SR3 or SR5 to run a Mac Mini for audio?

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SR3 or SR5 to run a Mac Mini for audio?
« on: 17 Nov 2013, 05:41 pm »

A while ago I reported that, at least for use as a music server, the SR3 can easily provide enough current to run a Mac Mini, and that it gave a quite extraordinary improvement to the music performance of a 2009 Mini. Later, I did a comparison of the SR3 with a Mojo supply, using two different 2009 Minis and a high-end system, in the US.

The later experiment showed that even though the SR3 was a very big improvement on the Apple “white brick” supply, there was quite a lot more to be gained by going to the higher current Mojo supply, at least on this rather expensive system. This, together with Paul’s multi-buy offer of last year, persuaded me that I should try an SR5 on my considerably less expensive system (below).

I have now had the SR5 for a few weeks; there was a big change during the first week of ‘burn-in’, but it appears to have stabilised now. I found a very similar improvement, by changing from SR3 to SR5, to the improvement which the Mojo gave on the high-end system. Using the same recordings as before, there was the same improvement in audio quality, and in the feel for the recording acoustic, on changing to the higher current supply. Perhaps because detail is now clearer, I find myself turning down volume levels.

There is also a significant improvement in bass definition. One recording where this effect is very clear is the Bartok Sonata for two pianos and percussion (Perahia, Solti, Glennie, Corkhill). This opens with a pianissimo kettledrum roll, which previously was just that, but now each individual drumbeat is focussed; when the pianos answer from the bottom end of the keyboards, they too are sharper-edged. Later as things build up there are several bass drum entries- these always gave the feeling of shaking the room, but now I hear the start of the ‘note’ clearly as well.

The SR3 is a superb bit of kit, which gives a great improvement in audio performance for the Mini at a reasonable cost. Nevertheless, the SR5, at least on my system, is a very worthwhile improvement on it, and I’m very pleased I made the investment. Thank you Paul for the multi-buy arrangement (even if it did take a bit longer than either of us expected…).

2009 Mini, 60G SSD, 4G Ram; WiFi, Bluetooth and CD drive all removed, operated headless via bridge, running Audirvana+ (integer mode), isolated USB to Audiolab M-DAC, Creek passive preamp, Flying Mole MA-S160 (2x 100w Class D) , and Audiovector 3X. Transparent speaker cables, Mark Grant interconnects.

Briz Vegas

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Re: SR3 or SR5 to run a Mac Mini for audio?
« Reply #1 on: 17 Nov 2013, 07:51 pm »
How many hours of burn in did you need before things stabilised and do you leave your power on 24/7?

The SR7 multi I have on order will be running both a Weiss INT202 interface and a SSD MacBook Pro.  I am expecting similar benefits, although things are already sounding brilliant.  It will be interesting to see if it gives double the benefit.  I should be able to mix and match with the standard supplies to see where the greatest benefit lies, just to satisfy my curiosity. I have a Nordost Odin from the wall to a system Qbase and Valhallas to the components but power supplies still bring improvements.  I was going to have a Valhalla for the Paul Hynes but it now runs a new Naim power supply and I've reached my insanity threshold on expensive power cords so there will be no more.

Adding the XPS2 power supply with the new discrete regulators to my Naim DAC was a huge eye opener, although in that case the supply runs the analogue stage of the DAC only, leaving the inboard supply to run the chips.  In my case the system is Conrad Johnson CT5/LP70s and Vivids medium sized B1s.  I will report on my findings when the SR7 arrives.


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Re: SR3 or SR5 to run a Mac Mini for audio?
« Reply #2 on: 18 Nov 2013, 10:34 pm »
You raise a good point- I was sloppy in saying ‘a week’ without specifying that I don’t run 24/7. Since I was doing a lot of comparisons I was running more than usual, so the best estimate I can give is that it probably took 50-70 hr. before things seemed stable. Your system is likely to be much more discriminating, so you might well need longer. Paul estimated ‘a couple of weeks’.

I will be very interested to know if you see a big improvement with a MacBook. When I was getting started with computer audio, using an old Powerbook (pre-Intel!), I asked Mach 2 why they didn’t go for laptops, which can run from the battery, rather than using the Mini. I was told that there was too much noise from the inverter which drives the back-light for the screen. Does ‘closed clamshell’ operation make any difference for you?

Briz Vegas

  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 17
Re: SR3 or SR5 to run a Mac Mini for audio?
« Reply #3 on: 19 Nov 2013, 12:46 pm »
Closed clam shell.  Like it.

Well the screen and keyboard go to sleep after a minute anyway. Not sure what shutting up shop would achieve electrically.
« Last Edit: 19 Nov 2013, 07:51 pm by Briz Vegas »