Jitter from Sonos and how much the Synchro-Mesh reduces it

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I used my jitter measurement system to record Sonos jitter while playing a 44.1 track (Sonos will only play 44.1):

About 9 ns of jitter using the Sonos alone.

Then I inserted a Synchro-Mesh 24/96 reclocker between the Sonos and the measurement system to reduce the jitter:

About 7psec of jitter.  The Sonos has 450 times more jitter than the Synchro-Mesh.

On the 10psec/div scale, here is how the Synchro-Mesh compares to my best Ethernet renderer, the Interchange:

Synchro-Mesh jitter, 10psec/div scale on the graph:

Interchange jitter, 10psec/div scale on the graph:

The Interchange has about 10psec of jitter and the Synchro-Mesh about 7psec of jitter.  Not too bad for a $699 reclocker eh?

Steve N.
« Last Edit: 13 Sep 2018, 08:34 pm by audioengr »


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Re: Jitter from Sonos and how much the Synchro-Mesh reduces it
« Reply #1 on: 10 Dec 2017, 06:10 am »
Ya, and there you go making me ALL excited about getting one of these back in my system. Awesome sauce!


Re: Jitter from Sonos and how much the Synchro-Mesh reduces it
« Reply #2 on: 12 Dec 2017, 06:38 pm »
Only 2 weeks left to get your free Synchro-Mesh jitter-reduction mods!

We should see some customer feedback here soon.

I plan to do the same measurements on my Oppo transport.  This should be interesting.

Steve N.


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Re: Jitter from Sonos and how much the Synchro-Mesh reduces it
« Reply #3 on: 13 Dec 2017, 03:48 pm »
The SMR made my old Pure i-20 and ipod sound unbelievable! On its own, that source was absolutely horrible. I can't wait to hear the SMR again with the latest upgrade.

Glad you are back Steve! Didn't take you long to advance on Ethernet stuff, and now here you go finding more advancements in not only your, but overall digital tech. Keep it up!


Re: Jitter from Sonos and how much the Synchro-Mesh reduces it
« Reply #4 on: 13 Dec 2017, 06:07 pm »
The SMR made my old Pure i-20 and ipod sound unbelievable! On its own, that source was absolutely horrible. I can't wait to hear the SMR again with the latest upgrade.

Glad you are back Steve! Didn't take you long to advance on Ethernet stuff, and now here you go finding more advancements in not only your, but overall digital tech. Keep it up!

Thanks.  I actually had a lull in sales and a short bout with a bad tooth, but I'm better now.  This gave me time to tinker a bit and I made some discoveries that surprised me.  Now I'm putting these into all of my products.

Steve N.


Re: Jitter from Sonos and how much the Synchro-Mesh reduces it
« Reply #5 on: 19 Dec 2017, 12:35 am »
The SMR made my old Pure i-20 and ipod sound unbelievable! On its own, that source was absolutely horrible. I can't wait to hear the SMR again with the latest upgrade.

Glad you are back Steve! Didn't take you long to advance on Ethernet stuff, and now here you go finding more advancements in not only your, but overall digital tech. Keep it up!

I need to try the SM on my Pure i20 and ipod!

Steve N.


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Re: Jitter from Sonos and how much the Synchro-Mesh reduces it
« Reply #6 on: 21 Dec 2017, 12:38 am »
I need to try the SM on my Pure i20 and ipod!

Steve N.

Yes you do! It was the source to beat when I had it.