Pretty bad jitter compared to the silver cable I sell now. At the time, it sounded decent though.
This shows without a doubt that one can make a qualitative measurement as well as a quantitative measurement on digital cables that will correlate to sound quality.
Listening tests below have the following conclusions:
Our ratings for overall musicality:
1) Silver reference BNC-BNC cable
2) Bitmeister silver cable
3) Cheap BNC cable
4) 1694A RCA cable.
Steve N.